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Miya Miya asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

my dog has suddenly started to attack my children unprovoked, why?

We adopted our dog a few months ago from the local animal shelter. She is really possessive of toys and my husband & I, however the times she has bitten my children it seems it was for no reason at all. Today my son was sitting on the couch and my dog woke up and after a few minutes lunged across the couch and bit my son's face! She almost took his eye out for no reason and she did the exact same thing last night to my older son. I am not sure what I should do here... Should I take her back to the pound? I mean ultimately my kids come first but we have all fallen in love with our new doggy, but I can't have he hurting my children. Why is she doing this & what can I do to prevent it from happening again?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some dogs just aren't kid friendly. This behavior may not have shown up at first because she was still adjusting to your home. You didn't mention breed (or best guess of breed if its a mutt) or age - that might help determine what the issue is.

    I'm assuming she's not leaving marks on your children or else she wouldn't still be in your home. But "nipping" can lead to serious bites in no time. Once a dog has demonstrated it has a propensity to bite when not threatened, it can never be trusted 100%.

    I'm sorry that you're faced with losing your dog, but it's not a good environment for her or your children. Unless it's severe, your dog COULD be trained. You could consult a professional behaviorist. In the mean time, keep the dog and children separated.

    Also, you could consult a veterinarian to determine if there is an underlying medical issue (sporatic pain or something) that is provoking her.

    Lastly (or firstly if you don't have time to retrain or faith that it will work, and you don't think it's a medical issue), you should take her back to the shelter. And be honest with them about why - they need to know so they don't place her with another family with children. Depending on the shelter, they may euthanize her or they may place her in a home with no children. You can look around for no-kill shelters in the area and tell them your predicament.

    Sorry to hear about this, and good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't believe you're even asking this. It needs to go NOW and you need to find a dog with the right temperament for your family. Contact a rescue organization if you are fond of a particular breed.... they can better assess a dog and it's tendencies and help find one that's a better fit for your family. If the dog has attacked once, she will do it again -she's a vicious dog and it's almost never possible to undo their instincts. She may need a family with no kids - that's her temperament but she's not the dog for you. The first red flag should have been possessiveness of toys. Then possessiveness of you - s he's jealous and sees the kids as a threat. She can't rationalize like we do. She's an animal and will rely on instincts every time. If you must continue trying to keep this dog go get Cesar Milan books NOW...

    On the down side the pound will euthanize the dog because it has attacked. Contact a rescue organization for that breed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes you should take it back to the shelter - I'm afraid for a dog to attack a child's face unprovoked.

    If you wanted to work on it then get a good behaviorist in.

    Can I just ask whether the dog was also on the sofa when it happened, as first things first - keep the dog off of sofa's and google NILIF, and put this training in place. Absolutely no privelages like sofa's or beds for sure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe something is upsetting the dog, has anything changed since then? Moved home? New person? A dog bit me once so we had to let it go, sorry. Does the dog sleep on the end of your bed, is the dog closer to you and your husband than to your children? Maybe the dog doesnt want anyone else there? Just sugestions? :)

    Source(s): good luck!
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get with a trainer/behaviorist and get the dog evaluated. You would hate to return the dog and possibly have the dog ultimately put down, over something simple. Not saying it is something simple, but why not rule it out. Ultimately, your kids come first, but if an evaluation determines the dog is mentally FUBAR, you'll know you tried your best, and have a clean conscience.

  • 1 decade ago

    The dog doesn't sound like it has adapted right to the kids. I'd return the dog to the shelter after talking with the dog behaviorist there. They will need to evaluate the dog.

  • It would be safer for your children/ family if you got rid of the dog. I'm sorry.

    I'm not sure if there would be anything to prevent it. Maybe when the kids are home, have him stay outisde for a little bit.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That dog need humanely euthanizing the first time that happened it should of been a one way trip to the vet

    And you allowed this dog to carry on biting your children and your children come first??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Consult a trainer

  • Sandy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If this were my dog it would have been gone first time it bit my kid.seriously.No asking questions on yahoo answers.

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