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How to explain drug addiction to a pre-schooler?

My daughters are half sisters, we fostered and then adopted them. They are 5 and 3 1/2 now.

They know they are adopted and *kind of* get what that means. We told them they had different parents before, but they were sick and couldn't take care of them so they came to live with us and we adopted them.

I try not to add too much 'fluff' or give too much information considering they are so young. My oldest understands it better and asks me questions, which I try to answer the best I can.

Lately she has been asking me why her first parents were sick... of course she is thinking they had a cold or something, because she doesn't even know what drugs are.

How do I give her an answer that helps her without actually explaining that they are crack addicts?! I don't want to say anything negative about their first parents but I don't want to lie either- which is why we have been saying they were sick- since drug addiction IS a sickness.

Thanks and God bless


My intention is not to actually talk about drugs with them. I am just looking for advice on how to answer her questions in an age appropriate way.

Telling them "that they realized that they were not able or capable of taking care of her and wanted her to have a good life" would be a blatant lie. They were taken away from their parents for abuse/neglect and I don't feel right making the leap to "selfless act"- although I do NOT plan on telling them those horrible details until wayyy later in life.

I would NEVER call the parents "crackheads" or tell my oldest she was a "crackbaby". :(

I want to be true to their story without overwhelming them or lying. Hard to find the middle ground :( and man, kids ask sooooo many questions!!

Update 2:

Cleopatra, the crackhead remark was in response to someone else asking me not to use that term. I said crack ADDICT which is what they are.

You don't have to believe in God, but I do and I will not apologize for that.

I was taken from my mother because of physical and sexual abuse at age 5. No one here can tell me that I don't have their best interest at heart. I personally have been through way more abuse than my girls will ever go through and I KNOW how much foster care and abandonment hurts. I was given ALL of the details as a small child (from a different family member) which is why I want to find the balance between being honest and going overboard.

Please do explain to me how I am "less suitable" than a parent who abuses their children??? Oh, and just because they are my girls birth parents does not mean that I can't vent to ADULTS about how much child abuse p!sses me off. I do not and have not ever spoken negatively about their parents. My oldest's father is my half brother.

Update 3:

Reiki Chick - thank you for that info!!! It hadn't occured to me that they might fear someone leaving because of a cold, etc!!! I really appreciate everyones input, except for the useless rants.

17 Answers

  • Sunny
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You call it "poor choices".

    Eventually you can take them to an Al-Anon meeting.

    Great book to help you (and them eventually) understand:

    Source(s): Adopted by addicts
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Explain Drug Addiction

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the answerers who say keep it simple and age appropriate. Drug addiction is too complex an issue for a 5 year old to understand.

    Since you've made a presidency by saying her parents were sick, I would suggest following up with telling her that there are different types of sicknesses. Some sickness - like a cold or the sniffles are easy to fix. You take a medicine a doctor gives you, and rest then in a few days you feel better. But there are some illnesses that a person might have for their whole life. I would add that her parents' illness made it too hard for them to be able to care for her properly but that they loved her very much and want her to have a good life.

    But I also think its important to ask her open ended questions so that you can get a better idea of what's going on in her head. Perhaps she's fearful when she sees you with a cold that you will get "too sick" to take care of her and then her and her sister will have to leave your home too. Perhaps she's fearful she'll get sick like her first parents and worries that she will have to leave, or won't be able to go to school etc.

    5 year olds think way more then most people give them credit for, but at the same time, they don't have the life experiences to follow traditional thought patterns so there's no way to know what she could be thinking and believing without talking with her.

    If it were me, I would keep the focus of the conversation on the fact that they loved her a lot, and that they want her to have a good life.


    I just read your additional comment about not wanting so paint it as a selfless act. I completely agree with that. However, its been proven that people under the influence have flawed thinking, so even though they did awful things that hurt the children, it doesn't mean that they didn't love them, or that they didn't want them to have a good life. Most people's "intentions" is for their children to have a good life even if they don't know how to provide it or simple can't, or even if their actions say something completely different.

    I think the fact that they were removed is a seperate issue to be dealt with when the kids are older and better able to understand complex issues.

    At your daughter's current level of development she's in a very ego-centric stage where she can twist whatever you say to be her fault. You don't want her to spend the next 10 years believing she wasn't good enough - which was why she had to leave their home, or that she caused their problems. (most kids will come to this conclusion at that age) That's why I personally think for now its important for your children to feel loved, so that's why I recommend putting the focus there.

    Just my thoughts

    Source(s): Early childhood educator with over 10 years experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Sickness is not always the best way to describe it..because remember you get sick as well. You get colds, tummy bugs, headaches. If your daughter thinks the reason she was removed is because her parents were sick..then you get sick. See where i'm going with that? She could be very scared of you getting ill, or of being sick herself

    I would explain it in terms of medicine. Some is good, the doctor gives it to you. If you take bad medicine the doctor didn't give you, then it makes you feel very ill and you feel you have to take it all the time. And you make poor choices because of that. And those poor choices led to her being taken away. But that won't happen to you, because you don't take bad medicine. etc etc

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am a recovering drug addict-- 8 yrs clean. I have a daughter who is 14 now& her father is still a full blown addict who she hardly ever sees. I have always explained drug addicttion as an illness that makes people do things they wouldnt normally do. This illness makes makes them live a hard life& that some people are able to beat this illness bit some people cannot. I wouldnt get too much into detail& i would NEVER call their parents" crackheads". Good luck& God bless u for giving these children a home& a healthy family. :)

  • 7rin
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Haven't finished reading all the answers 'cause now gotta go do dinner, but I like Rosie's analogy of trying to give up thumb-sucking, etc. 'cause it's putting it into ways a kid's likely to understand.

    I don't agree with not telling them about drugs though - even at such a young age, they STILL need to be aware of such things (Daughter had an 8yr old friend stabbed with a HIV+ positive needle and the entire school 'suddenly' discovered they needed to talk about drugs 'cause of the needles being left lying around the school grounds).

    Kids do need to know these things because you (any and all parents, biological or otherwise) have no idea what they're actually up to when they're out from under your care.

    Good luck hun!

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't explain drug addiction to a little five year old.

    Keep it appropriate to her age, a full blown explanation will just confuse her, and we all know kids like to blurt out information, do you really want to her tell the checkout assistant at the supermarket that "mummy does drugs so I can't see her!"?

    Keep it simple, don't overwhelm her, and don't tell her anything a normal five year old shouldn't know. She will appreciate being able to be a kid when she is older.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Reiki Self Treatment
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    first off you people suck, nice way to talk about children. To the parent I think that you should only give her as much information as she needs being a 5 year old little girl when she asks why her parents are sick and couldn't take care of her just let her know that they realized that they were not able or capable of taking care of her and wanted her to have a good life. Until she's old enough to know the true story this is all she needs to know, that's just my opinion i hope it helped and don't listen to these idiots

    Source(s): Child of a mother with a drug addiction
  • Rosie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    This is how I explain it to children, of preschool age, using the medicine metaphor. We'd had a teacher led discussion of drug abuse in our son's preschool classrooms.

    Taking medicine that the doctor doesn't give you to take makes you very sick and if you keep taking it it makes you even sicker till you are sick all the time.

    Then because you are sick, you keep taking these chemicals to make yourself feel better, but it just makes you more sick.

    The only way to fix it is to get help and never take the chemicals again. This is a very hard thing to do, like giving up a pacifier or sucking your thumb only much much worse.

    The rules are if the police find out that you take these pills and medicines without permission, that you are told to stop, because it's against the law, and if you can't stop doing it, you get into trouble with the police and the judges.

  • 1 decade ago

    she was sick

    she had bad behavior

    she had a bug in her that made her do bad things

    et al...

    kids are concrete. using terminology like "addicted" and "illicit" and "not prescribed by a doctor" will garner you glazed eyes.

    and by ALL means, don't "label her" ( eg. she was a drug addict, crackhead, et al).

    the truth, anything can be explained if it's age-appropriate.

    Source(s): taught reproduction and childbirth to kindergartners without the planets colliding.
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