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Is Alan Keyes the only chance Trump has to save his Presidency?
5 AnswersPolitics3 years agoWhy is wanting to enforce our borders considered racist to some?
Explain to me how wanting to enforce the laws we have on the books now, along with securing our borders, racist, or discriminatory? If the majority of illegals get here from out southern borders, wouldn't common sense dictate that is where the bulk of enforcement would need to be?
6 AnswersPolitics8 years agoHave any people been calling Chief Justice Roberts a traitor this week?
And if you listen to Michael Smerkonish, do you think he is fair?
3 AnswersPolitics9 years agoWhat person would you like to see be President of The United States of America in 2013?
You can tell us why, if you would like.
20 AnswersPolitics10 years agoIf the economy does not improve quickly and noticeably, will it really matter who wins the Republican nominati?
on? IF things do not improve economically, we will have a Republican President in 2013. I am NOT blaming Obama, but look at this as a Coaching change after a bad season.
What say you?
9 AnswersPolitics10 years agoHas anyone heard when Alan Keyes is going to enter the race for President? He would be the GREATEST President?
What say you?
6 AnswersPolitics10 years agoIs Ron Paul just another bought and paid for member of the GOP? Whether you like his policies and ideas or not?
do you think he is just ANOTHER Washington insider?
The conservatives on talk radio generally do not like him. Or think he has zero chance to win.
What type YOU?
10 AnswersPolitics10 years agoWhat is wrong with a flatter, fairer tax system. Tax the same % for ALL forms of income, wages, capital gains,?
You can even exempt $20,000 of income per person. So the single mother of 2 does not pay a dime of taxes of the first 60K she makes during the year.
The 20K figure could be played with, but that is fair, IMHO!!
What say you!
And do NOT confuse income with wealth! Thanks!
8 AnswersPolitics10 years agoShould Congress look at S&P for the downgrade we got, or at themselves? What do you think of this article?
Was the downgrade politically motivated?
8 AnswersPolitics10 years agoAm I the ONLY person that does not blame all of our problems on one person/party? No one else thinks we can?
spread the blame around equally?
So much of what I read on here is Obama/Tea Party's fault? Are you people serious?
10 AnswersPolitics10 years agoI hate the political phases "pay their fair share", and "take our country back". They both annoy me to no end!?
What are the political phases or words YOU hear that send up your BS detector?
For some, it could be anytime a politician speaks, but pick out some of your favorites!!
13 AnswersPolitics10 years agoDo some people make the mistake of confusing income and wealth when it comes to taxes, and who pays how much?;_ylt=AszHf...
See this previous question, where some mention how much "wealth" people have.
Am I asking fair questions? We can disagree on the issues, but are these questions insulting to anyone? I am trying not to be.
7 AnswersPolitics10 years agoWhat is wrong with a flat tax? Isn't it fair that everyone pay the same percentage to the gov't?
Tell me why I am wrong, or right. And Thanks!
38 AnswersPolitics10 years agoDid you see the debate in NH last night? If so, were you impressed, or turned off, by any one candidate?
18 AnswersPolitics10 years agoDid you see the debate in NH last night? If so, were you impressed, or turned off, by any one candidate?
I wanted to see how the businessman, Cain, I believe,is his name, did. I had to work, so I missed it.
7 AnswersPolitics10 years agoWhy are so many people in yahoo politics trying to either make the Az shooter into a liberal, or a con, or?
trying to "blame" people OTHER than the shooter? I will not type or say the name of this "person" that killed over the weekend.
This person is a lunatic! His first interaction with Rep. Giffords was 2007, BEFORE Palin and the TEA party came along.
Will his political leanings make the damage he caused more or less bearable?
"Oh, well, he killed 6 people, including a 9 year old child, but he thankfully he was NOT one of us."
11 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoSo, the tax cuts will continue, and the spending bill does not look like it will pass.?
If I have those things correct, would you call this a "victory" for the Republicans, or for Obama reaching across the aisles?
7 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoCan anyone would actually read this story tell me the "miscarriage of justice" is, as the defense claims?;_ylt=AnMyXy9tU5he...
Sorry if it not the politically charged question of the day.
5 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoPeople on this site have claimed Obama has deported more people than either Bush or Reagan. Can anyone provide?
a link to support that claim? The last year I saw results was 2008.
Any information would be helpful.
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago