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Unintended consequences - Are companies dumping full time jobs because of Obamacare?

When I read between the lines of this article I cannot help think that this is a corporate effort to bypass Obamacare. Get rid of full time employees with health insurance and hire part timers and not provide health insurance.

Mc Donalds was one of the first to opt out of Obamacare.

In the case of Lowes why would you layoff one full time position and replace it with four part time positions as a cost savings measure if it were not for costs of Obamacare.

In light of the above examples (+200 companies), do you think Obamacare is or isn't a job killing bill and why do think so.


V2 :

Currently we are seeing how companies actively manage their costs. They can negotiate a new Health care contract or go with another provider that can provide a better price. Certainly the number of full time employees they have on their rolls is a labor cost they can manage. Short of moving the business to an other country with lower cost labor a company can reduce the number of full time employees and lessen its health care costs.

IF the government takes over health care it may seem like a lower cost option for a company. However the money for such a system has to come from somewhere and I suspect that revenue will come from increased taxes. So health care costs for a company won't disappear as you suggest but will be shifted to a corporate tax. Net result is converting what is now a managed expense for a company and converting it to an unmanaged expense as a tax levied onto the business .

So corporate opposition would be based in the loss of cost control they currently

Update 2:

LordGodGoose I see that you are following stereotypical behavior in trying to find fault with the messenger. Rather than read my profile in a pathetic attempt to find a source of criticism you should have looked for a link to a corroborating source of your claim.

Mean while Lowes and Home depot are showing consistent signs of growth / recovery for the past 2 years.

A company experiencing such growth would not be cutting back on their ability to service customers and reduce sales. Which is why Lowes is maintaining a level of service by splitting one full time position in to several part time positions.

So why do you think Lowes can cut costs this way?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe it's possible. However, it's also possible that companies are using Obamacare as an excuse for cutting back due to the economy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why would anyone waste his time answering this "question" when you've made it clear that you think you already know the correct answer?

    Forcing people to be insured through their employers is a stupid system, and always has been. By consistently crapping all over every alternative solution for the last 70 years, pro-business conservatives have left the government no choice but to try to fix our system by making use of what we already have in place. It's telling that those same corporate shills are now criticising this solution as well. Let's see them offer ANYTHING as a possible solution, and then we'll start caring about their "job-killing" rhetorical garbage. Not before.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, most companies are turning full-time jobs into part-time jobs so they don't have to pay for ObamaCare for these employees. With ObamaCare and all the new Democrat mandates on business, no wonder companies are moving to India, Mexico and China. They have much lower taxes, lower wages, no government interference with the companies.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    I’m not certain if it is federal or state law but, as far back as

    I can remember (way before Obama was in office) I was always

    informed by employers that if they hired an employee to work more

    than 30 hours per week that they had to offer health care coverage

    to that employee. (I am referring to big corporations.)

    ‘Bud’ is correct. The “part-time” jobs phenomenon has been going

    on for a long time; much before the presence of Obama.

    People just don’t know what went on before Obama and they find it

    convenient to make this situation his doing.

    I guess that includes you buddy. And people like ‘Bethany J’ who

    blame Obama for companies “moving to India, Mexico and China”.

    Uhm duh, that has been going on since at least the 1970’s.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    USA companies are losing global competitiveness because of employer-based health care system. Universal healthcare would take away burden from companies and would reduce labor costs.

    Now think why corporations resist universal healthcare even if would save them money?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No the waivers are for 1 year and renewable every year until 2014 when the health care law takes effect.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Eliminating full time jobs and replacing them with part time jobs has been going on for at 25 years that I know of and maybe longer. If I remember correctly it started under RONALD REAGAN,the great republican hope, I.E. between these lines OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH I see why the republinazis want to rewrite history, so they can hide their crimes like Hitler!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nice rant, but why would the number of available full-time positions be rising and the number of available part-time positions declining right now, if your odd claim had any merit?

    Source(s): (All I can guess is that since you are the sort of person who "reads between the lines", you largely decide what you want an article written by someone ELSE to say before you actually read I right?) (There is also something ironic about someone like you, whose very INDUSTRY would not exist without government mandating minimum water quality levels, whining about "government involvement"! You are a silly goose!)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obamacare does not exist.

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