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If someone only finishes boot camp are they considered an ex marine?

My friend and I have been arguing about this for awhile now and I want some opinions. If someone joined the Marine Corps., went through boot camp and finished it, but then went AWOL for their specialized training (being on the run for a few months from the military) only to come back and claim they did it because they got hurt and the military forced them to stay in the infirmary which they didn't like, would you consider them to be an ex or former marine? I say no, because he never really served either on a base or in war. She says yes because, well it's her boyfriend and it's a pride thing I guess. What does everyone else think?


@Paintball Well this guy wasn't honourably discharged and he bailed as soon as boot camp ended cause he wasn't severely hurt. He just went in and then when it looked like he may be getting deployed or something, he bailed. I know boot camp is hard, I have a cousin who is a marine and a cousin who is a soldier in the US army. But neither one of them ran away.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no such thing as an ex Marine. They are Former Marines. If you did your time, and got out under anything but a BCD or dishonorable then you can consider yourself a Former Marine. If you got kicked out for being a Sh*tbird then its inadvisable to even consider yourself worthy of the title.

    Source(s): 0311
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes he should. What she is not telling you is that said Marine finished Boot Camp and Graduated. He was put on Medical because of a small problem with his leg. While he was waiting on the X-rays and doctors to give him the final ok to head to the next step which was SOI. He received a call from home that his 3 year-old-niece was hospitalized and put on life support. He asked for leave but they would not give it to him since she was not his immediately family. Then he left to see his niece and be there for his family. Before he could get home she died and when he got home he attended the funeral and helped sort out things at home. Then before he could go back he called the Marines to notify them of two more deaths in his close family. Eventually he went back and got an OTH discharge because his family needed him more. If you're going to tell the story at least do it right.

    Source(s): Personal I know this person.
  • 1 decade ago

    Well in that sense no cuz thats a dishonorable discharge, but say you finish bootcamp and get injured like severely and get a med discharge yes u are, because in bootcamp you earn the title, and no matter what nobody can take that away from you, so also in a sense that person still was a marine like he made it through boot which is a task in itself. Some marines go their entire four years without a deployment, does thatmake them not a marine, no. they still are willing to go on a deployment and risk their life, if you were a marine you would understand but i am guessing youre not.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Not in the eyes of all former Marines. Many Marines are tested and a few fail, but to RUN AWAY ?


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  • Rufus
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Legally, he does not qualify for VA benefits. I would give him credit for completing recruit training except that he, probably, only did that because he couldn't escape it. He has proven he doesn't have what it takes to be a Marine.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, he should be dishonourably discharged and have no claims to prior service. He'd also be considered a chicken s**t coward by those who have served.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why not? if you finish boot camp then your in the marine corp. duh

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