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I'm 13 and I don't want a baby.?

Okay, I'm 13. Going to be 14 soon.

I'm always thinking about the future. What my job is going to be, where I will live, what school I will go too, etc. One thing that I don't think about is babies.

Recently, my friends have been talking about babies. They were saying what they were going to name their babies and how many they wanted. It came to me and they asked what I was going to name my baby/babies.

I said,"I don't want any."

They looked at me like I was crazy!

One of them said,"What are you going to do when you get old? You're going to be alone and a kid won't be there to help you."

I didn't say anything back. I have family to take care of me. My mom also thinks I'm crazy but she said I might change my mind. That's just the thing that really bothers me. Everyone always says,"you'll change your mind." Yeah, some people do change their mind. But I don't think I'm one of those people. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to have kids, or anything. I respect people who have kids. I know what it's like to be a mother though. I have to babysit a lot. It's a really hard thing to do. I'm alright with kids, but I don't want to have any of my own. I'm happy when my aunt gets home, and I give the kids back to her and I can get away from the crying. I just wish my friends would respect that I don't want a baby. They think it's 'selfish' that I don't want a baby. I started planning things when I was in 2nd/3rd grade. I told myself I wanted to be an author, and I haven't changed my mind about that. I'm getting ready to get a book published soon, I hope they publish it.

Well, what do you think?


Yes, when I am in my 80's/90's..most of my family won't be here. I might have a few friends or a few younger family members.

But who knows. I just don't think I'll change my mind about kids. I don't think I would be a good mom. I would probably be a good aunt, but not a mom. I'm just focused on my career. :)

Update 2:

Thanks. :D

I've always been into writing. :) Thanks for the advice.

I know I don't get much experience from babysitting, but I just think I would like to be an aunt. Even when I was around 10/11, I was planning my life ahead. I was never interested in kids, my friend was always talking about them and how cute they were. We made these wills, I still have mine today. :P She lost hers, though. :(

We both said if we had kids, we were going to adopt. We both changed our minds. She wants kids when she's older, and I don't want any.

I just want to be a writer and have a small puppy. :P

Update 3:


Of course. :)

Well the main reason that I don't want kids...I just don't think the world is too good of a place right now. I know that there's some bad things that could happen, and I couldn't protect them from everything. I know that it's kind of bad..with jobs and everything too. I also just have a gut feeling that I won't change my mind. Like 'I'm not going to have kids." That's it.

I like my cousins and everything, but I just don't think I could handle the crying too well. I sometimes get mad easily, but not all of the time. I just don't think I would be too good of a mom. I've always wanted to be like my aunt. She's kind of like my 'role model.' :) I would just like to be able to be there to support my friends and help them out. The kids might get in the way of my career also..

Update 4:


Well, I know some people who haven't had kids. Nature doesn't really make you have kids, not everyone reproduces.

And thank you. :)

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is fine if you don't want children,you are not obliged to have them. You are not being selfish ,you think motherhood is not for you so it would be extremely selfish to have an unwanted child. Your friends are being selfish if they are thinking have a child so they can look after me in old age! How selfish and self centred is that. A child should be wanted for itself not for what it can do for the parents . It is true you could change your mind as you get older but equally true you may not. never let anyone tell you that you must have a child,only you can decide that

    It is very hard to become a successful author but keep writing ,you will get knock backs from publishers all authors do but don't give up keep trying,keep improving your work,listen to advice you are given , try and find out from other authors what it takes to get published and work towards your dream.Who knows one day we could all be reading your books.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think you're a teenager and right now you know what you want. That's great. Keep studying, work towards your goals you have set yourself, and don't let other people get you down or make you feel bad for your choices you make. When I was 14 a girl in my class was saying she wanted a hysterectomy when she was done school because she didn't want kids or periods or anything. I thought it was weird not to want kids, but I didn't say that to her. Now I have 4, and I saw her at the pediatrician's office, with her daughter. I remembered what she had said but didn't say anything. But things change in life and right now this is what you want. You don't know if you really will change your mind, but it shouldn't matter either way. Good luck with the book thing. I'm working on something to be published too. We can only hope. Peace.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your young and you shouldn't even be worrying about things like that. When your older and perhaps married that's when you would make the decision to maybe have a baby. When I was 13 I was Absolutely sure I wanted to be a pediatrician now five years later I have changed my mind and perhaps in the next four years I will change my mind again.So it is true you may very well change your mind in the next few years but there is no set rule that says in order for you to live a happy productive life you have to get married have two kids and own a dog. I know plenty people (men and women) who decided not to have kids and trust and believe they are entirely happy living there lives.

    I think it is fun to sit around with your girlfriends and talk about your futures but don't ever set anything in stone. Just live you life and have a ball and perhaps one day you have a baby and fall head over heels in love with him/her and everything that comes along with that baby. Or you may just be a really really awesome aunt.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I get what you're saying, but you're still in your teens, and yes, maybe it's right, you may never change your mind about that. But maybe you will. You cannot see that right now, you're too young. And you really shouldn't plan babies now either. Focus on the grades in school and that kind of stuff instead, and your writing, author is a great thing to be!

    Ignore your friends baby-chatting, let them talk and let them think, you don't have to be a part of it. :)

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  • Orange
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's good that you're not thinking about it now as you're better off focusing on your education and building a future for yourself.

    Of course people change their minds and although you don't think you are one of those people, at 13 you don't have the life experience to be sure. I wouldn't rule it in or out. Just see how life pans out for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're fine. I didn't really want kids when I was your age, either. Fate had other plans. I have two. I'm glad I had them, they are my world, but they did require me to put my life on hold. Lots of people choose not to have kids. The world is already bursting at the seams. When the time comes, just take the proper precautions to make sure you don't have any surprises!

    Good luck with your book!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with Furious GIrl's answer.

    Besides, nature will not let you 'not have a baby', because, the instinct to reproduce is hard wired in our genes.I do not think its wise of you to plan something against nature.

    So you will definitely want a baby of your own once bou become an adult.

    Good luck with your writing career and I hope you come up with some much needed good stuff for this world which is, in your own words, 'not too good of a place' to make this world a better place.

  • 1 decade ago

    You'll change your mind.

    The main thing is, it's ok if you don't want a child, it's your decision. You seem very mature for your age so you should just ignore your friends if they think you're "crazy"

    If they don't respect your decision then they aren't your real friends.

    May I ask why precisely you don't want any? They'd get in the way of your career? Too much of a hassle?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think it is a good idea that you are thinking about your future and your career. Personally it is up to you if you want/don't want children. I do when I am older.. But maybe you will, Maybe you won't but it is fully up to you. It is your life:-) But your family won't be there forever, When your are in your 80's/90's most of your family won't be there.. But it is up to you. It doesn't matter what people think of you. As long as your happy, You shouldn't care about other peoples thoughts:-)

  • 1 decade ago

    Good for you :) All you need to think about at 13 is going to school and making good grades and being kind to your friends and obeying your parents. And you don't have to want kids. Go to college, meet someone special and then decide what you want to do with the rest of your life.

    Source(s): mommy to 2 and 1 on the way
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