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We should take care of the poor and not abuse them with spending cuts?

Where is the fairness here? Why ONLY cut the programs that help the poor like help with home heating oil and food programs?

What about cuts to super rich agra- culture and oil companies entitlements? Why not cut defense spending?

If you are gonna cut - shouldn't we be cutting from every program?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In Britain they spend about 50% of their GDP or earnings on each other- payments called entitlements.

    In the USA we can afford less than 2% of our GDP for people- entitlements.

    So America is not a people- but a bunch of orphan slaves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have not heard anyone but Democrats talk about any of the spending cuts being taken from food for the poor.

    Here in Florida, the Governor is TRYING to turn down over $2 billion from Obama's Stimulus slush fund checkbook that is supposed to build a high-speed train that we really do not need. The governor fears that the cost will overrun and the State will be on the hook for it. Democrats are actually taking him to court to FORCE him to accept it. The train would primarily be a tourist attraction because Tampa-Orlando is not really a commuter route. It is about an hour and fifteen minutes drive on I-4, and VERY FEW people live in one and work in the other. Not NEARLY enough to support the operation of the train.

    Does that sound like food for the poor?

    Perhaps you were in school during a budget cut?

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course. And from what I am hearing, defense will be on the chopping block as well. It is hoped that much of the savings can come from simply doing a more efficient job when it comes to purchasing things for the military. No more $1000 toilets or $500 hammers.

    As far as agriculture is concerned....I would agree that corporations that use farming as a means of collecting large payments should be curtailed. It should always be based on need, not want. If a corporation makes a profit without the added incentives of farm payments, then they should not be receiving them. Same thing with individual farmers. Eventually, this will probably raise the cost of food even more than it already has...but I guess it depends which way you want to pay. It will either be in higher grocery costs or your tax dollars.

    This is also true of social security. I am on social security...yet I am not poor. I would not need it to survive...but just like everyone else, I took it when offered. I am now supporting legislation to make social security based on need, not on entitlement. It was never intended as the end all for people. It was intended to provide them with living funds when they were unable to save for themselves. At the time this law was made, this was needed. Today however, saving for ones future is not impossible. It requires self discipline and the mindset that we don't need everything that we grown accustomed to having. People today are very included.

    Getting rid of government redundancies would also help a lot...but also hurt in other ways. If the programs were gathered into one spot...for lets say education...that would likely put a thousand people who now work for the government on unemployment. So where do we cut? Will we save enough to more than pay for that unemployment? I honestly don't know.

    Overall, the people of this country are going to have to accept the fact that we must tighten our budgets....personally as well as nationally. It is not fair to pass the costs of our desire to have everything on to the next generation. IF we truly are the greatest generation, WE have to bite the bullet NOW. And yes, tightening our budgets are going to cost other people their jobs as well...because we won't be spending as much. It is my suggestion that we ask every single person in this country to do their share. Instead of massive layoffs, how about job sharing instead. Everyone can learn to live on a little less. At least then they will still have jobs.

  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of them poor have made themselves poor. There are many out there that can work for a paycheck.

    They want it handed to them on a platter. Most of these people have been taking advantage of the system.

    Then there are people who never worked or worked long enough to get Social security to help them out. People out there just don't want to work if they could. The people who were laid off due to a business failing or closing. They would have money coming in to help them out. The jobs are tight and we all know that. You can look at papers and see not a lot work out there.

    They can go flip burgers/fries or shovel **** for a job ! Then on the other hand there are people qualified to do more than that for a job. Sometimes people have to move or go to next town to get a job. Everyone needs to look at the whole picture and see it's not just one person or family hurting, It's millions !

    For sure the cuts need to go to the RICH and OIL COMPANIES... There are a lot of things that can be cut and pass it around to everyone. Not just the poor.

    Source(s): I can see it, read it and believe it. The big shots at the white house need to wake up and look around and what everyone is going threw in the world today !
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  • The only reason that people are poor is because they did nothing in their lives to become successful. They didn't go to college or finish high school and then their children have to suffer. It's their own fault that they are poor and homeless. Instead of begging on our onramps maybe they should get cleaned up and get an interview since they have places to do that. The United States is not a socialist/communist nation, we taxpayers are not going to give our money that we strifed and earned to the government so the government can give them to the lazyas ses who do nothing but pollute our enviornment.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    RIGHT, they wont to kill the poor, so they can have money from the food in thier mouth, heating health care so they will die, heat so they will freeze to death, take it all so they can have billions of dollars to send to Egypt and a host of other countrys,.

    I am sure that nothing, I mean nothing should be taken away from the people in the U.S. as long as a single dollar goes to foriegn countrys.


    Just the thought of that rattles my bones.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I'm not stopping you from reaching into your pockets - and taking care of anyone or any number of people who are poor.

    My problem is that the government reaches into MY POCKET.

    I didn't ask the WELFARE MOTHER - to part her knees, with a person that she wasn't married to.

    I don't want to pay for abortions...

    I didn't sign up to pay into FOOD STAMPS and PUBLIC HOUSING...

    I pay nearly 40% of my income to the government in the form of TAXES, and FEES.

    I already take care of the POOR.

    "Abuse them with spending cuts"?

    How about we ABUSE THEM - by making them get a J O B!

  • John
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think your Cakey is a little too Krispy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How about the poor get of their duffs and start taking care of themselves.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Mother Hubbard is great

    people called me double-minded when i said i hate USA but love UK.

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