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Lv 6
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Young Women Tempting Fate?

I've been in this forum since I discovered I was pregnant and was curious as to why a lot of young women are being unsafe when it comes to sex?

Are you trying to get pregnant?

Do you not know any better?

Is that why you are in here afterwards asking people if you are pregnant?

What about STD's? Do you not worry about what your actions can do to your health?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think a lot of the problem is lack of education. Even though most schools offer sex education, they have to have parental consent before the child can participate in the class. Also, most parents don't feel comfortable talking with their kids about sex, or think that they don't need to, that their kids will come to them when the time comes. That's totally bogus. Kids are more uncomfortable talking about sex with their parents then the parents are.

    In my school, sex education was offered in 7th grade. I felt that was too early for me. I know lots of kids nowadays are having sex early, but for me, I was no where near ready for that at that age. I think they should offer it in middle school, then again in high school. And parents really do need to step up and start informing their kids about things like this.

    Another thing that bothers the heck out of me is that loads of people want to preach abstinence, which I know, is the only surefire way to protect yourself against pregnancy and STD's, but to think that teenagers will not have sex because you say so is absurd. They will. There needs to be more information for them on safety precautions. Kids need to be able to have access to condoms and birth control pills because lets face it, if they're going to do it anyway, they should at least be safe about it.

    I will say one thing though. Things happen. People make mistakes and they shouldn't be condemned for them. I got pregnant at 17. My long time boyfriend (now my husband) and I had never had unprotected sex before. The one time that we did, I got pregnant. We were both checked for STD's BEFORE we became sexually active because our parents weren't naive. They wanted us to be safe. To assume that kids aren't worrying about this type of thing is wrong. Some don't care. Some have no self respect. But there are those out there who just made a simple mistake.

    I could go on for hours. This is a topic I feel very strongly about. We NEED more sex education and readily available forms of contraception for our teens today. Teenage sexual activity needs to be acknowledged, not ignored.

  • Momma
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I definitely think it's because they just don't know any better. There's all this hype about having sex now a days from movies, tv shows, peer pressure etc. and most parents seem to just skip the sex talk. And forget about health class teaching anything about sex, health class is useless in schools now a days. I think that a serious intervention needs to be done with schooling not only the teenagers, but the parents not only of teenagers, but of younger children so they know how to approach the subject once their children are older. It's sad how little young teens, and even some into their early 20's, actually know about having sex, using protection (or lack there of), contracting std's, and getting pregnant.

    Source(s): Myself- 19w1d Pregnant with a Little Girl due June 14, 2011 after my Angel Baby in October, 2009 <3
  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's the sex.

    You can understand how pregnancy happens, you can know the risk of STD's, you can have a ton of education about condoms but when you are in the heat of the moment, with his breath in your ear and hands all over you and all you are thinking about is skin...well, it all goes out the window.

    We are, on a basic level, animals. Animals don't worry about getting pregnant or STDs. When things get hot and heavy, we all dumb down.

    Which is why I think more parents should get these girls on the pill/shot. Something more lasting that you can't just toss aside, like a condom.

    As for STD's, well, that's just a risk you take when you become sexually active.

    I was told before I even started having sex that I was infertile. So condoms were more for the guys piece of mind, but if he didn't want it, I didn't either. Like I said, when you are in the heat of the moment, you just don't really care what might happen.

    Come on ladies, we all remember what it was like to be young and stupid. Its just that teens are getting stupider at a younger age nowadays, lol..

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think that a lot of girls are truly informed, several schools, at least in my area have banned sex education classes, and do not teach about the risks involved with sex. I think most young woman know that by not using condoms they are taking risks, but I don't think they understand to the fullest what they are risking. If they guy looks clean, they assume he is, not knowing that you don't have to have signs of a STD to carry the virus. Also from a lot of young girls who became pregnant, the most common answer that I hear is that "they didn't think it would happen to them."

    I think we really need to push sex education back in schools, I think these young woman have the right to know in full what they are risking, other than pregnancy, by having unprotected sex.

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  • *Rena*
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Parents aren't talking to them about it,and schools aren't teaching anything about it. Parents seem to take the "if they don't know anything they won't do it" approach and hoping their kids don't have sex or end up pregnant. If parents would talk to their children more about it,and about the risks,the STDs wouldn't be running rampant how they are and teen pregnancy wouldn't be so much of a problem. Parents need to step up to the plate. I agree,it does seem like no one cares. People are all the time having random sex with random people and not using condoms,and don't even know these people very well most of the time!

    Source(s): *Ty TD fairy. I feel so honored. I'm pretty sure I know who's doing it,and it does get pretty old to have a TD every time you answer a question,whether the answer is accurate or not*
  • 1 decade ago

    i dont think that they know any better...I know a lot of girls in their 20's who dont know how getting pregnant works! People aren't educated about this! It's really sad...I also think they think they are invincible, especially when it comes to STDs, like it will never happen to them...ooooh, but it will!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    these teenegers are more afraid of getting pregnant THAN contracting HIV & STIs. how can one be having sex at 12yrs old honestly, why put your life as risky for less than 5min of pleasure and then your BF runs away?

  • 1 decade ago

    No i am not trying,

    I deff know better.

    Nah, andd does it matter if uu love the person th are with!?

    Even tho they say theywill be with uu forevr.

    I might be and he said he will be with meh forever if i am.

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