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Favorite Answers45%
  • How can I transfer all of my data from my iTouch to my new PC?

    About half my data on my iTouch was purchased on my friend's account which she has since deleted and can't give the password to authorize my purchases. What is a good program that can transfer all of my data back to my iTunes? I tried one but under video, it only had my movies and none of my 50+ tv shows. No more than 20 dollars for the program, thanks.

    1 AnswerDesktops9 years ago
  • What are the immediate medical effects of a broken trachea?

    Self explanatory question, also how much force does it roughly take to break the trachea? Thanks.

    8 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • How to deal with drug induced enemies?

    I'm talking about anyone from a drunk to a psycho on an acid trip. If negotiations have failed and they wish you harm, how does it change the fight if they are under some kind of influence?

    I've already heard of people not stopping to broken shoulders because they were high and didn't feel a lot of pain. Right now I would plan on choking them unconscious but after some of the stories I've heard, I'm starting to second guess how it would go down.

    Answers from people with experience would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    7 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this saying?

    "More than one, bring a gun." Agree, disagree? I've been doing a lot of thinking about the pros and cons between empty hand techniques and modern weaponry. Feel free to share any thoughts you have on this quote.

    8 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Knife fighting knowledge help?

    I need help with finding some resources that can help improve my proficiency with a knife in a combat situation. I'm fairly confident with my current ability but I have no formal knowledge and if I were to need to use my knife, I would want to be absolutely sure what I was doing. I doubt anything but real training will significantly help but I'm willing to look into other options. There are no formal schools of training anywhere near me but I was wondering if any tips, websites, or videos could help at all. Thanks.

    9 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • What is good prior experience for the FBI?

    I'm planning on entering the FBI as a career but it's recommended that I have prior experience. I want to get into the FBI ASAP after college so what would be a good way to rack up some experience? Is there anyway I can work in law enforcement or the military during college? Thanks.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Can you recommend any good techno songs?

    I've really gotten into techno and dubstep lately and I need more stuff. I'm looking for techno songs with a really catchy, fast paced style. Something similar to "All I really Wanted" - Basshunter or "Ravers Fantasy" - Manian.

    Any other really epic dubstep or techno you know, feel free to share those also. Thanks.

    7 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Why do some people punch with their thumbs in?

    I've heard certain people say that when punching you should keep your thumbs on the inside of your fists. When I do this it feels very unnatural and awkward, the only reason I can think of for this is to protect your thumbs. Do you do this and do you know why its done?

    4 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Please explain this theory?

    I'm not sure theory is the best word for it but I have seen comments stating that if put in the situation where a mugger asks for you're wallet you just give it to him. Even if the mugger isn't armed they would give over their possessions to this criminal. I have seen these statements even coming from people that have considerable martial arts training.

    I just don't understand, my way of looking at it is if you can physically stop them from robbing you without being seriously injured then you should do it. Wouldn't giving them the wallet without a fight be promoting crime? What are your thoughts?

    17 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • At what point in self-defense would you use severe tactics?

    I'm talking about biting, eye-gouging, clawing, and lethal attacks. What degree of danger would it take for you to use these attacks? I mean if a drunk pushed you into a wall would you punch him in the trachea or rip his ear off? I personally would only use these if my life was in real danger but what about you.

    25 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Full contact vs light contact?

    How does teaching in light contact (training against people that don't use full or most force against you) prepare you for combat, sport or defense. To my knowledge many martial arts teach in light contact and I've been wondering why? Now I know that some martial arts have certain techniques that obviously couldn't be used with full contact, eye gouging, throat blows, etc. It has been proven that full contact training prepares you much better so why don't all martial arts try to incorporate as much contact as possible? I also think this is a big reason why MMA and certain TMA don't always get along. I personally like MMA and I try to respect all martial arts but I have to admit I have a bias against light contact training. How does light contact prepare you?

    13 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Question for self-defense oriented martial artists?

    I'm aware that certain styles of martial arts include killing blows, what are some of these? I'm not asking so I can kill someone obviously but I am curious of how you would kill someone within a few strikes. The only ways that I know you can kill with are with throat attacks and strangulation. It would be great if you could explain the medical side of it too, thanks.

    8 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • How can abortion be defined as anything less than baby killing?

    People that are pro-choice, do you see abortion as not killing unborn babies? If you say its their choice to make then whats stopping anyone that feels like it, to come into your home and shoot your child in the head? After all it was their choice. If you disagree with this prove me wrong with reason not swearing and insults.

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why do any TMA practitioners have a warped perception of BJJ?

    Before I start I'm really not trying to be ignorant, arrogant, or immature, in any way. I have noticed over the past few days that a decent amount of people here don't have an idea of a real BJJ school. It sometimes seems as though many of the TMA practitioners just group BJJ into the UFC category and think that its useless out of the ring. For many of the new BJJ gyms this is correct but people shouldn't be basing BJJ off of the McDojos.

    I'll use my dojo/club as an example. It is a relatively small school that has been going for over ten years, it is run by two real black belts, makes literally no profit - just enough to pay for equipment or trips, and teaches sport and self-defence aspects of BJJ fighting.

    I have been annoyed at the generalizations that BJJ has been put into and I'm just writing this to see what some of the TMA people here think and if they actually knew what a good BJJ school was like.

    16 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • What is a good beginners .45?

    I have experience with .22 and 9mm pistols but not really much with .45s. I'm planning on purchasing a .45 asp soon but I don't which brand would best suit a beginner. Which brands of .45s do you think would be best as a starter .45, preferable between $500-$750. Thanks.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • In MMA why doesn't the losing fighter swing for the fences?

    In an MMA fight when someone is getting beat unanimously, how come they almost always go into the 2nd or 4th round acting all skittish and cautious? Why don't they just start swinging for the fences, they've got nothing to lose? This really got me thinking after watching the GSP vs Koscheck fight.

    6 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • What are your opinions on the Keysi Fighting Method?

    I have been looking into the Keysi Fighting Method (KFM) and I have to say that it does look cool but is it actually practical? What are your thoughts on this martial art, pros and cons. If you don't like it, try to refrain from overly bashing it. Thanks.

    6 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Does Batman use any real martial arts in the recent movies?

    I know that it is choreographed movie fighting but I was watching The Dark Knight recently and I thought I saw hints of real martial arts being used. If any are used what are they?

    5 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • What martial art mixes well with BJJ for self defense?

    I want to learn a more self defense oriented martial art that would mesh well with my BJJ training. When I say self defense I mean mostly weapon oriented, like knife and gun disarms. I like Krav Maga, but I want to know if there is a better option that could go with BJJ. Any ideas about what you think would be a practical choice to learn. Thanks.

    7 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Karate Style Questions?

    I have to admit that I've had a minor bias against karate but I'm trying to change that. It is mainly due to all the McDojos that teach karate, I know that certain styles of karate are very brutal and effective, but the only real examples that I have are of McDojos. I would like you to broaden my understanding of the different styles and tell me how they are different. Examples (spelled wrong) Kempo, Kyokashin, Goju Ryu, and so on. Thanks.

    12 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago