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Lv 5

Messianic Jews and Jews Who Believe In Jesus...What Convinced You That Jesus Is The Messiah?

This question is for Messianic Jews or for other Jews who believe in and embrace Jesus as the Messiah. I've seen the rhetoric put out by the organizations that attempt to discredit the Messiah-ship of Jesus, and I realize that they are not terribly convincing. But I'd like to hear from some individual Jews who have embraced Jesus as the Messiah after being taught to reject Jesus. What changed your views? Was there a particular scripture or a particular prophecy? Was it simply a personal encounter with God? Messianic Jews and other Jews who believe in Jesus, only, please.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was a Christian and I was lead to Messianic Judaism through Jesus Christ Son of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Even Christian sources that are more than sympathetic and charitable to the 1960s movement 'Messianic Judaism' will concede that 80-95% of Messianic "Jews" were never raised in a Jewish family, and cannot even be seriously called an apostate from Judaism. There is even some embarrassment amongst many of the leaders of the missionary movements, caused by the fact that their congregations do the opposite of what they were intended to do. Rather than convert Jews, they tend to draw from Christians...many of whom become interested in what Judaism actually is, and, upon doing the objective research, make a bona fide conversion to a genuine branch of Judaism. So, in all honesty, your average Messianic "Jew" embraced "Yeshua HaMashiach'' when he was sitting in his family pew at the local Southern Baptist church, read a flier about the overwhelming need to help bring the Jews to Christ, and wondered if he had a Jewish great-grandmother.

    And "Jews who believe in Jesus' simply do not exist...adherents of Judaism and a veneration of a demigod are two conflicting realities. To argue otherwise would be as absurd and/or asinine as Muslim missionary projects that argue that real Christians are Muslims.


  • 1 decade ago

    Their Christian parents. Almost none of Messanics were ever Jewish.

    They were raised in Christian environments, or some in non-educated atheist environments.

    Less than 2% of Messanics were ever Jewish. Less than 10% have any Jewish heritage in their family. The points of these movements is to approach niave, uneducated, vunerable Jews & fool them into converting by declaring Messanic Christianity is a form of Judaism. They said so themselves in the conferences where they decided to change their name from Hebrew Christians to Messanic "Judaism." They also haven't been very successful. Most of their membership is from Christianity.

    For for the few with some Jewish connection, almost all were raised in a Christian country with almost no Jewish education. Furthermore, in personal experience Jews have noticed they tend to be passive aggressive with severe family issues. They were seeking, had nothing Jewish they were replacing & happened onto Christianity in a form decided to rope them in, pretty much in a cult style that Christianity as a whole doesn't use. Once converted out, Judaism no longer counts them in the Jewish community.

    Jewish sites don't try to discredit the messiah, they state outright that belief in messiah is NOT part of Judaism. Those are TWO DIFFERENT statements. They do not try to convince Christians to stop believing. Only everyone to stop allowing Messanics to FALSELY claim they are part of Judaism, & to be honest Christians instead (Judaizing Christians who use some Jewish rituals in their Christian theology). (audio tapes under the aboutus page)

  • Hudie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Most Messianic Jews are not Jews according to Jewish Law.

    1. You cannot worship anyone or anything other than HaKodesh Boruchu and still be a Jew.

    2. Your Mother must have been Jewish or you or she must have had a Kosher Orthodox Conversion. Anything less and it is a lie to call oneself a Jew.

    3. Real Jews are opposed to proselytizing in any form.

    Source(s): Be Honest - Lying in the name of your deity is so stupid.
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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    In Judaism to believe that G-d would take human form and come to earth as the Messiah is blasphemous.

    So even if someone born Jewish accepted Jesus as the Messiah that person is no longer counted as part of the Jewish people.

    A person who accepts Jesus as the Messiah is a Christian.

  • 1 decade ago

    there's no attempt to discredit the 'messiah-ship' of jesus, there's simply too much damning evidence against him. nobody has to attempt to discredit jesus, his myth is proof enough that he never existed. it's full of errors and contradictions. any rational person who reads it and compares it to verifiable historical evidence can see right away.

    also, 'messianic jews' are christians attempting to disguise themselves as jews.

  • Chaya
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Jews don't believe in Jesus. You know that. Is this a trick question?






    Source(s): .....Devarim 4:13-20 ...Do not image G-d as any object, animal, creeping thing, human being or any created thing.....
  • What an open mind you have.

    'Rhetoric', 'not terribly convincing'.

    You're really not the least bit interested in being convinced, are you?

    Source(s): The death of EVERY OTHER messianic candidate without completing the messianic tasks was seen as final proof that he wasn't actually the Messiah If you want us to change that rule for one, we have to change that rule for all of the others.
  • 1 decade ago

    A partiklar verse or "prophecy" is sure weak support. Faith alone is all. Da messia wuz made up by da rabbis & messia is only in da OT. Der wuz mini messias (more lak Moshiacs) in da old testament, nun wuz Jesus. It wuz Christ wat Jesus wuz, not messia. It wuz Christ dat dem folk in the NT writ bout. Nuthin in da OT wuz bout Jesus. All of Jesus is in da Neu Testament, cuz he wuz a Neu idea. Ol paul, or ol saul sayed da old testament n da laws o God wuz all obsolete, all dead & stinky.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jews love Jesus for the business he brings to them and for nothing else.

    Jews know that there never was and never will be a Messiah bearing the Greek/Latin/Hebrew name of Jesus because they know and believe that the Quran is correct when it says that the Messiah was not crucified.

    Jews know that two thieves were named Jesus by Pilate for their unexpected crucifixion on the Sabbath in Jerusalem after the Messiah was declared innocent and sent on his way as a free man.

    Jews know that "Jews" is a racist stigma and a part of the crucifixion hoax in the Bible.

    Jews know that Christianity is paganism and polytheism.

    Jews know that walls and settlements will not hand the lost land back to them but they hope to own the whole of USA one day.

    You cannot fool the Jews about Jesus.

    They know they are Bani Israel and must return to Allah.

    Source(s): Quran Bible The Age Of Reason by M A Raheem and Mervyn C Charles
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