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why are we all condemn to die?

sounds like a hearse punishment for lots of innocent people.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cause of Death in Humans - The first reference to death in the Scriptures occurs at Genesis 2:16, 17 in God’s command to the first man concerning the eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, violation of which command would result in death.

    The gravity of God’s warning about the death penalty for disobedience would therefore be understandable to his human son, Adam. Adam’s disobedience to his Creator brought death to him. (Ge 3:19; Jas 1:14, 15) Thereafter, Adam’s sin and its consequence, death, spread to all men.—Ro 5:12; 6:23.

    Alienated from God by sin, mankind in general is said to be in “enslavement to corruption.” (Ro 8:21) This enslavement is due to the workings of sin in their bodies, bringing forth its corrupting fruit, and all persons not obedient to God are under the rule of sin as its slaves “with death in view.” (Ro 6:12, 16, 19-21) Satan is stated to have “the means to cause death.” (Heb 2:14, 15) He is called “a manslayer” (Joh 8:44), not necessarily because he kills directly but because he does so by deceit and seduction to sin, by inducing or stimulating wrongdoing that leads to corruption and death (2Co 11:3), and also by fathering murderous attitudes in the minds and hearts of men. (Joh 8:40-44, 59; 13:2; compare Jas 3:14-16; 4:1, 2.) Death is therefore presented, not as the friend of man, but as man’s “enemy.” (1Co 15:26) It is generally those in extreme or unbearable pain who are shown as desiring death.—Job 3:21, 22; 7:15; Re 9:6.

    Source(s): . "What is God's Purpose for the Earth?":
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A hearse punishment? It sounds like a punishment involving a vehicle carrying a coffin to a cemetery?

  • Allen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure I think death is harsh.

    Things change, sometimes not for the better. Stars don't even live forever... Black holes may... Hawking radiation I guess evaporates a tiny bit, but they eat so much just in background cosmic radiation the timescales for one to dissipate are probably even in astronomical time scales huge. I digress.

  • 1 decade ago

    God is the source of life, if we are separated from Him, then we are on a path towards death automatically. God desires that all people would accept salvation and live. Make no mistake about it though, the only way to salvation is through accepting God's identity revealed in the flesh, through Jesus Christ. God is always goodness, truth, love, and life and cannot be opposite. The belief which caused Adam and Eve to sin, was distrust in God's identity. God is always trustworthy to tell us the truth. By believing satan's lies, they had to deny the truth of God. God has made salvation possible in such a way that through trusting (having faith) in His identity revealed through Jesus Christ, we would have salvation. We simply believe that Jesus is God, ask Him to come into our hearts, and give us eternal salvation. God gives us His Holy Spirit, so that we are sealed with salvation and are filled with eternal life. God says whoever comes to Him, He will in no wise cast out. Jesus came not to condemn the world, but to save it. The world stood condemned without Him already. God says who belong to Him, would not be plucked or snatched from His hand. Once we receive salvation, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. God takes us as we are. We are His work in progress, being built up in truth and love. For salvation is given by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and this is a free gift that was purchased by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. It is not by our works that we are saved, lest any man should boast. The Bible says none is good, but God alone - and we all fall short of the glory of God. Even our most righteous acts are like filthy rags.

    I highly recommend (if you have access to a Bible): reading the book of John, Romans, Galatians, and Ephesians. shows parallel versions of the Bible and also a Greek/Hebrew lexicon - so you can check what the words were being translated from. The most accurate English translation is the King James Version, even though most people don't want to read it because it is in Older English. Many people are not familiar with thous and shalls. Some translations, like the NIV, do have omissions and errors.....but you can check that out for yourself on the website. Sometimes you have to dig a little to get to the truth, but the truth may always be found.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that this is a question that will be answered when we die. I don't like the idea of dying but everything has a begining and an end.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because nothing lasts forever.

  • Homo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because stuff has to cycle in order to work.

  • 1 decade ago

    You don't want to live forever! You'll just get bored!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Death and taxes

    Mark Twain

    Source(s): I believe in sex and death. Woody Allen
  • 1 decade ago

    because life requires death for more life.

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