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Are two 10 year old boys too young to fly alone?

I am asking this for my parents. I have two 10 year old brothers. One biological, Cameron, and one adopted, Chase. They are in 5th grade. Last year, they had friends that moved away. And my brothers were invited to go spend a week with them for February break.

They would fly out of the Boston Logan Airport and flying into Georgia. I dont know the name of it. My parents were looking at flights and were having trouble finding a direct flight so they may need to do a connecting flight. If we were to allow this, my parents would drop them off at the airport and maybe maybe not go through security, wait for their flight to leave, and then my parents would leave the airport. I'm not sure what the airport workers do for unaccompanied minors but we would pay the fee and set them up for that. I think a stewardist or some other worker would take them to the next gate, then they would get on the plane and when they got off, their friends family would meet them right there.

The only doubts my parents have are that no one of us has ever traveled alone under 18 and sometimes like all boys they start to goof off too much or get a little cocky and think they know what they're doing but they really don't. But it would be a great opportunity for them and great practice for a little independence. Chase will be losing his eye in a couple weeks because he has cancer(only one of his eyes though. and the surgery will remove the cancer) We expect he will be pretty much healed up by then and start to be getting his act together with learning about life with one eye.

What do the people that help the kids at airports do?

Should my parents let the two boys do this?

What kind of lecture should they give the boys before they go?

What if the boys went and got hungry or thirsty or whatever in the airport and they got lost? we would tell them to always stick together.

If they go, should they have a credit card or something for emergencies?


we would give the boys a cell phone for the trip

And what documents would my parents need to bring for them? it will be continental airlines. any other information or links you ave would be helpful too. we are looking at the continental airlines website right now.

Update 2:

and what should they pack?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes, let them. when i was 10 or so (i am 12) my dad told me he was going to take me and my twin brother but he bailed at the last couple days before the trip. he said "the only way i can keep my free tickets is if i let you fly alone, but i cant do that". we BEGGED him for the whole rest of the night to take us, but he just kept saying no because it was for 'our own safety' or some nonsense. i am not so mad anymore because we went to Georgia over the summer (it was really fun we got to stay at this hotel called "the grand hyatt" and we went to the coca-cola factory. we also went to this CNN place and got to go on the longest free standing elevator in the world. it was AWESOME!). anyways, please please PLEASE give them the wonderful excitement of going on to a plane with only each other, they would LOVE IT! AND I'M SURE OF THAT! i honestly think they will be 100x more thrilled than scared.

    1. all they do is guide them around as you would guide them around. they also tell them the rules and what to do if you are lost.

    2. yes definitely (see my long rant above)

    3. they should give the boys a nice long lecture about how it is important to follow the rule and to not worry about flying without you for a while

    4. you should give them some sort of emergency device or a cell phone and $100-$200 in emergency cash or a credit card for emergencies only. and to avoid this problem give them some non-messy foods/drinks to eat while they are there.

    5. yes. in addition to what is stated above tell them not to waste the money on something that is a non-emergency because it is for emergencies only and if they do they are risking a whole lot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can also get an aid for the boys if they really want to go. This is the best way to do it because there will always be someone with them the whole time that works at the airport, and the boys would not be allowed to go off alone at all, if you hire an airport aid then the boys have to stay with that person the whole time while in the airport. As for lectures tell them that flying is no joke and they have to be on their best behavior or else they could get into or cause serious trouble. I think that if they are really wanting to go, let them and hire an airport aid, they will be fine, many parents do this for their minors, more than you might expect.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey, i think that's a good age, yes they should be allowed to go. They are mature and there will be two of them and other people on the plane, a person will guide them when they arrive at the airport in Georgia. They will be escorted to wherever they need to go. They will get there bags checked but not they will not get scanned. When they arrive they will also get their bags. If they have a phone they should be allowed. But you can't use the phone on the plan. They should pack whatever they need for the trip,and no container more than 16oz. :)

  • Julia
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Okay here's what happens, the parents should probably check in their baggage for them first and give them directions or anything like that....the parents leave and the kids are taken to their gate on one of those cart thingies they use for unacompanied minors (lol) and then they wait at their gate for their plane to be here and them to be called...they board the plane ane a stewerdess will check in with them periodically and take care of them a little... (put their baggage up in the overhead thing, make sure they get food, etc.) then the boys land and they get out of the plane and friends meet them...its really pretty simple... except its kinda more complicated with a connecting flight, they should probably make sure that there's at least an hr between the flights, so that they make it for sure...remember planes are always late/early/etc. lol They should be allowed to because even if they miss the dlight the worst that happens is that they stay at a fancy hotel for a few hours and then are on their way again... Tell them to call you when theyre about to go into the air, when they land on the connection airport, when they get tio their new gate, and wen they get to Georgia... LOL... i dont think they'll get lost but make sure to tell them that they can ask someone at the stores or in a uniform... if they do get lost tell them to call you also... hungry or thirsty just giv them some money but tell them not to wander away from their gate too much...... a credit card, hmmm...maybe one of those that you putm oney onto online and give it to them for anything then u can put more money if needed? but tell them only for emergencies!! (its prty much like money but u can giv them more if they run out) I think they just need passports or oidentification but they probs need other documents too...They should pack clothes for the weather and maybe a present for the kid theyre visiting? idk watever u find appropriate for the trip

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  • 1 decade ago

    I fly every other week I see younger children than that flying alone .The staff for the airlines do not let under age children flying alone out of there sight at anytime they board the plane first and they sit where the staff can see them at all times then when they get to there destination again they do not let them out of there sight until they meet with the person that is picking them up.It is very safe for children that fly alone just let the airline know ahead of time that they are minors.They will be happy to assist.

  • 1 decade ago

    Despie doubts and criticism, it's fine.

    I flew alone at 7, completely alone, and I was not the least bit scared. Prepare them for it, request them to be seated together, and if you can, fly them first class, simply because it's most comfortable and staff seems to treat first class costumers more pleasantly than the ones that fly in Coach.

    Check with various airlines about their 'minors flying alone' policy, and tell them to be safe and stick together. Flight attendants will tend to their every need during the flight, thirst, hunger, whatever it is that they need. Tell them to speak up if they want/need anything.

    Give them a little cash, not a card.

    Check with the airline about papers.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would be sort of scared to get on a plane with only my brother, but it would be fine. My friend went on a plane by herself from Georgia to Florida when she was 9, so I think they'll be fine unless they are super immature. They will have a stewardess escort them (my friend did) and they will have the stewardess with them until someone picks them up at the airport.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, ten year olds can fly alone. you should check your airlines website for information about how it works and what to bring. obviously, they need a responsible adult to pick them up in the other city. yes, there is a fee for unaccompanied minors. you should do it if your boys usually behave when you are not around.

  • 1 decade ago

    no i know kids that been flying alone since age 8 its scary at first but trust me 4-5 hours is really nothing

  • 1 decade ago

    doesnt sound like a good idea, they are still really young and little. you make a lot of good points try talking to your parents and tell them your thoughts

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