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Why are so many people in yahoo politics trying to either make the Az shooter into a liberal, or a con, or?

trying to "blame" people OTHER than the shooter? I will not type or say the name of this "person" that killed over the weekend.

This person is a lunatic! His first interaction with Rep. Giffords was 2007, BEFORE Palin and the TEA party came along.

Will his political leanings make the damage he caused more or less bearable?

"Oh, well, he killed 6 people, including a 9 year old child, but he thankfully he was NOT one of us."


11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wingnuts of both sides were scrambling to disown him before the first shell casing hit the sidewalk.

    for the record he was registered Independent.

    Source(s): for once I agree with Sophie
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Everyone in the country is, not just Yahoo politics. By the way, there really is only about 10 people in Y/A with multiple accounts -- on both sides, including even a conservative who that crazy guy rants about all the time. GreasyTony just asked a question awhile ago and had all his dozen entities come answer it and had a conversation with himself. Don't - take - Y/A - seriously. lol

    But it does usually parallel the news channels.

  • 1 decade ago

    American politicians have become way overexposed, and in a quest to keep their "popularity" (eg: stay on the news) they sit back and attack each other, seeing who can try and make the other group look worse. It's a shame, politicians have reverted back to being 8 years old on the playground again. It's not about the tragedy of the situation-it's about who they can blame instead of working together to solve problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    because the LEFT decided to rush to point fingers saying that iti was a Tea Party member....A Palin supporter...a member of the GOP....well we responded with FACTS something libs hate showing this assasine IS a LEFT WING LOON and card carrying member of the DEMOCRATIC party...we also did not blame Obama for HIS fiery talk...or other members of the dems that also threatened violence...rather we blamed the shooter....

    And the above poster LA LA La has links that were pulled for FRAUD as they were shown to be PHOTOSHOPPED...typical liberal LIES

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Dave
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It's just morons who have nothing better to do that politicize EVERYTHING. Rational people can step away from politics for a second and recognize that a crazy man created a tragedy on his own.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is a tragedy that should not be politicized and a lot of what I have read and heard is shameful when it comes to placing blame on others due to their speech.

    The shooter is a very sick person and there is no evidence that he was influenced by anyone.


  • 1 decade ago

    Ignorance, and a cheap shot to score political points by exploiting a horrible tragedy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Funny; I simply presumed that he was just your everyday whack-job out to kill someone that he perceived had insulted him over a rant that he presented years ago.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sick sadistic people using a tragedy for political gain.

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