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Lv 5

For Messianic Jews (and other Jews who believe in Jesus)-what special challenges did you face?

I am not a Jew, but I converted to my faith when I was 13. I faced tremendous conflict, opposition, and even outright harassment over my faith, and it went on for years. My parents were not religious people, and they hated it that I was. The conflicts raged, and hostility regarding my faith made me feel like an outsider in my own family. Thing is, most people I went to church with were clueless as to what I was going through--they had no idea.

It is glaringly apparent that when Jews come to believe in Jesus, they often face a tremendous amount of hostility as well. I was wondering what special challenges you faced, particularly if you came to faith in Jesus during your teen years. How did you deal with hostility from your family and other important people in your life? Did it make you stronger in your faith? What efforts were made to try to convince you to renounce your faith?


@Lucy--Sorry if I didn't make things clear. I converted to the Apostolic Pentecostal faith. My parents were secular--they were loosely connected with a local liberal denomination, but did not attend church. My parents were concerned that I would become "too religious", and they didn't want a "holy roller" for a son--but I was (and still am) sold-out-the-whole-route, and basically never looked back.

There were a couple of ladies at the church where I was baptized who were Orthodox Jews, but who converted to my faith--but I don't know their story. From the vitriol and hostility I see over this issue, I can only imagine what a Jewish young man or young lady go through when they realize that Jesus is the Messiah, yet have parents who are opposed to their faith.

Update 2:

@2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699 From under bridges, huh? As in, you think I'm being a "troll"? I think you can tell from my questions and answers and from my Best Answer rating that I'm not like that. Some may not agree with me, and I may have strong opinions, but it's not to say outrageous things to inflame people.

Update 3:

@John---That sounds like a Mormon prophecy--and I'm not sure what your point is. What does that have to do with the question? Sorry if I'm being obtuse, but I'm missing your point.

Update 4:

@Mark---I think you're got the wrong thread, or something. I wasn't asking whether or not Messianic Jews were Jewish--I already know what my views are on that. But it COULD be a good demonstration of what I'm talking about, particularly if someone who thinks like you had close family or friends who had a Jewish heritage, yet came to faith in Jesus as the Jewish messiah. It is to THOSE people that I'm directing this question--people who have had to endure attitudes like the ones you've demonstrated---thank you for that!

Update 5:

@MamaPJ: I'm sure you've noticed that I seldom respond to your posts, as any attempt at dialogue with you invariably devolves into the same boring routine--you'll claiming I'm showing "desperation", claim I'm lying when I don't agree with you at face value, maintain that your own views are not your opinion, but facts from "God's eternal Torah", and invariably playing the anti-Semitism card and claiming I'm showing "Jew-hate". Because your statements are normally found on threads (like this one) where they are absolutely irrelevant and have no place at all due to being totally off the subject, I usually choose not to dignify them with a response. Frankly, I think you just like to say outrageous things and fight with people, and I simply don't have the time nor the inclination. But the comments you made here are so off-the-wall and so bizarre that I think I'll make an exception.

In the first place, I think it'

Update 6:

In the first place, I think it's important for you to understand that I could care less what you think. I know you consider yourself "the REAL Jew" and therefore feel people owe it to you to let you have the last word on all-things-Jewish, but I don't feel that way. I am not of your background and have no obligation to give unquestioning, wholesale acceptance to your perspectives. Stop and think--do you worry about what the Messianic Jews think of YOU? No? Well then get over yourself--as far as I'm concerned, Jews who believe in Jesus while maintaining their Jewish heritage are every bit as Jewish as you claim to be--and frothing at the mouth, flailing your arms, hurtling invective, and treating me like scum isn't going to change that anytime soon, nor is repeating your tired old rhetoric about what you perceive as the law of "God's eternal Torah". You demand that people accept your convoluted, scripture-twisting re-interpretation of script

Update 7:

You demand that people accept your convoluted, scripture-twisting re-interpretation of scripture with regard to your claims that Jews who believe in Jesus are cut off, yet you accept homosexuals as fellow Jews when the Bible FLATLY DECLARES (with NO interpretation or "reading in") that their sin is so egregious that they ARE to be cut off from among the people. You'll accept as fellow Jews people who thumb their nose at the word of God and openly deny the very existence of God and say they're still Jews--they're just sinning---yet condemn people for failing to see it your way when you try to say that merely believing that Jesus is the Messiah is an automatic cut off and claim that this is because their beliefs are "antithetical to Judaism". Don't get me wrong--you are entitled to entertain those notions if you want to---knock yourself out---but you don't get to decide for me, or for anyone else. Jesus was a Jew. The apostles were ALL Jews, an

Update 8:

and none of them renounced their Jewish heritage.

You make some of the most fanciful, asinine claims about Christianity that I have ever encountered, yet you state this all as though it were a matter of fact---THEN you have the audacity to hurtle accusations of "Jew-hate" and anti-Semitism when people disagree--and say they're "lying". Well, what about the Christo-phobia of someone who seriously entertains the notion the Christianity was an outgrowth of Paganism? You drivel on about Pagan mythology and try to conjure up parallels between Paganism and Christianity to the point where people honestly are probably embarrassed for you, then claim WE are against YOU---your hypocrisy is simply amazing.

In your entire answer, over 800 words, you did nothing to shed any light whatsoever on my question. You made nonsensical, completely bogus claims about me claiming persecution when told that Christianity is not Judaism---MamaPJ, did you even bother to read my POST p

Update 9:

prior to responding to it? I SAID NOTHING---NOT ONE WORD---ZIP, MamaPJ, ZILCH! about ANY of that. I'm not going to accuse you of lying (as you would accuse me a heartbeat)--I'm simply going to assume that you didn't bother to read what I wrote and were anxious to state your case---but I would encourage you to actually read what was written before responding to it---unless it's a thread (like this one) that doesn't involve you at all, and that you really have no business even answering.

Update 10:

@MamaPajama, RE: the scripture referenced in her edit: The scripture to which you are referring, Numbers (Bamidbar) 31:15, says the following (verse 30 included for context):

30, But the soul that doeth ought presumptuously, whether he be born in the land, or a stranger, the same reproacheth the LORD; and that soul shall be cut off from among his people.

31. Because he hath despised the word of the LORD, and hath broken his commandment, that soul shall utterly be cut off; his iniquity shall be upon him.

This is in the section of scriptures that discusses the need for the congregation to offer a sacrifice when they sin out of ignorance. The clear and obvious meaning of these scriptures is that if someone knowingly and willfully sins (I.E. NOT out of ignorance) then it doesn't matter if he's a stranger (foreigner) or one born among the people, his soul is to be cut off because he knowingly and willingly despised the law of God. Right after this portion of scripture, it te

Update 11:

it tells of a man who was stoned for breaking the Sabbath.

Point A: What does this have to do with someone studying the Jewish scriptures and concluding that Jesus is, indeed, the Messiah? Even if he were wrong, it would be a sin of ignorance, not of presumptousness.

Point B: What does this scripture say about your wholesale, complete acceptance of all Jews--even those who live in out and out rebellion to God almighty? Leviticus 18 gives a list of sexual abominations, and says they're so grievous that the land itself would vomit out the people for committing those sins--you welcome them as fellow Jews. Leviticus 20:13 pronounces a death penalty on homosexual behavior--you don't--your branch of Judaism ordains homosexuals as Rabbi's. Then you have the audacity to try to wring out of the scriptures some convoluted misapprehension that would condemn and banish those who simply THINK that Jesus is the Messiah--and claim you're not scripture twisting.

The Bible is God

Update 12:

The Bible is God's word---not a wad of Silly Putty for you to bend here, squeeze there, and mold the way you like. Oh, and P.S., Jesus never taught the people to worship a false God---and his followers worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob---JHVH---the one you refer to as HaShem.

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I don't call myself a Messianic Jew however some Jews have told me that I'm Jewish others have said I have a Jewish soul. My grand parents were Jewish on my mothers side. It's a long story but the details of my mothers parents were hidden by her family. It has taken considerable digging on my part to find out the real history of the family. My mothers parents came from a city in Europe that was perhaps the biggest center for Jewish culture in Europe. They came over separately meeting for the first time in the US. My grand dad immediately went into business after arriving in the States with a huge amount of cash. He spoke Hebrew and Yiddish. He and his wife both had a Jewish names. She died before I was born but I knew him. When he passed away I kept mementos from their house that I collected as a child. They would be revealing later. You see after he died the whole family started using a different name. Jews had almost identical last names but the spelling was different. All the documents and records that I kept copies of had the Jewish spelling even the children's birth certificates, school records, and my mothers wedding invitations had the Jewish name. A cousin kept a school record of his dad, my uncle that referred to him as being a Jew. He found it odd but never talked to anyone but me about it.

    When I was born my mother looked for a Dr that was a moyel for my circumcision. When I got older she confided in me that her dad was a Jew and that the the family celebrated some Jewish holidays when she was growing up. She continued the practice with us. When my grand father died the sanitation of Jewishness continued The obit had the christian spelling of the name and so did the tomb stone. The family also hid the fact that he reverted to Judaism before he died. I didn't know about my grand mother until I got older looked up her name and found out is was a Jewish name too. I also found out that the family only marginally followed Christianity from neighbors. Their families that stayed behind in Europe went to Auschwitz. The others that came over to the US did the same thing as Madeline Albrecht's family did and claimed they were Christians in their new country. As it turned out they were a kind of crypto Jews that has been erased from American history. My grand fathers brother was released from Auschwitz after the war. I wanted to talk with him but he passed away before I could talk to him about the family secret.

    When I grew up I developed an interest in Judaism. I knew about the past but hadn't put it all together yet and didn't realized the significance of ancestry. I took classes on Judaism with a Rabbi and started thinking about converting.

    I was interested in finding the "truth" and started looking into all religions even paganism and the occult. I began to believe that Judaism was the right religion but everything I read convinced me that not only was Judaism the religion that God had instituted on earth but Jesus had to have been the Messiah. Everything fit too well for this not to have been the case.

    I gave up on Judaism (I didn't know at that time that Messianic Judaism even existed) and concentrated on finding a Church that I believed most accurately follows scripture. I don't call myself a Jew a or a Messianic Jew. I consider Jews to be "my people" and thought about going to Israel as a volunteer during the Lebanon invasion.

    Why am I telling you this ? Because there is more then one story about Jews and the process of their coming to believe in Jesus. Also there are many misconceptions regarding the messianic movement and their supporters. Many of the people that fight for the Messianic Jews are doing it because we believe that they are "our people" too and we feel they have a right to make their choice to follow their religion by believing in the Messiah.

    My own family's story is a sad one but worth telling.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Not fitting in with Jews or Gentiles & the worst one being called a heretic.

    I knew that my great grandmother & grandfather were Jewish, but discovered this last 2 weeks that infact my whole family is Jewish. So go figure!

  • dlc
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    The greatest challenge is leaving the anti-Torah influence of Christian doctrine through the use of a Hellenized Greek "Jesus" by the leadership in power of the church.

    Then to understand what was actually taught by the Hebrew "Yeshua". To turn to the true context of the Hebrew Scriptures with discernment between the Oral Tradition / Torah of Pharisiaic Judaism and the Written Torah given through Moses which is for "all people" who love the name of the Father and His people Israel.

    Isa 56:6 Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to YEHOVAH, to serve him, and to love the name of YEHOVAH, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant;

    Isa 56:7 Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.

    Mal 4:4 Remember ye the law (Torah) of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.

    Mal 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of YEHOVAH:

    Mal 4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago


    What did we go through? A lot of persecution. A lot of it. Much of which came by way of our (secular) government. Just as you noticed "Mark" replying, there is a lot of rejection of us continuing to even think of ourselves as Jews. Right now I'm reading Dave Hunt's "A Woman Rides the Beast" and since I was raised Catholic it's really showing me why/who was behind so much of that persecution.

    See, we are not really allowed to call it what it is, persecution. Mostly, because I live in the USA. But it's coming to the UK (if not already there) that you can't call persecution for your religious beliefs what it is anymore. Psychology has taken over (as national "religion"). Psychology says anyone who believes they are being picked on for their faith has a "persecution" fantasy. Except where they feel like being nice. The Nazi's were much the same, get enough Aryan's screaming that they had targeted someone unfairly and they usually backed off too. But unless that happens, we get it from every which way Satan can find puppets.

    My mother was a German Catholic and my father was a (hidden) Atheist son of a Jew. I embraced my Jewish heritage but was in (literal) Aryan territory when I did so. Mom never told me her beliefs on Jews because she was just that sure it was obvious to everyone with a brain.

    First she confronted me that I thought I was "Mary" because offhandedly I said God had told me something. Probably that He loved me. It wasn't any great revelation different than the Bible (I'm sure Pentecostal anythings understand this one). Dad dumped me when my Mom died because I'd had a stroke by then. So, you see, I'm not joking when I say "persecution."

    Special challenges? No Messianic where I lived (it really was Aryan territory, Idaho) so I looked more than the usual nut case to everyone. No human teachers/Rabbi's to ask anything of. 10 years later I made it to another State (with infant now) and discovered there's a dual gospel messianic kind and ran like ---- till I could search out the Scriptures for that one. So much for my first meeting with other Messianic.

    Moved to another State and there met Ruth Rosen, daughter of Moshe Rosen founder of Jews for Jesus. Apparently, I'm not Jewish enough for her (by birth) and had no idea that was the reason she was so rude to me. She even recommended I call the Presbyterians. I'd come out of an apostolic Pentecostal group who refused to let me in and/or explain the cultural requirements. I asked, lots of times.

    Lost my husband because his father would not tolerate a Jewess in the family. But first I was physically abused (to the strokes) and so I couldn't care for my own self, surely couldn't care for my (teen age) kids anymore. Guess who finished raising them?

    In the end, I am fine. Am being 'redeemed" by the (the blood of the) Lamb, God's Word, His Son, and the Father of all, aka the Ancient of Days. Am I sorry, yes, that my older children did not bother to even check out any of the stuff (doctrines) I told them. I am sorry my older kids have no integrity. It shames me that I let them be educated in the public school system which taught them to treat parents this way. I hold it my own fault for letting their education be that way.

    "Blessed be the Name of the LORD."

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Samuel the Lamanite prophesies the destruction of the Nephites unless they repent—They and their riches are cursed—They reject and stone the prophets, are encircled about by demons, and seek for happiness in doing iniquity. About 6 B.C.

  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    "Messianic" Jews are xtians.

    They are seen a pariah's in the Jewish community because believing in jesus goes AGAINST Torah and we are not too pleased with anything that goes against Torah so specifically. There is a warning in Torah about following a false Messiah and jesus fit the bill of that description.

    We believe that just as the nazi's wanted to take our lives, xtians want to take our souls (no..I am not comparing xtianity to nazism....I am simply using this as an analogy). We believe that to follow a false messiah puts our soul in great danger and we do not want our children to be confronted with that. "Messianic" Jews tend to appeal to those Jews who had little or no Jewish education and are desperately seeking a community of some sort.

    A person who converts to xtianity and then calls themselves a "messianic Jew" will have a MUCH harder time than a person who converts to xtianity and calls themselves a xtian. Both are apostates in Jewish eyes but one is a dishonest apostate.

    I am a Modern Orthodox Jew and I VERY MUCH have issues with them and I am quiet about it but some people are not because often the xtian/"messianic" Jew is not quiet about it and we react accordingly.

    FYI-The majority of "messianic Jews" are not Jewish whatsoever.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The biggest challenge I've had is with family and friends when it comes to them wanting me to share Christian holidays with them that I know are of Pagan origin. I simply can't bring myself to mix God's precepts with Paganism. Especially after studying Deuteronomy in depth and seeing how God destroyed whole communities that did such things.

    The Jews who are Messiahphobes (JPA folks and friends) on Yahoo don't bother me a bit. They are a tiny minority and are similar to Obamabots in their inability to understand fact and truth.

    Thanks for the question!


    Source(s): Davids, am holding you up in prayer!
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    - Check thru YouTube: CNN: 1.5 Million Converts to Islam Since 9/11...

    You don't know about Jews. Their only aim is to make money IN ANYWAY and to blame Islam, by propaganda. Do you know the Economy, Entertainment and Medias of USA & Europe are in Jews hands? 80% of NYC Buildings are owned by Jews?

    The wiki says: "One allegation that was widely circulated by e-mail and on the Web is that not a single Jew had been killed in the attack and that therefore the 9/11 attacks must have been the work of the Mossad, not Islamic terrorists." Israeli President planned visit US on 9/11 day. But he postponed.

    - This is from Yahoo Answers:

    When America takes 1 million lives in Iraq for oil: Not Terrorism.

    When India kills 500,000 people in Kashmir, Raped their women: Not Terrorism.

    When Serbs kill 80,000 and rape Muslim women in Kosovo/Bosnia: Not Terrorism.

    When Russians kill 200,000 Chechens in bombings: Not Terrorism

    When Jews kick out Palestinians and take their land: Not Terrorism.

    When American drones kill entire family in Afghanistan/ Pakistan: Not Terrorism

    When Israel kills 10,000 Lebanese civilians due to 2 missing soldiers: Not Terrorism

    When Muslims resist and show you how you treat us: "Terrorism?"

    It seems like the word.. "Terrorism" is only reserved for Muslims.

    - Buddhists are killing Muslims in Rohingya, Myanmar. Declared as largest killed minorities in the world by UN.

    Hindus have killed Muslims in Gujarat, Assam, Malegaon, India.

    They even demolished Masjid. (Some destroyers became Muslims!).

    Tamil Tigers killed Muslims in Sri Lanka.

    - A HINDU killed Mahatma Gandhi,

    Sikhs killed Indira Gandhi, then CONGRESS (Hindu) killed thousands in Delhi

    HINDU lady (Tamil Tiger) killed Rajiv Gandhi.

    - If the Rampage Killers like James Holmes, Anders Behring Breivik, Stephen Abbot & Jamie Rous Etc. were Muslims, they would be named as Islamic Terrorist. Thank God they are Christians!

    - 9/11 was plotted by Israelis and Americans. You don't know about Jews and Christians. But they knew about Islam and Muslims. Islam is developing fast in the world. Arab countries are holding oil, going richer. Jews doesn't like Islam and Muslims. America wants to have oil by inexpensive price. (Now US is buying Oil $ 10-15/barrel from Iraq). They plotted. You can check this thru search engines. Also watch the movie "Fahrenheit 9/11", which is about "what happened to the United States after September 11; and how the Bush Administration allegedly used the tragic event to push forward its agenda for unjust wars in Afghanistan and Iraq".

    Do you know the Jews are researching the Holy Quran more than Muslims? So, they plotted 9/11 incident to be happened on that day, to match the Quran Verse 110 from Chapter 9 and from Part 11: The building which they have built will ever continue to be a source of disquiet in their hearts, except that their hearts get cut into pieces (i.e. until they die); and Allah is Knowing, Wise.

    (WTC had 110 floors).

    Search these thru search engines to learn: 1.Guinness confirmation about Islam is growing fast. 2.Child and Nun abuse in Churches. 3.Churches for Sale in US and Europe - here, loop net says Mosques-Masjids are for sale, but not. - (In 2011 a big Church at 191st St in Jamaica New York was sold to Muslim community & June 2012 a Church at Vallejo, California was sold to Muslim community. Now those Churches are turned to Mosques). 4.Prophet Mohammed name is mentioned in Old & New Testament Bibles. 5.Torah mentioned in Holy Quran. (Search thru "SearchTruth" website by searching word "Torah"). 6.To receive Free Islamic books, Holy Quran, Quran & Science (in your language) or go to usislam org's website.

    God Allah gave you the thinking power. Think again. Ask yourself, Why? How? Is there any Scientific Proofs? The Holy Quran has the reply. I can't push you to embrace Islam. You have to realize yourself. Nothing to loose, something to gain for the life hereafter. May Almighty Allah Show you the Right Path.

    Allah Says in Holy Quran : Chapter 2 Verse 256. There is no compulsion in religion (Islam)....

    Islam is easy 2:185. ..."Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you"....

    To check, just say heart fully "Ya Allah" always continuously, even on bed, except in toilet. Check after a month, how your life is improved. (This has been tested).

  • 9 years ago

    Are Messianic Jews Jewish?

    No. A Jew who accepts Christianity might call himself a “Jewish Christian,”

    but he is no longer a Jew[1]. He can no longer even be counted as part of a

    Jewish congregation[2].

    Conversion to another faith is an act of religious treason in Judaism. It is one of

    the worst possible sins that a Jew can ever commit. Along with murder and

    incest, it is one of the three cardinal sins which may not be violated even

    under pain of death. [3] It’s a big deal.

    Rabbi Moses Isserles demanded a formal conversion back to Judaism for those who converted out of Judaism but who then wanted to return to Judaism. (One who practices idolatry denies the whole of the Torah.)[4]

    He demanded ritual immersion (mikveh) and repentance before a court of three (beit din). You will see this also in other Responsa literature: Radbaz, Responsa III, 415; Moses Isserles to Yoreh Deah 268.12; and Hoffman, Melamed Leho-il II, 84.

    Maimonides himself wrote that if a Jew converted to Christianity, he or she was no longer a Jew (Yad, loc. cit. 2:5.). Also see Maimonides, Hilchot Mamrim Perek 3, Halacha 1-3, as well as in Maimonides's Mishnah Torah, Avodat Kochavim 2:5.

    Rabbi Moses Isserles demanded a formal conversion back to Judaism for those who converted out of Judaism but who then wanted to return to Judaism. He demanded ritual immersion (mikveh) and repentance before a court of three (beit din). You will see this also in other Responsa literature: Radbaz, Responsa III, 415; Moses Isserles to Yoreh Deah 268.12; and Hoffman, Melamed Leho-il II, 84.

    Harries, Richard (August 2003). "Should Christians Try to Convert Jews?". After the evil: Christianity and Judaism in the shadow of the Holocaust. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. g. 119. LCCN 2003-273342. ISBN 0199263132. "Thirdly, there is Jews for Jesus or, more generally, Messianic Judaism. This is a movement of people often of Jewish background who have come to believe Jesus is the expected Jewish messiah.…They often have congregations independent of other churches and specifically target Jews for conversion to their form of Christianity."

    Kessler, Edward (2005). "Messianic Jews". in Edward Kessler and Neil Wenborn (eds.) (GoogleBooks). A dictionary of Jewish-Christian relations. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 292–293. LCCN 2005-012923. ISBN 9780521826921. OCLC 60340826. "From a mainstream Christian perspective Messianic Judaisms can also provoke hostility for misrepresenting Christianity."

    Harris-Shapiro, Carol (1999). "Studying the Messianic Jews" (GoogleBooks). Messianic Judaism: a rabbi’s journey through religious change in America. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. pp. g. 3. LCCN 98-54864. ISBN 0807010405. OCLC 45729039. "And while many evangelical Churches are openly supportive of Messianic Judaism, they treat it as an ethnic church squarely within evangelical Christianity, rather than as a separate entity."

    In the document ‘What Evangelical Christians should know about Messianic “jews”, Martin Meyer, founder of 'jews' FOR JESUS: reveals:

    ‘We are an arm of the local **Church**. We are Evangelists. We are accountable to the Church. As we win and ***convert*** Jewish people, we urge them to take their place in a local Evangelical **Church**, or establish a congregation. Our duty is to aid the **Church** at large and to gather in the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.’

    - from ‘Holy Terror’ by Conway and Seigelman

    Source(s): Source(s): 1) Yad, loc. cit. 2:5. 2) Pri Megadim, Eshel Avraham 55:4. 3) Sanhedrin 74a. 4) Sifri on Num. 15:22 and Deut. 11:28; Yad, Avodas Kochavim 2:4. Cf. Horios 8a. 5) Tshuvos Rivash 4, 11, Tshuvos Rabbi Yosef ben Lev 1:15.
  • 9 years ago

    I am not a Jew, but I converted to my faith when I was 13 <<<< What does this mean? What faith did you convert to when you were 13? Are you saying you converted to Messianic Judaism? Sorry but that's not possible. No rabbi, no matter what branch of Judaism, would allow you to convert if you want to believe in Jesus. And no rabbi would convert a 13-year-old child - it's forbidden.

    So what are you talking about?

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