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Why does the Bible go into great detail on...?

Why does the Bible go into great detail on how to sacrifice animals and dictates how much you can beat your slaves, but tells us nothing useful about mathematics, electricity, the germ theory, a cure for cancer? There is nothing in the Bible that could not have been written by ignorant, superstitious, stone aged goat herders.

Why don’t this fact disturb Christians? If the Bible is the inspired word of God, then what does the Bible tell us about God?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hmm, that is interesting. The Bible is more a set of what we should and should not do and less a book of information and useful knowledge.

  • 1 decade ago

    A metaphor. If the audience is stone aged goat herders, then the message needs to be delivered in terms that stone aged goat herders can understand. Beyond the thin veneer of technical achievements, do you really think that modern humans behave much differently than stone aged goat herders?

  • 1 decade ago

    Can't resist: you say "stone aged goat herders". Do you mean "stone age goat herders" or, my own preference, "stoned aged goat herders"?

    BTW, iron age not stone age

    "If the Bible is the inspired word of God, then what does the Bible tell us about God?" It tells us that he's an irascible, violent despot (and anyone who disagrees should read Deuteronomy chapter 13).

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well I have this to say about the Bible God is supposed to have talked only to the Prophets was there ever a witness to support that statement. The Bible was written by man and man lies not by God end of story.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    not all relgions are bible based, I was brought up catholic, and although we had neat stories about angels, and many about the birth of Christ, and his crucifiction, much of what was taught us was handed down, and other than finding a bible in my parents library, and looking at it, we didn't read anything of it until we studied some it in high school, then it was more of a curiosity. My words and yours can also be inspired by does say that God put herbs on the earth for our food, and for every disease there is a cure...and I believe that was referring to a natural cure, which was what they used before medical science came along, and medical science, except that they save more babies, has not made a difference in the length of people's lives, now they are crucial, because many old natural remedies we have lost, many of them died out with the witch hunts, although the american indian remedies are still very much available. Cancer is a very easy disease to heal, if you research it now while we still have freedom on the internet...but natural remedies...not cures, medical science has the exclusive on that word...are very efficient and I can testify to that, having got over cancer without ever going to the doctors.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    you do not care approximately evidence. You consult with us approximately possessing up, yet virtually each question you ask is cheating, on account which you of course have rather no interest in good judgment, evidence, rationality or actuality. the information superhighway website you direct us to is obviously creationist propaganda. this is as biased as a internet site possibly could be, it focuses extra on attacking straw guy arguments than on proposing its very own evidence, and it lies. working example, under the 'Six Thousand-year-previous Earth' heading we hit upon "I additionally stated misguided dating strategies. Carbon-14 that's a dating technique used as much as now as quickly as residing issues is possibly the dating device with the main notoriety." the fact is that no estimate of the age of the Earth makes use of carbon dating in any way. the region's substantial evidence in favour of a six thousand year previous earth is the 'actuality' that recorded background in user-friendly terms is going back approximately 5 thousand years. not in user-friendly terms is that not actual (the indigenous human beings right here in Australia have background going back tens of thousands of years), despite if it assumes the age of the earth could be such as the age of the human species. this is absurd, and deep down i'm particular you comprehend that. And it then is going directly to modern-day a number of flawed arguments with regard to the fossilisation of dinosaur bones and inhabitants growths. i will make no attempt to counter those arguments, for the easy reason that despite if those arguments have been precise, they could nonetheless be thoroughly beside the point. They nonetheless make no connection with the age of the earth. quickly, the two you probably did not comprehend that the information superhighway website you directed us to is crammed with lies, deceit, propaganda, and irrational arguments, or you probably did not care. the two way it has develop into painfully glaring which you have not any interest in evidence. You of course have a documents superhighway connection, so there truly isn't any excuse for the lack of information provided on your questions. i come across your willful lack of information and psychological dishonesty depressing, and as such I possibly won't hardship responding on your questions sooner or later. If logical argument could convince you then you will have been confident some time past. in keeping with danger some day you will open your eyes, yet till then there is truly no component in discussing something with you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Source(s): Bible
  • Tiny
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The Bible tells us alot about God and how he plans to cure all sicknesses and get rid of death. Maybe you are talking to the wrong people, that's why you are not getting satisfying answers. If you want to see what the bible really teaches talk to Jehovah witnesses.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know some really strong verses which explicitly deny about animal sacrifice.

    Also you are looking Bible from a pessimistic side.

  • 1 decade ago

    The bible is the most important book you'll every read, and it teaches you the most important things you'll every need to will teach about God, now whats more important?

    God loves you.....God bless

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