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How do you tell the difference?

there are some here on YA who pretend to be Christians. they ask atheists insulting and accusatory questions hoping to give God and the Christian faith as a whole a black eye- maybe you've answered questions like this?

the problem is- not everyone can see what they're doing. Can you? How do YOU tell the difference between a humble lover of God (and there are many here) and someone just hoping to trip people up?

this has been weighing on my heart and it saddens me when these pretenders

successfully mislead the unsuspecting.

YA Christians- how can we undo the damage being done?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Our spiritual enemy always mocks, demonstrates hate, and tries to twist truth into some morbid bit of trash.

    True Christians demonstrate love, tactfulness, whit, and patience, but are not afraid to call a spade a spade.

    Trust the Spirit, those real people here will always see it and God will use it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The Chinese and Japanese languages are honestly in no way very similar to every different. They are enormously extra one of a kind than French and English, for example. While there are (stereo)usual "appears" related to Korea, China, Japan, and many others., the simplest and so much correct approach to differentiate among persons from one of a kind East Asian nations is accessory. It's simply the equal as for Europe, particularly. Although you probably capable to inform a German man or woman from a French or English man or woman simply by watching, style is honestly a greater clue than facial points. The truly supply-away is regularly going to be the accessory. Even if you are particularly well at recognizing ethnic points, this may not regularly inform you the nation the man or woman is honestly from. There are for example ethnic Koreans who have been born and raised in Japan. There also are many persons who should not have the usual "appear" for his or her nation. A very seen difference is whether or not or no longer the man or woman speaks a tonal language. Even if you do not talk a phrase of Chinese, it is convenient to admire that every one Chinese dialects (additionally Vietnamese and Thai) use version in tone to differentiate one of a kind phrases. Japanese is NOT a tonal language (neither is Korean). So you'll be able to slim matters down really just a little simply by taking note of tone. If you are ever simply demise to grasp, you might simply ask the man or woman in which they are from or what their ethnic history is. It's nice to invite in an open-ended approach ("Where are you from?") as a substitute than wager ("Are you Japanese?"), in view that guessing the mistaken nation can repeatedly rationale offense.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not all of them are pretenders. In the real world, christian discrimination against non-christians is very real, and very common. Try working in a christian owned business, or for a christian manager - some are fair, but many are not. It sucks to lose a job because of some stupid cult nonsense.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are called "trolls" and they will claim to believe anything if it will get people upset and start fights.

    ADD: I am with <fleawest>. Though it may be impossible to stop trolling on an open forum, it is entirely possible for Christians to do something about the horrible name that haters like Westborough give to Christians.

    Source(s): Non-Abrahamic Theist
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  • 1 decade ago

    God knows every person, men only see the man on the outside but God will see inside and out, we'll all soon find him in the clouds.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If you want really serious discussion about issues relating to religion, I suggest a forum other than yahoo answers.

    I think your odds of finding a forum with more serious input is much more practical than trying to change the behaviors of people here.

    Have a good evening.

  • Frizby
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    By the obvious questions or answers they give, mostly their questions are written in a way that makes Christians seem simple..

    In my opinion their questions have no real meaning, they're there merely to enforce the belief in fundies..

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We can't undo the damage until they realize they are broken and call out for our help.

    Makes me a little sad but even God realizes that some people will be left behind and can not be helped.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope to not disappoint you but when you ask sincere questions those atheists will reply in a manner you may not expect or be accustomed to.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would stop worrying about the YA crowd and focus your attention on Westboro. Talk about a black eye!

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