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Is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation under the influence of Russian agents?
The CBC censored a comment that Russia has invaded 4 countries with links to pictures of Russian soldiers in each. Here is the censored content:
1 AnswerPolitics4 years agoCan this be sold for scrap?
Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov in Mediterranean.
2 AnswersPolitics5 years agoAre all Americans equal before the law?
In the last week we saw a black man killed for a busted tail light and Hilary Clinton walk free after exposing top secret documents, perjury and destroying evidence.
5 AnswersPolitics5 years agoWhich country has lowest tax rate for income from patent royalties?
My company does R&D related to food safety and medical devices. The company derives all of its revenue from patent royalties.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years agoHow many confirmed passenger aircraft kills does Putin have? Is Putin an ace yet?
April 10, 2010 Polish President and top politicians shot down at Smolensk.
July 17, 2014. MH17 downed by Russian BUK missile.
2 AnswersPolitics6 years agoWhy are companies like Bayer, Dow, Syngenta and Monsanto investing $2 billion to develop wheat varieties for a warmer drier climate?
Dr. Wilson, North Dakota State University commenting at wheat conference June 9 2014.
8 AnswersGlobal Warming7 years agoWhy is Israel shooting civilians in the street?
A teen is shot in the back while walking slowly away from the shooter. In civilized countries the authorities apprehend and prosecute the perpetrators. Why is the Israeli defense minister trying to justify this action rather than condemn it?
5 AnswersCurrent Events7 years agoIs the following statement problematic for Putin?
A military invasion is not the same an internal struggle between the people and an oppressive government. A "referendum|" carried out under the bayonets of a foreign army of occupation on 10 day notice is not legitimate. The governance of Ukraine is a matter for Ukrainians to decide without interference from outside powers. When the territorial integrity of a country is violated by armed invasion, the international community has a shared interest in supporting the victim of aggression and punishing the aggressor.
1 AnswerGovernment7 years agoWill Putin's invasion of Ukraine cause Iran, N. Korea and others to build nuclear weapons?
Remarks by Dr. Taras Kuzio, Research Associate Centre for Political and Regional Studies, Canadian Institute for Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, Toronto, Canada, 28 February 2014.
4 AnswersCurrent Events7 years agoWhat foods can I use to make my sick cat gain weight?
She is 19. At age 14 she had radiation therapy to fix hyperthyroidism. She has chronic kidney disease and has been on a veterinary diet since the thyroid was fixed. In the last 2 months, she has lost a lot of weight and is not eating enough. I saw the vet last month and she gave me some more food choices and instructions to give sub-cutaneous saline. The saline gives my cat a temporary boost, but the weight loss problem remains. She is cycling between eating and not eating while she purges her blood. I tried dripping tuna water over her food (KD) to improve her appetite. While the tuna contributes to kidney deterioration, the more immediate problem is wasting. I need a high energy food that she will take to build up some reserves.
50 AnswersCats7 years agoDid Putin make the wrong choice to end Chechen terrorism?
Putin tried the carrot. He poured money into Chechnya and the capital Grozny is now prosperous and has the largest mosque in central Asia. Chechens respond to his generosity by bombing the Moscow to St. Petersberg train and bombing Boston. Americans objected to Russia sending in the army to quell Chechen terrorism (Moscow theater, Beslan school). Will Americans object if Putin sends in the T-72's and T-90's now?
4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agoWhen will the fraction of climate change deniers in the general population fall to 2%?
In Canada, deniers are now 2%
How long will it take for other countries to catch up?
13 AnswersGlobal Warming9 years ago