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Wives, what do you use for birth control?

I've been using the pill but I feel like

the hormones make me kinda irritable

and was thinking of switching to the sponge.

what do you use and did you have trouble

like I'm having with the pill??

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try a different one, some are milder than others :)

    Source(s): DA
  • 1 decade ago

    I am using an IUD ~Mirena.

    I don't recommend it to anyone.

    I have intense mood swings and irritability that were the worst right after I got it (and even though I am now aware of it, I still can't control it)~ and this is the number one complaint of anyone using it.. wish I had paid attention to that and not gotten it!

    I break out~ worse than teenager breakouts but really painful.. I bled for the first year almost all the time~ then my periods went from 4 days to 9.. and instead of every 3 weeks (my normal cycle 21 days) they went to every 2 weeks (yeah.. I know).. then they went back to normal~ or more normal .. 28 day cycle 2 day periods that are almost nonexistent..

    I cramp, ALL the time.

    My strings disappeared so I can't do a self check anymore, and when the doctor checks he has to use an ultrasound.. (I have read about people losing their strings.. they became embedded in the cervix.. the idea makes me cringe..)

    I lost hair for months.. like gobs at a time!! Then it stopped..

    My doctor assured me everything is fine. (He is an idiot. He also told me during my daughter's birth if I didn't push harder he would have to give me an episiotomy.. since he twiddled his thumbs, my daughter got stuck, and when she finally came out I tore all the way through.. he should have just cut rather than threaten me)

    Some people will be okay for a couple years, then they lose their strings.. go get checked.. and believe it or not.. it has migrated *through* the uterine wall and is wandering around by organs. People have had to have it surgically removed from next to their liver, stomach, kidneys...

    Anyways~ the only side effect I ever noticed with the pill was nausea. I can live with that after all this lol~

    Anyways~ I know you are asking about the pill but I want this information out there.. especially since I wanted something else and my doctor convinced me to get an IUD because of the "convenience."

    I haven't heard much bad about the sponge~ except an increased risk of yeast infections.~ but I think if you take the proper vitamins you may be alright. (Acidophilus, yogurt with live and active cultures).

    I considered a cervical cap.. but I have given birth twice.. that reduces the effectiveness greatly (and seeing I don't want to have more kids that doesn't work for me).. so I will probably go back to the pill~

  • 1 decade ago

    The Mirena IUD, had two and no accidents with either. I too am not highly compatible with the pill, when I was younger I could take it, but now the same issues you explain plus some. The mirena is great for me, after a year you generally quit having periods, it is as effective as sterilization, and you actually have to go and have it removed to start trying to get pregnant, very little room for user error like most other choices out there - I loved that we could decide to stay away for a weekend on a whim and not worry if I brought my pills or when taking antibiotics! Not only that, but nothing beats $15.00 for five years of birth control.

  • 1 decade ago

    The pill for 14 years; the Depo shot for 3 (which worked fine for me) then baby...and the BC disasters began - we just couldn't seem to nail down the right type of pill for vasectomy won! I haven't been on BC for years now...

    You can try an IUD that is not drug/hormone coated. Avoids pregnancy without the hormonal drug side effects.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Her presurgery method was my vasectomy.

    I will tell you though that over the years we had used the pill, IUD and the absolute best

    method was a diaphragm.

    If you do not mind taking the 30 seconds to use a spermicide gel and insertion it ends up being the least intrusive and most effective method.

    Benign, effective, barrier method and does not mess with hormones.

    The only drawback is that you will have to remove it the next morning.

    An adult woman should not have an issue "touching herself".

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Rhythm, or condoms. Really don't like the condoms. I refuse to use hormones, because they aren't good for you. Have you ever really read all the fine print on the insert?

    I really like the diaphragm, no hormones, no interruption. Tended to get UTI's (urinary tract infections) with it. Learned that a glass of cranberry juice a day, keeps the UTI's away. Never had a problem since. It is very dependable.

    All my children were planned.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had terrible trouble taking the pill. I was so ill and mean, my poor husband thought I was losing my mind! My face also broke out and I gained about 10 pounds. I went off of it and wanted to try something different, but my doctor recommended waiting one month in between switching. My beautiful little surprise happened during that month (when we were just pulling out, so I *don't* recommend that!) but after she's born, I believe I'm going to try the implant.

  • 1 decade ago

    A copper IUD. It's the best decision I've ever made. I hate hormones and they make me feel angry all the time. The IUD got us through college without a baby, and we got pregnant immediately after it was removed.

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I eventually decided I was pretty much allergic to hormonal birth control when I became suicidal on the Mirena.

    Husband had a vasectomy.

  • 1 decade ago

    i hated the pill-it made me irritable too & i didn't even have a sex drive anymore. took me two years for it to finally kick back in after quitting the pill. right now i don't use anything-just do the pull out method-also i know my cycle so i know when not to have sex to avoid getting pregnant. otherwise condoms.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just condoms. Although I only use Trojan brand... for some reason I feel like they are the best.

    I was on the pill in hs and I hated it. Made me nauseous.

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