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why everybody remember the 9/11 attacks?

because, yesterday when my mom and me watching tv, (national geography) it was about the tsunami and that guy said, ;"it was even worsts than 9/11 attacks.." and my mom said " see, everybody remember that attacks"

i dont understand about it.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's memorable for a lot of reasons, including,

    - Being one of the few times we were attacked on our own soil

    - The nature of the attack, planes being flown into buildings isn't an everyday site

    - It changed airline travel from being pleasurable, into being a hassle.

    - It later made American society more uptight and paranoid as the years went on.

    - It got us into the war with Afghanistan.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Who can overlook 911? each and every time I ought to dial that style, i think of of that day. I want I had by no skill grew to become on the television that morning. It became chilling to observe & introduced back thoughts of the days of the Peoples Revolution & the ridiculous bombings of the 60's. I additionally be bothered by PTSD & it subsides with time, yet I doubt it is going to ever circulate away thoroughly. i will now carry a stick when I walk the canines & until eventually final 12 months, i'd circulate the line if I observed a guy or woman with a cane of their hand. i became assaulted with a great piece of wood in 2001. I definitley won't be able to circulate to a baseball interest because of the bats. PTSD is extra complication-loose than you think of. complication is that no longer a lot of people communicate of it to all of us else.

  • 1 decade ago

    9/11 is a horrible terrorist event that killed many, frightened many, and we have recordings of the insident and everything. Its jus smtn that we won't 4get

  • 1 decade ago

    What other times have you seen frickin jumbo jets crash ino tall buildings?? Something like that is pretty memorable

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  • 1 decade ago

    it was such a massive attack against civilians (whether on home ground or not) such an unthinkable thing to do...if it was suggested as a movie plot, they probably would have rejected it as too-far-out-there.

    and let's not go into all the conspiracy theories, shall we?

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