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bringing evil spirits into your home?

a friend played with an oiji(spelt wrong, sorry)board in her home and now has unwanted spirits in her home. im studying wicca and have been trying to find a spell or prayer to help her, does anyone have any ideas? if u dont belive in this, please dont mock me. i belive therefore i need help

12 Answers

  • Ghost
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Evil spirits aren't real. Good spirits aren't real either. A spirit can't be completely evil or completely good for they each have their own personality like you and I.

    Now I personally don't believe that spirits can enter through the Ouija board, but I'll give you advice just in case:

    You have to remember that spirits are just like us-they have feelings, consiousness and understanding. What I would do is mix water, salt and anything you feel is purifying (holy water, your favorite perfume, etc) and light incense if you have some (sage or lavender is perfered but it doesn't matter). Then go throughout the house sprinkling the water and smudging with the incense. And while you're doing this talk to the spirit and ask it to please leave and such. You can banish it in the name of a deity of your choice, but remember to be polite about it.

    Don't worry, spirits can't hurt you. I really hope this helped and good luck!

    Source(s): Experiences eclectic Wiccan
  • Tim M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Ouija board can be a great source of stress and regret for those who experiment with them. You simply do not exactly know what or with whom your are dealing with. Summoning ghosts and spirits through them is quite dangerous as you just do not know if you are dealing with a normal spirit or something dark with sinister intentions. There are numerous reports and accounts of individuals experimenting with the ouija board only to of invited in a spirit that they could not get rid of and had to contact someone to help rid their home of this entity. Also, attempting to use witchcraft or wicca to remove a particular ghost or spirit can be dangerous as well. If it is not done by someone who is knowledgeable in these practices , it could make things worse. If you feel that there is some sort of negative or evil beings in a particular location I would contact someone who is skilled in the removal of them such as someone in the clergy or a medium. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't recommend casting a spell. Casting spells, is like sugar and water. If you put it out, the mosquitoes will swarm. Understand? No? Well, it means that you are just luring them. Since magic was first started, it was known to be a "satanic" thing. Which, means Demons are more prone to spells/ and magic. That is if you use the right magic ;). But anyways. If there is anything bad in the house, just do an exorcism, and then put salt around the house. I use salt, and it really works. I have a strong will, and a very strong personality, and I am forceful, just do that and it should help.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh no, mate...She opened the gate that lets demons into the real world.

    How could she do such a thing?! You have to call a priest immediately, mate. Something bad could happen to her. Oh, I wish I were there, mate.

    I read some stories on this and my father played with the ouija board once but never talks about it. Be very careful because all those spirits might come after you.

    Just search in google "Ouija board stories" or something like that.

    God bless and good luck, mate.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not likely since spirits can't do any harm to the living. Tell them to leave or you will banish them to the 7th level of perdition

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't do a spell if you're not a competent witch. Also, playing with a Ouija board and not having a slightest idea of what you're doing is an incredibly good way to get hurt. Honestly, she should have to deal with the spirit for attracting it in the first place.

    But, if you want the spirits gone, it's nothing a good saging can't fix.

  • 1 decade ago

    You Will Need:

    • Sea Salt

    • 5 Black Candles


    Draw a pentagram in the floor using Sea Salt.

    Take the black candles and place them at the five points of the pentagram.

    As you light each of them imagine that the flame is creating a wall of protection on that side of you.

    Sit at the center of the pentagram.

    Concentrate on your wish to banish the evil spirit.

    Chant 13 times:

    "Ashes to ashes ,

    Spirit to spirit ,

    Take this soul

    And banish this evil."

    Snuff out the candles starting from the upper right point of the pentagram so that the last one to snuff out is the one that symbolizes the Spirit.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Do you know who you´re dealing with?

    Many people think that 'ghosts' or 'apparitions' are spirits of dead people. But observe why this is not possible.

    Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6 says:

    New World Translation:

    "For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for THE DEAD, THEY ARE CONSCIOUS OF NOTHING AT ALL, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. 6 Also, THEIR LOVE AND THEIR HATE AND THEIR JEALOUSY HAVE ALREADY PERISHED, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun."

    So, if not with the dead, who are you dealing with? You´re dealing with wicked spirits, demons, angels who rebelled against God.

    The Bible says:Ephesians 6:12 (New International Version, ©2010)

    12 For our struggle is not against FLESH AND BLOOD, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against THE SPIRITUAL FORCES OF EVIL in the heavenly realms.

    If God condemns spiritism, by using spells, incantations, amulets, ouija boards you will only be changing from demons or making more room for them to deceive you and your friend.

    These are the things they use to have people under their control. if you do want them to disappear from your life , or better, from your friend´s life, that´s what you have to do:

    Tell her to get rid of anything related to occultism and spiritism. She´ll have to pray to Jehovah, through Jesus, so that they don´t come to her no more. You can do the same. Ask a Jehovah´s Witness for a Bible study.

    When you show the demons you rely on Jehovah, they will flee from you, (James 4:7)

    As you and her trust more and more in Jehovah, you´re going to understand what this means:

    "New Living Translation (©2007)

    You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror. (James 2:9)

    Source(s): Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    Turn away from Wicca and over to Christ. Though His love and prayers any evil spirits will be gone and you will find a peace that you have never known. I will also pray for you and your friend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First and foremost,you have to "cleanse" the house with cinnamon powder incense.You have to light white candles every day and pray to your guardian angel to banish these spirits.Ouija boards are so dangerous,I really wish people wouldn't play with them.

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