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  • I beleive Richie Port will win the TDF, do you think I'm right ?

    So, I actually have told some friends this, and I'm making the prediction here. Do you agree or not ? Lets meet here at the end of the race to see if I'm right ? Oh BTW, make your own predictions if you want.

    6 AnswersCycling7 years ago
  • African Americans, how much of your family history do you know ?

    I'm interested in American History, specifically during the slave trade years just prior to the Civil War. I have been reading Twelve Years a Slave, and Harriet Tubman's biography as well as some other books on the Underground Railroad and some biography's of people like John Brown and Frederick Douglas. I wonder though, how many African American's have a written or oral history of their families and how far back do you have records or stories of your family ? It's just for my own understanding and enlightenment, not a school project or assignment. Any response will be appreciated, thanks.

    5 AnswersGenealogy7 years ago
  • Why is paranormal a subject here ?

    Why does Yahoo have a paranormal section under "Science and Mathematics" ? It belongs under a different heading perhaps, "Stupidity of The Masses". Can you think of a good heading the topic could be under so people who buy into un-scientific garbage won't confuse real science with woo woo stupidity ?

    7 AnswersParanormal Phenomena8 years ago
  • Why is there a Sham-poo ?

    Why is there a sham-poo and not any sham-pee ? Is shampoo a false-poo ? Can there be a real-poo that works as well as a sham-poo ? Curious questions in the science corner of Yahoo Questions.

    1 AnswerOther - Science8 years ago
  • Romney signed a gun control bill in Massachusetts, Why is the NRA supporting him ?

    While Governor of Massachusetts, Willard Romney signed a gun control bill on assault weapons. Obama has never pushed for any gun control, has never made any move to take gun rights away from American's. Why is the NRA supporting a candidate that HAS signed a gun control law ?

    17 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If conservatives are afraid of the"share the wealth" crowd?

    Why are they not supporting "share the tax burden" ?

    The screaming heads at Faux News are scaring the ditto head sheeples who watch their drivel, and are upsetting those same ditto head sheeples by telling them the "Commies want to take their wealth and share it with the filthy poor". But the problem isn't with the poor, it's the working class that pulls the weight of the tax burden in this country. The poor are almost exempt from taxation by the very nature of the low incomes they receive, but the wealthy can use all of the tricks in the book to avoid taxation at a fair an equitable rate compared to the weight of the tax burden of the middle class. Is it, as Santorum and Romeny have said ? "They don't care" (yup, they said that)

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • BlackSunshine84 doesn't, know the difference between unalienable and inalienable rights, do you ?

    Since most American's havent read the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence, do you know the difference between the two words which Thomas Jefferson wrote in the DofC ?

    3 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Is Jessica Hahn a Ho ?

    Is she the Ho bag we all thought she was, what's up with the "resurfacing" ? Is she wanting a reality show or something ?

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Will Gadhafi die a martyr ?

    Old Mum's Gadhafi said he will die a martyr rather than step down, any hope in that ?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is Ted Nugent out of favor with the NRA?

    Good old Ted, got caught poaching deer in California. He was sited for ten (10) violations, from baiting, no license, hunting at night, out of season, shoot a too young deer etc. Along with his plea of "no contest" he doesn't even show up in court, he just sends his lawyer and pays the fine. He's also been connected to canned bear hunts, out of season game hunting, and blasting roosting pigeons for the "fun of it". Does the NRA not see him as a liability to decent hunters and gun owners ? Do they really want to be associated with a nut case like that ?

    And, he cheated on that babe of a wife of his. Is he crazy ? Wang Dang, eh Ted ?

    1 AnswerCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Who could bring Dem's and Repub's together in the Senate ?

    Barney Frank and Larry Craig ?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Which of these two is nuttier ?

    A box of Almond Roca, or Senate candidate Sharron Angle ?

    No ranting, only one or the other in your answer. Con's, you need to read that again, I know how you folks have such short memories.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are there cash crops in ag today?

    At one time some years ago, I had a conversation with a farmer that grew cranberry's. He said the berries were a good cash crop where he could net half a million dollars a season with 25 acres in cranberry's. I understand that's no longer the case, but are there crops that are still considered "cash crops" in today's market ?

    1 AnswerAgriculture1 decade ago
  • Conservative Commentators?

    I'm just wondering, how is it that conservative commentators and authors have slipped so badly intellectually in the past 10 to 15 years. These days you have Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity. All of which have no education beyond High School and are basically entertainers. Go back a bit to guys like William Buckley. The guy was intelligent, well educated and highly regarded as a reasonable and tactful conservative. Even if you didn't agree with him, it was still enjoyable to read his work.

    So, now, what has happened to the conservative value's of intellect in this country, it jsut seems it's slipped to empty headed ditto heads that quote the radio screaming heads. What happened ?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Whats going down faster ?

    What's going down faster, Repugnican approval ratings (59% of Americans disapprove of Repugnicans in Congress), or Larry Craig (Repugnican Senator from Idaho) in an airport toilet stall ?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are Navy ships air conditioned?

    The kid that lives next door to me was asking me questions about the military. One of the things he asked was "are Navy ships air conditioned ?" I really don't know, I was in the Air Force, so if they aren't how hot and uncomfortable are they, or, are they cooled to a chill ?

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • A question for Chiropractors and Homeopathic practitioners?

    So, I have a question for Chiropractor's and Homeopaths. But before I ask my question, I need to give some back ground on why I'm asking. About a year ago, a co-worker's wife began vaginal spotting and feeling not quite well. Since she and her husband, my co-worker, seek out alternative health care opportunities, she went to a Chiropractor. He gave her an exam, took x-rays and told her she needed to have treatments three times a week because (paraphrasing here) of the sever subluxations and spinal curvature she was exhibiting those symptoms. He also had her go to see a partner in his practice who did acupuncture and homeopathic treatments. Oh, sorry if I don't get the terms exactly correct, I'm relating this from memory as told to me by my co-worker. So, after a year, she isn't getting any better and the spotting and other symptoms are getting worse. Then, last week, she collapsed at her church. The ambulance came and took her to the ER, and even though she and her husband felt the Chiropractor's advice of staying away from "allopathic" ( ? ) medicine, which would only poison her, the Doc at the hospital pressed them to allow him to do a blood test. The test came back, and the Doc said there seemed to be a problem and wanted them to see another Doc he recommended. They relented, reluctantly, and made an appointment. They went to see this Doc, who diagnosed her with Cervical cancer, and insisted they get her to see an Oncologist and have an MRI. Ok, now they're scared, they go see the Oncologist, get the MRI, and she is terminal with this cancer that has spread through out her body, lungs, other internal organs and spine. So, can you imagine how they feel ? A year ago, if the Chiropractor knew how to read an X-Ray, or suggested they see a "real" MD, she wouldn't be looking at dying in four to six weeks. What, as a practitioner of "alternative" medicine do you tell these people ? I F****D up ! I didn't mean to kill you? What ?!

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Do you know the dangers of colloidal silver ?

    The problems associated with colloidal silver are well documented. Did you know that ? Aren't the people who sell it crazy ?

    6 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Anyone know of a SUV make called VX ?

    I just saw a four wheel drive that looks like nothing on the market. The front grill and back spare tire cover had VX as a make of the vehicle. I can't find anything about it, does anyone know of a new make called VX here in the US. It's not a Toyota Land Cruiser, which is what Google keeps giving me when I search.

    2 AnswersOther - Car Makes1 decade ago
  • Edinburgh Neighborhood Question?

    My Father was born in Edinburgh, and lived on Carnegie Street until he moved to the USA with his family in the 1930's Is anyone familier with the neighborhood known as the Dumbiedykes <sp> ? What kind of neighborhood is it now, and what was it it like back in those days? I heard the whole place was rebuilt in the 1960's, but any insight would be nice to know and appreciated.

    1 AnswerEdinburgh1 decade ago