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  • Why is eating so difficult?

    For the last week, I’ve been dealing with gastritis. I haven’t been eating much other than applesauce, toast, and soup on occasion. Now that my symptoms are improving, I can’t force myself to eat. All food is repulsive. I have lost close to 20lbs since last Thursday because I’m eating so minimally. Why is it still so difficult to eat?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness3 years ago
  • Is applying to your alma mater for grad school a bad thing?

    I graduated in 2015 with my bachelors degree in Biology. I m applying to my alma mater for graduate school, but for Public Health. I know some schools will quickly reject alumni, but if I am applying for a different program, do I still have a chance?

    I ve read that applying to the school you got your bachelors degree at will likely reject alumni.

  • Mom's, I need help with a gift basket.?

    One of the dentists I work with is pregnant with her first baby. After spending years of trying to get pregnant, and suffering a miscarriage, she's pregnant. I want to make her a gift basket. I want the basket to be of things that both mom and baby need. I'm not a mother, so I really don't have any idea what to put in it.

    When you had your first child, what things do you wish you had, or were absolutely necessary? Both for mother and baby. What I bought so far is a rubber ducky for the bath tub that tells you whether the bath water is too hot. I just want it to be useful for her.

    Anything is helpful. Please and Thank you!

  • Is it time to get my thyroid checked?

    In the last year, I've gained about 20lbs. I'm a college student, I have 3 jobs, so basically I never had time to work out. Now, I've been working at my weight for 4 weeks. I've been doing Insanity, and eating nothing but vegetables, fruit, and grains. Basically, eating a vegan diet. I haven't even lost a pound. I've cut my calorie intake to 1300 calories a day, and I still can't lose weight. I have a doctors appointment on Thursday, and I'm so embarrassed about my weight gain, but I can honestly say I've given my everything, and lose maybe a pound. Should I get my thyroid checked, or should I just keep doing what I'm doing?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Why is my hair getting so oily?

    I shower every day, sometimes multiple times a day because of my job. I'm a dental assistant, so by the end of the day, my hair smells like bad breath, sometime I find pieces of tooth or silver filling material in my hair. Not to mention all the aerosols from the hand pieces. So not washing my hair isn't an option. I've used several different shampoos/conditioners and my hair gets oily so fast. Sometimes when I was my hair at night, I wake up and my hair is already oily. How can I stop this from happening?

    2 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Best way to go vegan?

    I'm lactose intolerant, and I don't enjoy meat, I also have a lot of food allergies. I'm tired of feeling so sick all the time from dairy, however, It's hard to be a vegan in my family because they are meat eaters and love dairy products. They are also highly unsupportive of my decision. That really isn't an issue to me, the issues is I'm trying to stop eating cheese, and butter. I've had a really hard time cutting it out and don't know how. I've been eating dairy for my entire life. How can cut these foods out? Should I give it up and not look back, or transition? I don't drink milk, or eat eggs. and that has been ok. I think I just haven't found a good cheese substitute. Help?

    2 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • Any suggestions working out in an apartment without disturbing my neighbors?

    I'm a college student, and I'm a fitness coach. Right now, I'm running a challenge group for P90X3 that just came out so it's important for me to follow the program with my clients. A lot of the time you are airborne and you are jumping. I happen to live on the 3rd floor of an apartment building and the people below me always hit the ceiling when I work out. These are only 30 minute workouts, but the people who live below me get up for clinicals in the early hours and the only time I have to workout is in the evening because I also work as a dental assistant and work until 8 or 9pm. Is there anything (besides moving to the first floor, which isn't possible), that I can do to minimize the noise? I don't want to disturb anyone, but I want to workout!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • New to being vegan, but having issues?

    I've was vegetarian for 6 years, and recently have noticed more and more that I have an intolerance for lactose. So I decided to quit eating animal products all together. I am a college student and have two jobs so I don't have a lot of time in an average day. Lately, I feel I've failed miserably because I've been eating oatmeal for almost every meal, I add fruit, but obviously that isn't sufficient. Usually I don't eat oatmeal for dinner, I eat steamed vegetables and brown rice. Sometimes I eat a piece of toast with peanut butter. That's all I've been eating, and I've been eating like this for so long that I don't know how to move away from it. Now, it's to the point where other foods are really gross to me or make me sick just by looking at them. I want to eat more foods but since I'm so used to what I already eat, and other foods are nauseating to me, I'm not sure how to start incorporating other things into my diet. I need some help with this please :)

    Oh the reason I started eating the same foods is because the university I go to has terrible food in the cafeteria and I didn't want to gain any weight.

    I'm a 23 year old female if that matters. Also, I work out regularly with P90X3 so extreme exercise.

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • Should I file a complaint against my healthcare provider?

    I work in health care and know about HIPPA (privacy act protecting patients from breaching information about their medical/health records) and I take it very seriously.

    Recently, my healthcare provider (a therapist) left me a voicemail which gave in depth information about billing information, insurance information (in terms of what was covered and what was not, also number of sessions requested and the exact expiry date of those sessions), also giving my insurance providers name. The message was about 2 minutes long explaining in depth about my treatment plan/health information. Knowing that this information left on my voicemail was definitely a breach in confidentiality, I have filled out the form for a complaint with the US department of health and human services. I haven't submitted the complaint because I feel bad about reporting her. If they find she is guilty of breaching information, she may be fined a minimum of $50k which I feel she would go bankrupt - but also I am upset about this breach and how carelessly she put my information out there, but that she may be doing it to others.

    Is it wrong of me to file a report? Or should I just let it go? One of the things that is stopping me is that if they were to find her guilty, and investigate the situation, my identity would be released to my provider and I don't know what would happen at that point.

    So, should I submit the report, or let it go?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Changes in diet with diarrhea?

    So I started having diarrhea about two days ago. I recently transitioned into the vegan lifestyle, however, decided one day that I wanted tacos. They were made with hot and spicy seasoning. Since I haven't had beef in a long time I thought I might have some issues. I had made a vegan rice recipe earlier that day that included tons of vegetables, bean sprouts and a spice I've never used called turmeric. I had made a large batch and was eating it for a few days. That's when it started. What happened didn't kick in until later that evening during the night. I had stomach cramps (that you would get if you needed to have a bowel movement) and had diarrhea. The next day, it got slightly better, yet I became somewhat constipated. so I decided to take a laxative. After taking the laxative, I have a few bowel movements, less than usual if one were to take a laxative. Then last night I ate more spicy noodles, but I had loose stools through out the day, and again today.

    Other things I've eaten:

    A whole bag of radishes, tons of fruit (oranges, bananas, pineapple, and apples), cliff bars, raw vegetables.

    Also, I've been eating a small amount of dark chocolate.

    I do extreme exercises daily, and have recently lost some weight (on purpose), but I just thought it was weird that I had acute diarrhea.

    I want to know if spicy foods and excess fruits can cause diarrhea?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Can someone suggest a good detox?

    I've been transitioning into a vegan for the last two months. I've been completely vegan for about 3 weeks of the transition period until christmas, when I broke in a million pieces and gave in to foods I shouldn't have eaten. I'm severely lactose intolerant, I've felt like complete garbage for the last week. I have been dairy free again for the last few days, but I just don't feel like myself. I'm constipated from the horrible food I ate, I just don't feel good. I need to detox my body but I don't know the best way to do it. I've been drinking a lot of water, eating very clean, but now I just feel bloated. My body is used to a clean diet, and I messed up. I just need to feel better, I feel so disgusting I can't even make it through my workouts.

    Ugh, help!!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • weight loss after eliminating dairy?

    Last sunday I quit eating animal products (meat, dairy, eggs, honey) and decided to be vegan. Mostly due to a lactose intolerance and a dislike of meat. I've been losing weight for about a year and a half (total of 50lbs) and have recently hit a plateau until this week. After eliminating all animal products I've lost 5 lbs since Sunday. I'm excited to have lost weight however, I'm wondering if it's a bad thing to have lost that much in one week? Is that expected when switching to a plant based diet?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Should I buy a Macbook Pro?

    I currently have an HP laptop that is about 4 years old. I'm a college student, I use my laptop for everything and it's to the point where it's almost non-functional. I have deleted many files/pictures and basically cleaned out my laptop however it's just not doing what I need it to. I am looking at a Macbook Pro. I want to know if the Macbook Pro (4GB, 500MB) is a good investment, or should I just buy a new PC?

    I would prefer an opinion from someone who has had both a PC and a Macbook, but will take any advice from one who knows the quality of Apple.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Are iPads worth buying?

    I bought a Galaxy tab 2 7.0 last year. I'm a science major, and thought it would be useful for my research projects and note taking, however, it ended up being insufficient for what I need it for. I'm looking into buying an iPad instead. I want to know if it'd be worth buying or should I just stick with my Galaxy tab?

    I don't like to carry my laptop around since I walk quite far to class every day. A lot of my professors don't allow laptops in class anyways, but they do allow tablets.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Can birth control make your period irregular?

    As instructed by my gynecologist, I am supposed to take my birth control continuously with no period for 3 months. The fourth month, I should allow myself to have a period and take the pill normally. However, the last two times I've tried to have a period, It's extremely light and almost non-existent.

    I've been on birth control for 4 years and I haven't been sexually active for a while so there is no possibility of pregnancy. My last pap test was normal as well as the exam. I'm 23 years old. I take Junel 21 day 1.5/30

    Just wondering if it's normal for a period to be this way or if I should call my doctor?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • What's the best way to relieve muscle pain?

    I'm a Licensed dental assistant, and today I volunteered and a dental outreach program for children. I worked from 8am to 3pm with about 30 minutes of siting. The whole day, I was retracting cheeks, suctioning, passing instruments etc while bending over at a close to 90 degree angle. My neck hurts, upper back and shoulders and arm hurts. I want to know what's best on pain like this if I should just take advil, use ice, or use heat?

    As squirmy as kids are in a dental chair, I wasn't able to sit. Whenever I tilt my neck to the left I feel it in my should which is quite painful.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • ADHD and Anxiety, feeling a little out of control?

    I was diagnosed with ADHD at 19. Now, 23 years old I've been taking Adderall IR for about a year. It's helpful to take in order to focus and it really calms me down. However, I take the adderall only when I know I'm going to need it. For example, I'm going to school to be a dentist. I use it for class, homework, and have accommodations for exams. However, when I go to work (I'm a dental assistant) I'm fairly active at work, and It made me feel it raised my resting heart rate so I don't take it. I see a therapist a few times a month who has diagnosed me with anxiety disorder. I'm currently not medicated because I thought I could avoid it. My anxiety is on the climb, it's becoming out of control. I know that taking stimulants and anti anxiety meds basically its a senseless combination. I'm just concerned about the anxiety, and how badly it's been taking over my life.

    Basically my question is, does anyone take the two medications together (for anxiety and ADHD)? What are some other alternatives to managing my anxiety? I don't like taking medication, but without it, my ADHD is out of control, I'm hyper and I can't focus. I will never be a dentist if I don't find a way to fix this.

    Advice please?

    by the way, I plan on calling my doctor, I just want to know what other people do.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Applying to both dental school and pharmacy school?

    So, for the last 8 years I've wanted to be a dentist. I'm currently a licensed dental assistant so I have experience in the field as well as a 2 year degree in dental assisting. My undergrad GPA is just about a 3.3, but science GPA is a 3.2. I still have one year before I apply. However, my concern is not getting into a dental school. I wanted to find an alternative so I chose pharmacy school as a backup. I don't have any experience in the field, but one could suggest my interaction with patients on a daily basis could count as some related experience. I wanted to know if it'd be a good idea to take the DAT and the PCAT this year and apply to both pharmacy school and dental school at the same time? My third choice would be to get a master's or PhD in biology for example genetics or stem cell research. I don't have a lot of guidance as it is and I'm reaching out to whoever may be able to help me.

    Should I just finish my pre-reqs for dental school as I am now and if I don't get in, enroll in post baccalaureate program to finish my pre-pharmacy prerequisites? I don't know what to do.

  • Gaining weight, working out twice a day?

    So recently I've stepped it up a notch with my workouts. I had previously done Insanity, P90x, and ChaLEAN Extreme. All together I had lost 50lbs. I just started a hybrid of Shaun T's new fitness program Focus T25, and I combine that with P90X and Insanity. I'm currently doing a T25 workout and a P90x workout everyday. I do Insanity on Saturdays and stretch on Sundays. I've been working really hard and I've gained 4lbs. I've been eating well, maybe not enough. I know that 1lb of muscle and 1lb of fat weight the same but muscle is more dense and doesn't take up the same amount of space as fat. so saying 'muscle weighs more than fat' isn't technically correct so I have no idea why I've gained the 4lbs. Someone help?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Serious emotional issues with weight loss?

    So, the only way I know how to explain this is the more weight I lose, my self esteem goes in reverse. Long story short, I have lost 50lbs. I start to feel like a normal person then I see a picture of myself from today and feel like I looked exactly the same as I did 50lbs ago. Logically, I know that 50lbs is so significant that there is no way one wouldn't see a difference unless they were severely overweight which I'm not. But I can't get past the emotional part, I feel worse every time I look at myself. I'm supposed to be in a wedding next month and I feel like if I see pictures from that wedding (which I will being the maid of honor) It will completely destroy me and push me over the edge. I see a therapist, but haven't for over a month because she's been so unavailable. I don't know how to fix the problem. I'm in way over my head with this and I feel like I'm losing the battle. Can someone give me some advice?

    35 AnswersMental Health8 years ago