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Have you had a baby before 32 weeks?

What to expect??? I have preclampsia early stages and have been told that i might have to deliver before 32 weeks> What do they do to help the baby and how long to expect ot be in hospital?

3 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Hi! My daughter was born at 28 weeks! My water broke at 27w5d for no reason really. :\ I had a little bit of spotting early in my pregnancy but for the most part I had a healthy pregnancy, or so I thought. My husband and I had sex and about 10 minutes later my water broke. They were able to keep her in for a few days and when she was born she weighed 2lbs. She was on a ventilator for 4 days and then moved to a CPAP, which just blows air into her nose to help her remember. She had her good days and her bad days, ended up back on a ventilator for almost a month. They wanted her to grow on it though, so she might not have needed it that long but they wanted her to do as little as possible so she could grow. She was in the hospital 91 days, so a week and a day after my due date is when she came home. Her biggest issues were breathing and then eating. She had a hard time digesting food. But, looking at her now you would have no idea she was a preemie!

    I'm not trying to scare you with what we went though, just give you an idea of what it was for us at 28 weeks. If you make it to 32 an entire month makes such a huge difference! They told me if I could last until 34 weeks they would let me have her. They were unable to stop the labor when she was born because they weren't sure if I was in labor until she was almost born! :\ But at 32 weeks I would *think* your baby is going to need some help breathing, but not very much. He/she will have to have help with eating, and probably won't take to a bottle/breast immediately. Depending on how big they are will determine what kind of bed they are in. Before 4lbs they are usually in a isolet, and after that they get clothes and a open bed because they can regulate their own temp at that weight.

    I hope everything works out and you don't have to deliver early! If you do, just know with technology these days it is amazing how well preemies do!! Your LO will do great! Congrats and I hope you have a good delivery. As for how long they will be in the hospital, I was always told expect to bring them home around their due date. Anything sooner is amazing!! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I had my son at 28 weeks. I had an emergency situation though and I was not even awake when they did the c-section on me. I had HELLP syndrome. They gave me two steroids injections though to mature my son and he did not even need help breathing even being that early. My son stayed in there for about 10 weeks. They come home usually when they would have been full term. Good luck with everything

  • 1 decade ago

    You receive injections to help mature the baby's lungs. He will live in an incubator for a while. If you are okay you can go home in a few days, but it sucks to leave your kid behind. He will be very tiny and have no way of keeping himself warm. He may need help breathing. Right now, don't panic. Don't expect the worst. Find out how you can delay the progression of the pre-eclampsia, and work on that. Best of luck to you and the little one.

    Source(s): the girl 3 beds over.
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