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Lv 5
Katie asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

I'm pregnant :D but my husband is nervous?

I'm pregnant with my first baby, it'll be a girl :D. At first he was really excited and couldn't get over it, now that I'm about 5 months and 2 weeks he's starting to feel nervous. He's still supportive and does things for me that I can no longer do, he loved talking to my belly, and is really excited to feel kicking and movement. He keeps telling me that he's having doubts that he'll be a good dad, that he'll screw up her life some how or that we won't have a way to provide for her (I'm a dentist, he finishes his residency this summer after graduating from medical school) he's already got a job lined up and I run a practice of my own, I feel it's not an issue but he's panicking. Of course, I'm nervous too, but I know he's going to be a great dad just because of the way he treats his little sisters. How do I help calm his nerves? We previously had 3 miscarriages, which is what made this pregnancy amazing and we're both excited. I want to help him as much as possible, is this normal for a first time father to feel this way?

8 Answers

  • Jill P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's totally, totally, totally normal for him to feel this way. For whatever reason, men tend to feel more of the weight of the responsibility for providing for children (and wives), and if you stand back and really look at it, the prospect of raising and paying for a family can be VERY daunting (just the cost of college 20 years from now alone is enough to give anyone a heart attack!).

    The best thing to do is 1) acknowledge his fears and doubts (no one likes to be told that their feelings are "crazy" or "invalid") and 2) support and encourage him whenever you can. Let him know that you are grateful for everything he does now for your little family, and talk about the qualities he has that you think will make him a great father. I find that my husband likes it when I remind him that I don't care about our house, our cars, our vacations, or any of our STUFF -- I only care that I share my life with him and our son. It reminds him of what's important and what's not -- it "grounds" him, if you will.

    In the meantime, as your little one's due date gets closer, and as you eventually meet her and hold her and love her, those fears will shrink in comparison to his love for his daughter. Enjoy!

    Source(s): Married mom of 2-year-old
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Of course it's normal. It's actually a good thing that he is nervous about being a good father, it means he WANTS to be a good father. My fiance also has younger sisters and he's always picked on them, it's just family and big brothers do that. So don't let that scare you. My fiance btw is the best father i could ask for our son. Don't worry, parenting comes naturally once you have the baby.

    I was very nervous of being a mother, not sure if I was going to know to do the right thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it's completely normal and at least it shows how much he cares and how committed he is to being a good father,all you can really do is keep reassuring him that you know he will be a great father and that it's normal to be nervous about it all as well as excited.

  • 1 decade ago

    Once the baby comes he will throw out his nervousness and won't even realize he is spoiling her. It is normal for a first time parent to feel anxious and scared at the same time. He'll be fine and he will make a great father.

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  • oh yes. It is very normal for men to feel that way. and even for woman as well. becoming a parent is a big step in life. its a lot of work, but it is so worth it. i myself have two kids. my husband was very nervous when i was pregnant with our first child. he wasn't sure he wanted to be a father yet, and if he would be good at it. but now our daughter is 17 months old, and he loves his little girl so much. she is his whole world. she's daddies little girl. and we just had our son about 9 weeks ago, and he's in love with him as well. My husband came around. its normal for your husband to be nervous, all you can really do is just talk to him about it, and reassure him that you two will be great parents. and once that baby is born, and he holds her in his arms, he will absolutely fall in love with her. and the fact that you and him are a little nervous about becoming parents, that just shows how much you care, and it shows that you both will be great parents. don't stress.

    good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Completely normal. He is concerned about his role as a provider and father figure. Any new father (regardless of first, second, third, etc) who doesn't have those doubts is lying.


    I find it interesting to see all the women commenting on a man's feelings and thoughts. At least i can verify my comment.

    Source(s): Have the XY chromosomes.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is perfectly normal and in fact is desirable because it means that he is taking it seriously. He'll be fine.

  • 1 decade ago

    that's normal! its something new so nerves are expected! congrats and hope it all goes well

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