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Why shouldn't a woman stay in the kitchen?

In other words, what are the pros and cons of anti-feminism?


@qui: If you're going to answer the question, don't completely avoid it.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Staying in the kitchen is extremely limiting for any person. Even the best and most talented chef would feel constrained if s/he never did any non-cooking duties, no matter how much s/he enjoyed cooking.

    Why shouldn't a man stay in his workshop?

  • 1 decade ago

    I've done more for the world of academic history than I ever have for the culinary arts. Because of feminism I am able to reach the full potential of my mind and ambition rather than standing in the kitchen all day baking burnt bread.

    Pros - None

    Cons - People think feminism is militaristic because of a few bad apples. This leads some people toward anti-feminism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As an introverted woman who knows the cruelty and sin in the world I would not mind at all being in the kitchen being a domestic goddess. I think women are so incredibly foolish and I long for the feminine ladies to still abound. I would love nothing more to be at home, under authority of my husband, cooking, baking, painting, reading, learning. I like depth, not breadth in my relations with others. Everyone is so flighty and fickle and shallow these days..It is all chaos and tumult and confusion.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    This is a stupid and unreasonable question which appears to be based on the assumption that anti feminism is synonymous with the belief that women should stay in the kitchen. I am an anti feminist and I spend just as much time in the kitchen as my woman does.

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  • Teri
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I am a woman, work outside the home and yet spend plenty of time in the kitchen. My boyfriend works and spends time in the kitchen as well. We are equals. We share in the housework. We share in the financial responsibilities. We work together as a team and make decisions together. Yet we also have our own interests and friends. I believe that this is the way relationships should be. It really works! We are happy.

    Source(s): I could never just stay home. Too boring and little interaction with others.
  • 1 decade ago

    Pros and cons of anti feminism hmmm...

    Pros: There really are no pro's to anti-feminism. Feminism, particularly third wave feminism, is more about equality between men, women, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender as well as positive body image than it is anything else.

    Cons: Where do I start?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Cons, such as, housewives are, men pleasers; not always true. The day before yesterday I started a row with my husband over a misunderstanding; upon starting the row I stuck to my guns to the end; in the end he apologized to me; other than mentioning it here that row is buried in the past. Anti-feminist women are not supposed to do that; you know, start a row; she is supposed to be quiet, submissive and meek; weak, needs protection. I, at the time believed he was denying me a vital right, so I fought "hand tooth and nail". No worries all is better.

    As an anti-feminist woman I'm not fettered to feminism; I don't owe them the fact I am, and always will be, a female type person; translated, human-being.

    As an anti-feminist woman I am not a perpetual victim of society. Feminisms Mode of operation is souly built upon victimhood.

    Anti-feminist women look at history objectively. Feminism says woman had no rights and leave it at that; I, as an anti-feminist says, "Fine, then what right if any did women have in 1641, and I use my search engine and start looking. The idea is, don't believe blindly. Feminism says husbands were allowed to beat their wives; woman had to get married before age 25, and their daddies married them off as he were selling a side of pork. I'm not gong to waste our time with links; however, I've found truth to the contrary; with substantial people from our past mentioned; Thomas Jefferson to name one; not to mention historical documents.

    This is a picky pro; however, I've, yet, to see an anti-feminist woman ask questions pertaining to who men like best; strong women or weak men pleasers; to us that's asinine; not only that it speaks insecurity in high volumes; to us its not important; we live our lives as we see fit.

    Another pro is we are quite capable of turning a buck and when required do so. In fact; before I got married I got out there and worked; even after marriage. A bit of work don't hurt anybody.

    A con is we always need ever constant protection. In truth, we can hold our own when need be; in fact, this is one of the greatest misCONceptions there is about us, which leads me to submissive; we HAVE TO BE submissive. No, we do not, and there is no secret code book that says so. I believe I was called a bitter old prude or something like that today, which debunks that theory all to hell; never heard a submissive woman being called a bitter prude have you? Being called a bitter prude doesn't go with the man pleaser hype.

    Another con is, we're gold diggers. Anti-feminist women are housewives and housewives are gold diggers. We are adept at making a dollar stretch; for monetary back up I've saved rolled coins; I've got a few tins full in case we need a bit of food when times are slack.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why should we? why should women do all the housework if they don't want to?

    edit - i'm not avoiding it, i'm saying if a woman wants to activly pursue a career and does not want to be a house wife, why should she be made to stay stuck in the kitchen solely because of the fact she is a woman and it's what society dictates? i'm not one of those women who has strong opinions on this stuff, i'm not a feminist because i think we're equal now, so i'm not going to go off on one like a lot of feminists do these days, i just think women should have the same oppertunities as men, and i think we do now.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't really know of any cons of anti-feminism in todays world because being an anti-feminist is actually all about "choice" as well. It's about pointing out to other feminists that a lot of us PREFER the traditional role and that it is OUR CHOICE to live the way WE WANT. Which is what feminists claim feminism is all about. The only con of being an anti-feminist is all the crap you get from feminists like, "Oh, you're just a stay-at-home-mom? Hrmm, too bad you don't think you're intelligent enough to get a real job." They can't fathom that a woman would Choose family over career. They say, "Career is more important than family". It's like, um, yeah, 'in your opinion'.

    One day in college I was doing laundry for my boyfriend, because I wanted to, he didn't tell me to, this girl who was an acquaintance gave me a dirty look and said to me, "Don't be so submissive!" At that point in my life, I didn't even know what the word "submissive" meant in that context. I was perplexed. And you know what? I still remember that, and I know exactly what she meant, and what she was thinking was, she could tell me how to live my life! Isn't that what feminists tried to pull women out of? Being told what they should be doing and how they should be acting? Seems like today, sure, men aren't telling me what to do or how to live my life, but women sure are!

    The pros of being anti-feminist is that you are doing what you want, living the life you choose, no matter what the "Modern woman" is "supposed" to be doing. The anti-feminist thinks for herself. She doesn't allow feminists to brainwash her into thinking she wants things that she doesn't. The anti-feminist is more feminine than the feminist a lot of times. Anti-feminists accept their own gender, are happy to be who they are, challenge the views of the "modern woman", and celebrate the opposite gender. I act like a woman and the men treat me like one, that's a pro :-)

  • Origin
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    There is no reason a woman shouldn't stay in the kitchen, unless it's to go out and buy groceries. And even then she'd better have a man design her budget; women are prone to buying in to cheap advertising gimmicks and spending more than they should.

    Source(s): EXPERIENCE
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