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Believers of YHWH; Don't you have vowels in your language?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Need to borrow one from your screen name. It would seem you've had one too many. But that's not the first one too many you are aware of, is it?

    iamnotbut...I know I [the Great] I AM

  • 1 decade ago

    Funnily enough ..... no! The Bible was written in Hebrew, which used only consonants; vowels may be suggested by marks similar to accents in modern Western languages, but these are optional and may legitimately be omitted if the meaning is evident from the context.

    Vowels were a much later invention of the Greeks.

    (Aleph *isn't* a vowel, it's a glottal stop -- a not-quite-sound which automatically precedes a vowel occurring at the beginning of a word. Imagine someone saying "kitten" or "bottle" in a broad Cockney accent. What you hear instead of the "tt" is a glottal stop. And vav is a consonant.)

  • Zaax
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The vowels in Hebrew are not in the letters themselves. (Aleph, Heh, Vav and Yod are not real vowels, thay can be a consonant and a helper to a vowel.)

    The vowels or "sounds" are written as small symbols bellow the letters.

    I am Jewish, but here is a good site that might help you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, you are very inconsiderate of, such an ancient culture, aren't you? YHWH, are actually the four letters, that create the divine name. It stems from the more mystical side, of the belief in the God of Abraham.

    Speaking Gods true name, was forbidden, so his worshippers gave him, many, many epithets.

    Not to mention, that YHWH, is usually written in Hebrew. Which does not share the same order of letters, as English. Indeed, Ancient Hebrew, had a system of small symbols. Their alphabet, was even connected to their faith.

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  • 1 decade ago

    They disobey God, and then by leaving out vowels think that it pleases God. What a joke!

  • 1 decade ago

    Aleph is a vowel


    vav is a vowel.

    yod is also a vowel.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They named him YHWH so it would be unpronounceable so they didn't accidentally take his name in vain.

  • 1 decade ago

    In Hebrew there is only one vowel and that is the 'aleph' which is silent. 'א'.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, no. No, they didn't.

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