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what do u do if u see a possible domestic abuse situation?

i saw a man in a parking lot across the street from me today screaming and cussing at a woman. she was mainly just standing very still. i want to help people like her, but i don't know how. if i approach them, the man will probably just beat the woman later and scream at her about how she embarrassed him in public. but i don't wan to just do nothing; i want to help. so, what can i do?


ack! i can't decide on a best answer! i was hoping for more answers so i could get a better idea of what to do, but it's split down the middle. i guess i'll leave it up to voters...

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Walk over but stay out of arm's reach. Say "Excuse me Ma'am,but are you all right? Do you need me to call the police about this?" Have your phone out and 911 already waiting for you to hit "send". 9 guys out of 10 will back off right then. If it's the 10th guy,grab her and run like hell while getting 911 on the line.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No one deserves abuse. I saved my girlfrend from it noticed signs a year ago n talked to her but she waz afraid n love we hook up short time nver seen her happier but sheb went bck until it nearly kiled her he got locked up we tlked n ended up intimate n now she with me happyer than ever so save the poor. Lady if u can't go up to her do the nxt best thing gather as much evidence tke pics wheb u see it do watever n contact the local domestic abuse hotline tell wat u seen n heard n ur concerns if u appoarch her of wat migjt hppen give location n adress for them to send help or call police don't hesitate ur gut feelin is probably true dnt wait can u live. With urself if u wait to long and it eplodes n she loses her life. Get on it report n get that poor scare woman out of there or give me the adress n ur local ploice number n I will report it. Its the right thing tondo

    Source(s): Have zero tolerence to any child or woman abuse will report n get them out in safe place. Do the right thing report it
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Stay out of it. Don't stick your nose into other's people's business. 9 out of 10 times you need a ton more information before jumping to conclusions. Remember, assuming makes an a$$ our of you and me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, its best to stay out of it...people in abusive relationships have to help themselves...when they are ready to get out, they will.

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