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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Jesus: Liberal or Conservative?

I think this is a good question and I want some good, well-backed answers. There is no correct answer, but the best answer will go to the one that has the best argument.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Radical, revolutionary, and - if the prohibition on private property in the early Church is anything to go by - communist. But NOT a Marxist.

    Source(s): Here's Terry Eagleton asking "Was Jesus a Revolutionary?":
  • 4E4A
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    God is no respecter of persons He is not liberal nor conservative. He asked us to give of ourselves and love our neighbor as ourselves. That means he expects me to give freely not because I am being told to do it. You look at the churches around our country they have set up clothing (for free) ministries, they have food pantries (for free), they have car repairs, home repairs, financial assistance for utilities, financial counseling... I could go on and on. He never once tells the leaders of the countries to enforce people giving it comes out of what people are taught and the respect they have for each other. Unfortunately both teaching respect and loving others seems to be a thing of the past. It seems to be "It's all about me" now days.

  • 1 decade ago


  • Jay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The terms "liberal" and "conservative" are difficult, because their meanings tend to mean different things to different people.

    Jesus preached collective good. He preached helping the poor.

    These tend to be liberal notions.

    However, some contend that he didn't preach for government, but personal responsibility.

    These tend to be associated to conservatives (at least by conservatives).

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  • 1 decade ago

    Neither. And when some says this they are trying to justify there position.

    Jesus said give to the poor, unless there just lazy.

    Respect your leaders, because God put them in power.

    Love each other regardless of what they believe.

    Love God above all else.

    Sounds like he was christian to me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It depends. The Jesus that American xtians worship is "Supply-side" Jesus.

    The Jesus of the non-selfish is portrayed in the 5th panel on the 3rd page...

  • 1 decade ago

    n recent years, a popular slogan in the Christian world has been "WWJD?" or "What Would Jesus Do?" This poses a deep, probing question to all believers as we live to daily pattern our lives after the example of the Master. In every situation, Jesus always reflected His Father's perfect wisdom, mercy and justice. In this election year, we have an opportunity to look at this from some unique angles. A new question could be posed: "HWJV?" or "How Would Jesus Vote?"

    In today's world, it is very easy to allow our perception of Jesus to be skewed by our ideology, attempting to define Him in light of our preconceived views. As a Christian whose political views generally lean to the conservative side, I still must recognize that both conservativism and liberalism are man-made philosophies, both having their respective limitations in regards to biblical truth. As Christian sociologist Tony Campolo astutely points out:

    Republicans may dress Jesus in a Brooks Brothers suit while Democrats put Him in the denim work clothes of union workers...There is no better way for a political party to establish the legitimacy of its political point of view than to declare that Jesus is one of its members. This remaking of Jesus is not just some kind of harmless campaign technique...The Bible calls it idolatry! I sincerely hope my intentions in writing this message will not be misunderstood. Jesus was not a political figure, and I am not attempting to present Him in that manner. Nonetheless, the Bible does tell us that civil government is to be an instrument of God in bringing order to society (see Romans 13), and in order for it to accomplish this, it is important that it be modeled after the message and example of Jesus.

    Obviously, the political climate in which Jesus lived was vastly different from our own. To apply modern labels such as "conservative" or "liberal" to a person who lived on earth 2000 years ago is spurious to say the least. In fact, there were numerous political parties and factions in Jesus' day, yet there is no evidence that He ever joined any of them.

    Modern Christianity is sometimes criticized for attempting to tie the Gospel to a right wing political ideology. Unfortunately, some of this criticism is justifiable. As we will see, having a consistently Biblical world view will not always fit neatly into "left wing" or "right wing" categories. As we obey the Bible's call to confront sin and moral decay, will we include confronting such sins as denying justice to the poor, exploiting the poor for material gain (Amos 6:1-7), and defrauding workers of their wages ? While we rightfully speak out on behalf on the millions of children who die in abortion mills each year, should we not speak out just as loudly for the millions of children who die from malnutrition? These are not a matter of political ideology. They are matters of faithfulness to God's Word.

  • 1 decade ago

    Easily Conservative. No question there. Jesus does not support abortions. Also, Jesus wanted people to help themselves, but did not hesitate to help others as well.

    Clearly Conservative.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A black man without politics, wandered around smoking dope and making friends, preaching peace.

    He was murdered over 2000 years ago, conservatives and liberals did not exist.

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