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Are there a lot of Black Mormons?

I think of Mormonism as being a very white religion. Are there a lot of black lds?

I would think that some people would have issues with the whole black men can't be priesthood holders thing. (I know that that was changed in 1978.)

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Somewhere between 0 and 1 percent.

    When Pew and ARIS do their surveys, they find Mormons to be the whitest of all the religions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1947 the First Presidency (supreme council) of the Church issued this OFFICIAL statement:

    "From the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith even until now, it has been the DOCTRINE of the Church, never questioned by Church leaders, that the Negroes are not entitled to the full blessings of the Gospel." (Statement of The First Presidency on the ***** Question, July 17 1947, Mormonism & the *****, pp.46-7)

    In 1949, The First Presidency issued the following statement:

    "The attitude of the Church with reference to Negroes remains as it has always stood. It is not a matter of the declaration of a policy but of direct commandment from the Lord, on which is founded the DOCTRINE of the Church from the days of its organization, to the effect that Negroes may become members of the Church but that they are not entitled to the priesthood at the present time." (The First Presidency on the ***** Question, 17 Aug. 1949)

    ---these quotes from a MORMON website.

    There are some. .05%. Is that a large number to you? It is to mormons. Come on. They know their religion is mostly white. Please. Its the one single thing they all DO know! If you don't count the latest pushes within other countries like Brazil and Africa to drum up business in order to make themselves appear less racist, and count only black people among Americans its even much less. Who do they think they are kidding when they say, "sure there are!" Have they actually lifted their heads to look around their wards lately?? If you do go to, consider how many hits it gets. Not many.

    And I agree. If black people were really allowed to study the real truth of the LDS's past concerning people of color, there would be MUCH fewer than there are now. It helps if you keep that well hidden, doesn't it? Even from the white members. From Smith to Kimball racism as spiritual segregation ruled. From Kimball to Monson its been sublimated because they think they did nothing wrong.

    But don't worry. What is hidden will soon come to Light one glorious day. Make no mistake. And they will find no weak apologists excuses to tout then. --- and they actually go along with such LDS cloaking devices?..... wow. Talk about a double blind.

    James 1:17

    Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

    Numbers 23:19

    God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?

    Psalm 102:27

    But you remain the same, and your years will never end.

  • 7 years ago

    The Pew Research Forum did a poll and found out 3% of Mormons in the United States were African-American. A conservative figure for the number of Mormons in the United States would be 6,000,000. Therefore, there would be an estimated 180,000 black Mormons in the United States.

    Once I visited a Mormon congregation in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the congregation was predominately black.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There are a few black members in my area. One is the bishop of the Aptos California ward. It depends partly on the area you live in. There are tons of black members in countries that are all black.

    The church has never been racist. However, it does not strive to be politically correct either. The focus of the church is on striving to do the will of God. There is a reason why God does what he does. Policies change from time to time to meet the needs of Gods children and to fulfill a grand plan that we do not understand.

    For example, in the days of Moses, only the tribe of Levi held the priesthood and God only worked among the house of Israel. All others were rejected. After Christ died, Peter was commanded to take the gospel to the gentiles which was totally absurd to the Israelites. Today, the gospel is taken to all people but the Jews have been down trodden for thousands of years. The Mormon church claims to be mostly of the tribe of Joseph. particularly Ephraim.

    Here is the official declaration concerning Gods revelation to extend the priesthood to all men:

    Things change. Isaiah says that in the last days "The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim" (Isaiah 11:13)..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    On a percentage basis, probably about as many as there are black players in the NHL, I'm not a mormon but from general observation of many denominations over several years my hypothesis would be that there are a few, but not very many.

  • Elsie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Where I live in the Midwest, there are a bunch, not as many as there are white people, but the numbers are growing. There are also quite a few Asian and some Hispanic members in the area where I live.

    I guess people studied the Church and found that it actually isn't racist.


  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, there are Mormons with black skin, including African Americans and Africans. Visit if you would like to hear their side of the story before you come to any erroneous conclusions about their sanity, as some on here would have you question.

    Source(s): LDS
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes there's a lot of black mormons.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, as with most mormon doctrine, you don't find out until later. So when they do find out about the racist past, they are already brainwashed and mind-controlled. In western countries, most blacks find out easier about it, so they don't join

  • Well, that would be ****** up considering their racist history. It's ridiculous that AAs are Christians anyway, considering the Bible's stance on slavery. Why are women Christians, now that I'm at it? The Bible's full of misogynistic verses. The world doesn't make sense.

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