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  • What does it mean the worst battle you have to fight is between what you know from what you feel?

    This was posted on my Facebook page and me and a friend don't understand the meaning fully if any. What does this quote mean? He is asking me and I just don't know exactly.

    here is a link of the quote...

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Did Martin not make it home a live because he was black?

    Why did Martin not get back home a live? Was he killed because he was black?

    17 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Did Martin have a right to get to his home without incident, like Sharpton implies?

    Why did Martin have to be followed and harassed? Did him being followed give him a right to fight Zimmerman the way he did?

    14 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Should people be afraid to protect themselves from (if they are black?) because it is too risky?

    How could Zimmerman protect his community if when the masses will protect Martin no matter what the circumstances are?

    A lot of people are afraid to be involved because the masses come off as bullies. It is their way or you are ridiculed and judged. I really wish people would accept the verdict and what the facts are. I think their side really should consider what really happened there. And no I don't believe Zimmerman is a murderer. Not all judgments are true as stated.

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is Kroger's store cheaper and better than Wal Mart (need help and education on these viewpoints)?

    I am getting told by this girl all kinds of things that don't make sense to me. She tells me that Rent A Center is cheaper than other stores that they are a better deal because they will fix your things. I tried to explain to her if your credit is good you be good to go to a store like Sears or somewhere else. She is telling me the products at Rent A Center are cheaper. She told me I was like a kid that doesn't listen and I let people use me that it I was like talking to a wall.

    She told me buying in bulk is not a good idea because she don't eat all the food. And she had apartment before and knows that it is cheaper to shop at Kroger's.

    And I am told by her and her father both that food is cheaper at Food land and Kroger's and even better quality than Wal Mart.

    How come do some people think Rent A Center and Kroger's are good deals? They have commercials saying food and products are cheaper at Wal Mart and good quality. Than she says you can't believe what I hear. It is like I am not going to win with her because she ends up ridiculing me even know I know she is losing money shopping the way she and her father thinks.

    Is Rent A Center a really good deal on prices and services?

    1 AnswerCorporations8 years ago
  • Why do people ask so many questions?

    How many questions should a person ask in life? Should I ask a few questions or hundreds of them? What are the purpose of asking and answering questions?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Are my kids less intelligent than other kids?

    I was learning with my kids for some time. I am told that my expectations for my children are too high. I slow down learning with them than they get behind. The teachers say that my kids are not capable as other children that mine are getting behind. I was teaching them well. They didn't have perfect grades mid quarter but they was coming a long with effort. Now that me and there mom is separated I don't see kids as often the kids have gotten behind because they don't seem to work with them as often. I only think they are behind because they are not worked with enough. I didn't finish high school. I got my GED. I just believe hard work would do great for them. It seems like I am discouraged from teachers and other professionals.

    Are some kids born less intelligent naturally?

    5 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Does sugar make kids hyper?

    This guy that watches my children tells me that sugar is making my kids hyper. When they have something sweet they don't behave good. I read several articles that maybe indicating no that that is a myth.

    Is it a myth that sugar makes kids hyper or is there truth to it?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Why do roses have thorns on them?

    My guess is to keep people from touching them. I don't know the biological reason or its evolution and like to have a little understand as why they have thorns if possible.

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Is Lebron having a great basketball season?

    How is it turning out? I been without television this year for sometime.

    4 AnswersBasketball8 years ago
  • Is Lebron having a great basketball season?

    How is it turning out? I been without television this year for sometime.

    3 AnswersBasketball8 years ago
  • Why are people so mean and judgemental on yahoo answers?

    Soon as you ask a question and it is honest they tell you how terrible and evil you are for being open. Are people really this harsh to others all the time?

    5 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • Can I change my plea in my cps case?

    I let my lawyer talk me into pleading guilty to cps in court so I wouldn't risk losing kids forever as he said. Not that I want to but just like to know if I could just in case. My dad said I couldn't once I done that. I am already agreed to do the services put forth by cps.

    I don't believe I can but just like to know anyways. I really wish I had a different lawyer. I put faith into him and not sure if he did good for me or just took me through the system to get paid.

    I just felt I plead under a lot of pressure. I really wanted prosecution to prove their case. They just wanted to say a lot of bad things about me and me cave in is what I done. I wonder if my lawyer even was working for me. He asked why would kids say that? Maybe he was not on my side at all.

    Would you plea if you felt you was innocent even at risk of losing your kids? This doesn't seem very fair to use the fear of losing parental rights to get them to win this way but I guess it is a form of action they do.

    I am wrong. I thought cps would look bad for making up stuff but I never knew the system or how they would pressure me into agreeing to them.

    So I will do their programs with all my will. I feel really terrible though never having my say on this accusations as nasty some of it was.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Why doesn't my Christian family let me share my growing interest and tell them about science and space?

    Why don't my Christian family have any desire to learn the details of the universe. I don't know everything but there are a lot of interesting data on the internet and the universe. They don't ever seem very interested in it. I just get stuck with them caring about Easter, Jesus and prayer.

    I am going to read all about the big bang now I see there are answers to it. I just dislike the fact others in the family care less. I like to share my side of it all, what opens my eyes and interest me. Far as I see they have no need for the stuff I like to share with them.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How many people can live on this earth at one time?

    How many can live on this planet without being a burden to it or what should the limit be, for the total human population?

    3 AnswersEarth Day8 years ago
  • Is it true the larger your brain is the smarter you are?

    Some believe that the larger the brain the more intelligent you are. Small bugs are not that smart are they. Than it is said a house cat is a little smarter. Than you take a monkey that would be smarter than a cat. Than take a man, he would be believed to be the smartest of them because is brain is the largest. Is any of this example true or not?

    Does brain size matter in how high your I.Q. is or can be?

    4 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Is there the same amount of water on earth as in the past?

    Is there the same amount of water in the oceans and in other bodies of water as in the past such as millions of years ago?

    Does any water escape the earth from its use in anyway? Does the sun absorb any of it when the sunrays hit the earth?

    7 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology8 years ago