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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Are the Republicans upset because the economy is much better now?

Rush and the Republicans wanted America to fail so Bush wouldn't look as bad as he is.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    With unemployment doubling since he took office Our country in so much debt that our great great grand children will never be able to repay thanks to his stimulus bill that promised 3 million jobs when statistics show not one permanent job was created our defenses has been cut in about half gas prices up about 50 cents a gallon since he does not allow drilling in the gulf I WOULD SAY I M PRETTYY UP SET

  • 1 decade ago

    Who said Republicans are upset? Just because some pundit you listen too says they are, doesn't make it so. Where did you get that idea? If you understand economics, you would know the economy is now finally on track for an actual recovery. Extending all the Bush tax cuts are the key to that. It's already creating economic confidence and there will not be any huge tax increase to block the recovery. Look for the results of this by the end of the first quarter of next year.

    Although your assertion is vague, convenient to avoid scrutiny, it sounds like this attitude you have is based off something Limbaugh said last year when he said he wanted "Obama to fail." If the pundits you listen to for your information cared about accuracy, they would have allowed you to hear the rest of what he said. He said he wanted Obama to fail so America could succeed. The fundamental Progressive changes Obama wants to do would turn the US into European-style Socialism. Look how well THAT has worked out.

  • andy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    How is it better? Unemployment is basically unchanged for the past 6 months. We have had to extend unemployment benefits for the 6th time. Most companies are holding their breath waiting to see what new regulations will come from the EPA. From what I have read in US Today, I am afraid that we will have to start to import more and more of our gasoline and chemicals as the EPA makes it harder for refineries to produce on US soil. Also, with the changes that the EPA wants to make, say good buy to new power plants that burn anything so our energy needs will have to go down. I could go on, but you seem to think that the World is doing a lot better then it actually is.

    Do you understand that there are rolling riots in Europe as the European nations start to address their budget problems? And neither Republican or Democrat wants to tackle ours. Also, do you know that for the first time in history of the US, we don't have a budget for the 2010-2011 year that ends in August? We are looking by the time March rolls around 6 months of no budget to run the Federal Government.

  • 1 decade ago

    what makes you think the economy is better. almost ten percent unemployment, but this does not count those who gave up. the rate of foreclosures will accelerate. the federal govt gave away more money last year than the GDP. homeless shelters are maxed out. we are months away from going into another depression stop hating conservatives and pay attention the govt can't fix the economy only business, and with the great socialist in office they will not hire or invest in the USA

    Source(s): Im paying attention
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  • 1 decade ago

    Good question.

    Yes, they'r terrified & furious.

    Their leader, Drug Rush, bleated the gop mantra for YEARS!

    "WE.WANT.HIM.TO.FAIL!!" It's not happening, quite the contrary, and they'r beside themselves in impotent fury.

    "December, 2010: US will lead the global economic recovery over the next two years while Euro and Japan will lag, Reuters poll of 200 economists finds: The vast majority of data make it clear that we’re [the US] advancing from the initial inventory- and stimulus-led surge in growth to a more sustainable, but still solid, expansion. The survey showed U.S. gross domestic product growth averaging 2.7 percent next year, up markedly from the 2.3 percent seen in the November poll.

    Nuf sed.

    Ob & the Dems & the USA win.

    Too bad for you, gop/conservs.

  • Trekd
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Didn't the unemployment rate creep up to 9.8% or something like that? If that is what you consider "much better", then Obama is doing an excellent job.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Where is it better. You said we were all horrible cause we didn't want to extend jobless benefits at Christmas in this unprecedented time of need.

    can't have it both ways Li*t*rd.

    Old Guy

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yup, 9.8% unemployed, 42 million on food stamps. The economy is just hunky dory.

  • strata
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    let's see..unemployment at near 10%..libs wanting amnesty for illegals which will further destroy this nation economically..record amount of folks on food stamps..oh yeah the economy is you live on Pluto??

  • 1 decade ago

    Where is this better economy that you speak of, I don't see it.

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