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Where does the bible say that?

the universe is only 6000 years old? Alot of people, including atheists, seem to think that it does.

PS: Showing that Adam was created 6000 years ago, does not mean that the universe what created then also.


Ritaah: I know that Adam was created 6000 years ago, and that is how to arrive at that number. But that is when Adam was created, not the universe.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are right; the Bible shows that God created the humans about 6000 years ago, --->>>not that God created the Earth in such a short period of time. In fact, the planet’s coming into existence is recounted in the Bible with the simple statement: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Ge 1:1) So, just how long ago the starry heavens and the earth were created is not stated in the Bible. Therefore, there is no basis for Bible scholars to take issue with scientific calculations of the age of the planet. Scientists estimate the age of some rocks as being three and a half billion years, and the earth itself as being about four to four and a half billion or more years.

    As to time, the Scriptures are more definite about the six creative days of the Genesis account. These days have to do, not with the creation of earth’s matter or material, but with the arranging and preparing of it for man’s habitation.

    The divine will concerning luminaries was accomplished on Day Four, it being stated: “God proceeded to make the two great luminaries, the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars. Thus God put them in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth, and to dominate by day and by night and to make a division between the light and the darkness.” (Ge 1:16-18) In view of the description of these luminaries, the greater luminary was quite apparently the sun and the lesser luminary the moon, though the sun and moon are not specifically named in the Bible until after its account of the Flood of Noah’s day.—Ge 15:12; 37:9.

    Previously, on the first “day,” the expression “Let light come to be” was used. The Hebrew word there used for “light” is ʼohr, meaning light in a general sense. But on the fourth “day,” the Hebrew word changes to ma‧ʼohr′, which refers to a luminary or source of light. (Ge 1:14) So, on the first “day” diffused light evidently penetrated the swaddling bands, but the sources of that light could not have been seen by an earthly observer. Now, on the fourth “day,” things evidently changed.

    It is also noteworthy that at Genesis 1:16 the Hebrew verb ba‧raʼ′, meaning “create,” is not used. Instead, the Hebrew verb ʽa‧sah′, meaning “make,” is employed. Since the sun, moon, and stars are included in “the heavens” mentioned in Genesis 1:1, they were created long before Day Four. On the fourth day God proceeded to “make” these celestial bodies occupy a new relationship toward earth’s surface and the expanse above it. When it is said, “God put them in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth,” this would indicate that they now became discernible from the surface of the earth, as though they were in the expanse. Also, the luminaries were to “serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years,” thus later providing guidance for man in various ways.—Ge 1:14.

    Source(s): Any accurate Bile translation; it-1 p. 667; it-1 p. 528
  • Leo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You should learn about the bible, beyond what it says between the covers (assuming you have actually read it). Numerous Christian theologians over the centuries have created a chronology based on what is written in the bible. The conclusion that many have reached says that the earth is 6000 years old, even if it doesn't say so explicitly. The most famous of these theologians is James Ussher.

    "In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth, Gen. 1, v. 1. Which beginning of time, according to our Chronology, fell upon the entrance of the night preceding the twenty third day of October in the year of the Julian [Period] 710. The year before Christ 4004. The Julian Period 710."

  • Ritaah
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The years from Adam to Noah were approximately 2000 years. The days from Noah to Jesus were approximately 2000 years and the years from Jesus being born up until now are approximately 2000 years. That is where the figure of 6000 years comes from.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It lists a complete genealogy between Adam and Jesus. (all the "begats") You count up the generations, and do the math you can't make it over 10,000 years.

    It also says the Sun Moon and stars were created exactly 2 days before Adam. It clearly describes the days as a morning and an evening.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Using the genealogies, it comes up to be just under 6,000. It says the stars were created during the same week as everything else, which implies the universe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it is the age of the Earth, not the Universe, and its a faulty calculation anyway. it fails to take in to account multiple factors. the Earth is 4.5 billion years old.

  • Greg O
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Add up the dates back to Adam...tack on 7 days and then another 2011 years and PRESTO!!

    And remember, per the bible, questioning or doubting the bible's contents is a no no. Sky-Daddy doesn't like that.

    Strange - Sky-Daddy created us with brains to think and as soon as we apply it to him and his book of fables, a large portion of humanity starts to froth....

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is estimated with all the dates of people from the old testament. It is not real though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Young-earth creationists are a little off-base. Your point is a good one.

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't....they are just arguing with fundamentalists....not bible scholars

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