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Lv 59,190 points

Troy F

Favorite Answers37%

Apostolic Pentecostal lay preacher. Happily married. 47 years old. Translator and high school Spanish teacher. President of local Esperanto society near Oklahoma City.

  • For Messianic Jews (and other Jews who believe in Jesus)-what special challenges did you face?

    I am not a Jew, but I converted to my faith when I was 13. I faced tremendous conflict, opposition, and even outright harassment over my faith, and it went on for years. My parents were not religious people, and they hated it that I was. The conflicts raged, and hostility regarding my faith made me feel like an outsider in my own family. Thing is, most people I went to church with were clueless as to what I was going through--they had no idea.

    It is glaringly apparent that when Jews come to believe in Jesus, they often face a tremendous amount of hostility as well. I was wondering what special challenges you faced, particularly if you came to faith in Jesus during your teen years. How did you deal with hostility from your family and other important people in your life? Did it make you stronger in your faith? What efforts were made to try to convince you to renounce your faith?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Sway back in Spanish?

    How do you say "sway back" or "swayed back" in Spanish? Thanks!

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • ¿Cómo se llama el símbolo "#"?

    La tecla que se empuja en el teléfono que significa "número ________"-- el # -el símbolo del juego "gato"---¿Cómo se llama en español?

    5 AnswersIdiomas10 years ago
  • Messianic Jews and Jews Who Believe In Jesus...What Convinced You That Jesus Is The Messiah?

    This question is for Messianic Jews or for other Jews who believe in and embrace Jesus as the Messiah. I've seen the rhetoric put out by the organizations that attempt to discredit the Messiah-ship of Jesus, and I realize that they are not terribly convincing. But I'd like to hear from some individual Jews who have embraced Jesus as the Messiah after being taught to reject Jesus. What changed your views? Was there a particular scripture or a particular prophecy? Was it simply a personal encounter with God? Messianic Jews and other Jews who believe in Jesus, only, please.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • ¿Cuáles métodos de disciplina se usan en las escuelas de Argentina?

    Soy un profesor en una escuela pública en los EEUU. Quisiera saber cómo son disciplinados los muchachos en las escuelas de Argentina. También, ¿Cómo se llamas estos métodos?

    Por ejemplo, los muchachos aquí son castigados por mandarlos a un cuarto aparte---tienen que presentarse en la escuela, pero no van a sus clases--van a un cuarto de castigo donde pasan todo el día (supuestamente) en silencio, haciendo las tareas que se les mandan los profesores. Eso se llama "in-school suspension" Por infracciones más serias, se los manda a la casa. No se permite que vengan a la escuela por un período definitivo de tiempo. Eso se llama "out-of-school suspension". En algunas escuelas, también se les da nalgadas con un palo.

    Por infracciones menores, es común darles detenciones---se tienen que quedar después de clases y sentarse quietos---usualmente leyendo o haciendo tarea.

    ¿Qué se hace en Argentina? ¿Cuáles métodos de disciplina son más comunes en las escuelas, y cómo se llaman?'

    Gracias por su ayuda.

    1 AnswerPrimaria y Secundaria1 decade ago
  • Are most Messianic Jews in the United States Ashkenazi or Sephardic?

    I was wondering particularly about the style of Hebrew used while davening---if someone grows up using Ashkenaz pronunciation prior to coming to faith in Jesus, what is the likelihood of him winding up in a Messianic synagogue that favors Sephardic pronunciation, or vice versa? Is it ever a problem if the parents learned to daven one way, and the chidren in the Messianic synagogue's Hebrew day school program are taught a different pronunciation? What about older Jews who are used to one tradition or another? I've never read any commentary on this, and I would like to hear from Messianic Jews who have dealt with this issue.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Friends, Subscribers--What's the Difference?

    What is the difference between a "Friend" and a "Subscriber" on You Tube? Do you normally add someone as a friend after you've become a subscriber to his channel? What's the difference, and what access does one get that the other does not?

    4 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • Jewish Music Question From Psalms?

    What is the difference between a Mizmor, and Shir, and a Tehilla? I'm getting confusing and vague information. Are all Psalms tehillas, but each individual one is called a mizmor? Is any song a shir, or does that word only refer to a particular kind of song? Does a song have to be an ode or story in order to be a mizmor? Thank you for your help!

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does this Arabic phrase mean?

    Could somebody who reads Arabic please tell me what this means?

    Ten quick points! Thanks:

    وما السائل أعلم بالمسؤل يا سونجا يا حبيبتي

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Do Policemen Who Voted For Obama Now Feel That They "Acted Stupidly"?

    If you as a policeman supported Obama, do you feel betrayed, given the fact that Obama even said he didn't have all the facts, yet he publicly stuck his nose in and condemned the police? I was appalled.

    And how do you all feel about the "Beer Summit"---wasn't that political grandstanding at its finest?

    I'd like to know how members of law enforcement agencies are feeling now.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What do SENATOR Barbara Boxer's petulance and pettiness show about today's Congress?

    Army Corps of Engineers division leader, Brigadier General Michael Walsh appeared before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on Tuesday. During an exchange about levees in New Orleans, General Walsh addressed Boxer as "Ma'am". Oh, my....the audacity! (When did "ma'am" become disrespectful?) Boxer interrupted him and asked him to call her "SENATOR" instead of "ma'am", saying she had "worked so hard" for that title. Do you suppose the Brigadier General had to work to get into HIS position? Now I've heard it all.

    For someone that petty and that touchy to be in the senate at all has certain ominous implications for America. What kind of a society have we turned into when people with this level of petulance can actually get elected? General Walsh wasn't insulting Boxer at all b calling her "ma'am". Afterall, none of the gentlemen of the senate were offended at being called "Sir". Perhaps we need to start a letter-writing campaign requesting that SENATOR Boxer consider growing up. What does it say about our society when people like this can get elected?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does Messianic Judaism recognize only matrilineal descent in determining Jewish identity?

    If a gentile woman converts to Judaism in a Messianic synagogue, naturally, her children are considered Jewish by the rest of the congregation. But suppose a man who was raised Chabad Lubovitch grows up and becomes secular, and then marries a gentile woman. He later converts to Messianic Judaism and joins a Messianic congregation. Will the Messianic rabbi consider his children to be full-fledged Jews? Or will they need to go through the conversion process on their own, despite having a Jewish father?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there a good Chinese restaurant in Toluca?

    If you could give me the name of the establishment and the hours, I would appreciate it. Also, anything you could tell me about what's good on the menu and the price range would also be appreciated. THANKS!

    2 AnswersToluca1 decade ago
  • ¿Adóndo va uno para obtener una licencia para conducir en México?

    ¿Cómo se dice licencia para conducir en México? ¿Es un carnet? ¿Un permiso? ¿Una licencia? ¿Adónde hay que ir---a una agencia o despacho de algún tipo? ¿A un departamento del gobierno? ¿Cómo se llama la oficina adónde hay que ir? ¿Hay que aprobar un exámen?

    4 AnswersIdiomas1 decade ago
  • ¿Adónde hay que ir en México para pagar las utilidades?

    ¿Cómo se llama la oficina adonde va uno para pedir/pagar servicio de agua? ¿De recolección de basura? ¿De electricidad/gas para la casa? ¿De teléfono? Son compañías diferentes, o habrá un ministerio del gobierno que se encarga de todo de eso?

    3 AnswersIdiomas1 decade ago
  • ¿Qué es un polirrubro en inglés?

    Necesito saber como decir polirrubro en inglés, y también maxikiosco. ¿Son sinónimos? ¿Es una tienda de conveniencia? Gracias.

    1 AnswerIdiomas1 decade ago
  • ¿Puedo usar una tarjeta estadounidensa Visa para pagar algo en México?

    Vivo en los EEUU y tengo una tarjeta Visa. Acabo de comprar algo en Mercado Libre. ¿Puedo usar mi tarjeta Visa para hacer el pago?

    Y si es que puedo, ¿van a convertirlo automáticamente a pesos? Si no se puede usar una tarjeta estadounidensa, ¿puedo usar otro método? ¿Cómo le hago para hacer un pago a México desde EEUU?

    1 AnswerFinanzas Personales1 decade ago
  • The best way to say "upper-righthand corner" in Spanish

    When talking about where something is located on a page, what's the best way to say "upper-right hand corner" in Spanish? How about "bottom left-hand corner"? Thanks!

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Please help with wording of Spanish invitation?

    My church is having a series of revival meetings. I was looking for a good, idiomatic way of saying the following two things:

    1. host pastor

    2. please come join us

    No computer-generated translations, please. Thanks for your help.

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • How do you write in Chinese with a keyboard/computer?

    I have never figured out how they use computers in China and Taiwan. How do they type ideograms? Keyboards are alphabetic, so how do they use them to type Chinese?

    7 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago