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Lv 6
Emily asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

For those who like to claim the US is a "Christian Nation"...?

... how do you reconcile that with the fact that verbatim in the Treaty of Tripoli (1797) it is explicitly stated "The government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian Religion".

Yes, Christianity was the most populous religion at the time, but that did not stop our founding fathers from explicitly providing a separation of Church and State, etc.


Number one, I am not attacking Christians. I happen to have been raised in the Lutheran Church, and have immense respect for those who hold religion dear to them.

My "point" is simply thus... while it is fair to say that "Many US Citizens are Christian", calling the US a government based upon Christianity is asinine from that angle.

27 Answers

  • Draco
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It still amazes me that some "people" still must try to make the connection between "religion" and "religious belief". This country was and mostly remains the product of christian "IDEALS", such as , "Do not steal.." "Do not murder......" and of course that MOST obvious "CHRISTIAN" idea, "Treat others as you would have them treat you..."

    Fact is if any Liberal were to do their research ( never happen ) it was a King called Hammurabi who CREATED the first "ideals" of how those subjects in his Kingdom, would act. He created the first "laws" some 1,000 YEARS before christianity. That doesn't change the fact, we were ALL ( well, nowadays maybe not ) raised with these values. That doesn't make us a Catholic.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think two concepts are being confused. One is the fact that most here in this Nation are Christian, true.

    The other is the government, which although it is supposed to be separation of church and state, which it is by the way, can also have "in God We Trust" on our money. Which by the way I have a 2003, 1 dollar bill with that saying on the back! So it did not stop back in the 50's like someone else suggested.

    The difference is, the government may very well have been founded upon Christian teachings, however they are not permitted to force anyone to be part of any religion that they do not want to be.

    In other words, no ONE religion is bona fide.

    The government cannot make ONE religion for this Country, as was done in the Church of England with Henry VIII, or the Roman Church. No oppression. Freedom to believe what you will.

    That is the difference.

    Hope this helps,

    Good Luck,


    Source(s): a 2003 dollar Bill, History, Law, Thomas the Congressional Law Library, Cornell edu School of Law
  • 1 decade ago

    It's called "separation of church and state"--As a country, America is of NO religion, neither Christian, Muslim, Buddhism, etc., I seriously doubt you could find any treaty made by the USA, that states its a Christian, muslim or other type of religion, the fact that we are 80% Christian, does not mean we have the right to push that particular faith on the other 20%, nor do we discriminate or kill them, like other countries do to Christians. But, any time I see this question pop up here, I automatically think it's part of the planned destruction of America's core Values and Traditions by the Communists


  • BruceN
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    One treaty is not conclusive. But the first amendment is when it says that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or preventing the free exercise thereof. By this, they are saying that it is a secular Republic that is never to be officially affiliated with any religion, even if 100% of the people practiced the same one.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We are a predominately Christian nation. That is a fact. The Treaty of Tripoli merely states that our government (not our country) was not founded based on a religion. That is correct and why we have separation of church and state. The state still is dominated by Christians.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thomas Jefferson once stated, “The Bible is the cornerstone for American Liberty.”

    Patrick Henry said after his famous “Give me liberty or give me death” speech, “Our country was founded upon the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

    James Madison is quoted saying, “We’ve staked out future on our ability to follow the Ten Commandments with all our hearts.”

    George Washington stated in his farewell address, “You can’t have National Morality apart from religious principles.”

    Abe Lincoln had said, “The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”

    You are the product of a school system that simply chooses to ignore the truth and teach what they want you to believe. That’s why you don’t know the truth.

    The treaty of Tripoli, 30 years after the fact, has no bearing on the foundation of the nation. It was a treaty to end a war between the secular government of the predominately Christian United States and the Islamic Barbary Pirates. It was written that way because the Barbary pirates COULD NOT surrender to a Christian theocracy (which we were not) and live to tell the tale.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh Emily, we get don't like religion. Is anyone forcing you to go to church? No. Now stop complaining.

    PS: Take another picture that doesn’t have you doing the duckface. That idiotic look is reserved for guidos or 14 year old girls.

  • 1 decade ago

    Demographics show the US to be a Christian nation in spite of the naysayers. The Treaty of Tripoli is irrelevant as is the argument about separation of church and State.

  • 5 years ago

    i'm no longer Christian. besides God by utilizing defnition is in order that that you are able to not truly choose what's honest. A student (Islamic) once stated that in case you are able to make a decision from his mom and God on who would choose him on the Day of Judgement he would chosen God as God will be more suitable merciful to Him (he's the most Merciful). contained in the lecture room is made up of human beings of similar age and similar means. besides on account that each and everybody has diverse means they might appreicate to be examined in accordance to their means so one would prfer a Calculus attempt to a threat try. God checks us in accordance to our means and would not burdern someone more suitable than he can bear. useless children aren't from now on examined - per chance the human beings round like their father and mom are. they're going to go instantly to heaven. so as that'll be the excellent reward. starving North African or a chld sex slave is a try on us what did we do to assist or ward off it as we are to blame for it otherwise. besides if a believer receives ill or loses his wealth then there continues to be goodness in this for him as he will nevertheless thank God and performance staying power and it truly is going to be a expriration of his sins. So he wins in good cases and in undesirable cases.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can be a christian nation and still believe in separation of church and state. It was actually written to keep government and politics out of the chruch.

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