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Lv 4
? asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

How can abortion be defined as anything less than baby killing?

People that are pro-choice, do you see abortion as not killing unborn babies? If you say its their choice to make then whats stopping anyone that feels like it, to come into your home and shoot your child in the head? After all it was their choice. If you disagree with this prove me wrong with reason not swearing and insults.


Change the scenario to someone who wasn't raped and has been pregnant for one month.

12 Answers

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I personally think the matter actually begins before even conception. Sex IS reproduction and is the intended result and effect. Whether one believes in God, a god or no deity whatsoever, this cannot be disputed. It's the unbridled truth. For those who dispute this: Why the hell are there contraceptives in order to prevent pregnancy if it's not the intended result of bearing a child?

    Abortion goes against the laws of nature, let alone what anyone chooses to believe spiritually. People need to learn to keep it in their pants if they aren't willing to pay for their mistake of getting pregnant in the first place. The lack of austerity and basic discipline in the world sickens me.

    Abortion is murder. The fetus WAS in the least GOING to become a child at birth which was just denied it's right! Instead got it's brain sucked out by a f*cking vacuum! It's F*CKING murder.

  • 5 years ago

    Neutral, there are always exceptions for example, if I got pregnant I would HAVE to get an abortion because my "organs" have problems and if I got pregnant, I wouldn't know so I would just goabout taking my medications and birth control until I get obvious signs, I often skip periods so it will be in more than a months time, and if I go about this too long I will have a deadly miscarriage. so some cases it's safe that way. but I think is the child is unwanted put them up for adoption. but abortion doesn't hurt this over populated society and it is frowned down upon by alot of people so it isn't like all of man kind will be aborted off the earth lol but it prevents women from having a kid and pregnacy if it will get in the way of their lifestyle and give you streach marks, like me for an example, I'm 19 and going to college in the fall to become a doctor and my life revolves around me in this stage, I don't think people my age should worry about raising a family, they should just focus on themselves. but the aborted fetuses do go to a good cause as stem cell research. but it will be on the conscience later on about what they have done and what if they would've had it, it should be starting the 2nd grade by this time.. but I do support the idea of the clinics. If the girls doesn't want to have a baby they would throw themselves down the stairs anyways or use a close hanger D: so it's best left to the professionals to keep the women for hurting or even killing themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't see it as baby killing.. because it is not a baby.. it is a fetus

    I've read that the fetus does not have the brain capacity to feel pain, but I could be wrong. Personally, I wouldn't have an abortion, but I think it is fine for others..

    My opinion:

    If you're pro-life.. then do you eat meat? Kill bugs? Kill weeds? kill germs with disinfectants?

    Those are all life.

    The thing that bothers me about human beings is most think that we are superior to all other animals.. Many animals out there will kill their young. We say "this is in their nature" etc.. It is also in our nature! Early cavemen ate human meat as part of their everyday diet.. usually children because they were weaker..

    Many people say "at least have the baby and put it up for adoption..." Many adoption agencies are overfilled. Children will suffer longer this way.. (not all, but a lot)

    Plus, it is their body and it should be their choice. You don't know their situation and even if you did it should be none of your business...

    I also believe abortion helps to keep the population under control.. which is important to maintaining human life as well..

    Now, I'm not saying it is right, but dictating how someone lives their life is wrong..and should not be done

    Source(s): I am pro-choice. . The scenario doesn't matter.. the person could still be an awful mother.. or not have a stable place to raise it.. you never know the persons situation..
  • 1 decade ago

    Because what constitutes a "baby" is debatable. For the most part, I agree with you that there is a point where a baby is a baby and aborting it is killing a baby. But it isn't all that simple, because POTENTIAL baby is not the same thing as BABY, and at what exact moment the lump of cells in the body is "baby" is not as clear cut as Pro-Lifers pretend that it is. For you to "prove" you are right, you have to come up with a definition of when a baby is a baby and prove you are right. But it ultimately is a subjective argument. Is it a baby at conception? Why? How? Based on what definition that everyone can agree on? Or is it not a baby till it has a brain and heart? At what exact moment is the heart a heart and the brain a brain? Factor in cases of incest, rape, threat of death to the mother, serious deformation that will result in the "baby" living a wretched life... abortion simply is not that simple. Hey, look. I basically agree with you. I think that using abortion as method of birth control is wrong. I think late abortions are wrong. But ultimately, there is more to it, and frankly... they don't have to prove you wrong. You're the one disagreeing with them. The burden of proof lies on YOU. Good luck!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I see it as mother saving not baby killing. And in some cases it is baby saving. Saving them from a hostile situation where they may not have even survived in the first place.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry but abortion is murder period. Once the sperm fertilizes that egg its a living thing GROWING and DEVELOPING in the womans body plain and simple.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    two cells that get connected, don't have a heartbeat. i think it's ok in the first 2 months. but not if you're using aboriton as birth control. then you deserve to die.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well the justification is that life did not begin yet. Technically when you masturbate it is depriving a potential life of life but that isn't a crime

  • ??
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It all depends on when you believe life begins...

  • 1 decade ago

    no its not the same

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