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Will the radiation from Japan affect people all the way in Brooklyn, NY? Ifso what precautions should be taken?
What precautions should I take, living in Brooklyn, NY to help prevent radiation poisoning
7 Answers
- janieLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
They say no but who knows knowing our government has lied in the past.
If it was me & I was very worried. I would do a couple things.
Iodine is said to help the thyroid from being affected as if the thyroid
is saturated w/organic iodine, the radiation is not absorbed as much as the thyroid sucks up the radiation.
I would take a lot of seaweed in the next month or so, & add it to my regular diet on occasion as well. In fact, I was not even thinking of the crisis & happened to eat a ton of seaweed lately during the last five days just cause I like it.
I went to a Chinese buffet.They had this yummy seaweed (the best I ever had in fact so good I asked the waiter to check what kind it was. It had a sweet taste & I put a lot of the seaweed into my hot & sour soup. He said the pack only said it was Korean).
I tried to find it at a local Asian market & got something but not sure if it was right but I tasted good. I was craving hot & sour soup when my car was broken so found an easy recipe for it that was vegan online (I am a vegan.)
I added the seaweed in large amounts in fact I am eating the soup right now. It is very good.
I even made a simpler version using veggie broth, vinegar (I used red wine or brown rice vinegar) & soy sauce. Then I added things.
Things you might add besides the seaweed are the following:
Carrots, bamboo shoots, tree ear or shitake or regular mushrooms, bok choy, spinach, miso, egg, scallions, etc
Make a big batch, freeze it in baggies & take some daily or every few days.
I also like dulse. Most people like this seaweed as it tastes the best. I gave it to a 2nd grade class when I was doing a unit on nutrition & the veggie part (sea veggie) & to my surprise, 2/3 of the class loved it & asked for more. I was student teaching *& the teacher was shocked..she had predicted noone would eat it as at lunch the kids at this school always threw away most nutritious things they were served like fruits, but they sure loved their dulse seaweed :)
When my son was little, well both of them actually, begged for more & requested a lot of dulse baked in oven with cheese over it.
Many people liked the ready made seaweed salad sold at stores like Krogers & giant eagle in the Asian section by the produce departments. Looks like this
Seaweeds are very high in iodine that helps protect against radiation poisoning of the thyroid.
So up those.
If it was me, I would also do colon cleansing using the intestinal cleanse #1 & especially #2 as this 2nd formula removes 3000 drugs residues including strontium 90 (Radioactive) But one needs to take the intestinal cleanse #1unless maybe you are going to the bathroom 3 times a day or at
You could also do cleansing of the elimination organs (bladder/kidney cleanse, liver-gall bladder cleanse, blood cleansing, lung/mucus cleanse, skin brushing & lot of fresh juices.
Eat as much raw food as you can (fruits, veggies, raw nuts & seeds, spouted grains & sprouted legumes, cold pressed oils & extra virgin olive oil, frozen produce & raw nut milks & soaked oats)
Take in a lot of green smoothies & green juices.
Even if you are not exposed the steps are not wasted as these things (good nutrition in & toxins out) greatly help the body.
In summary, lots of seaweed, green juices & green smoothies (ie-mix leafy greens with fruits in blender or juicer).lots of raw foods, colon cleansing..optional other cleansing of the body elimination organs but the colon is the most important.
I am telling you what I would do if I was worried. I do not think it is silly to be concerned despite what government says, They didn't t tell us about the nuclear testing in Nevada in the 50s when I was growing up hurting us & it is now known that the fallout came all the way over to Ohio & surrounding states, It is now thought this radiation especially in girls around puberty lead to breast cancer later in life. I myself got it at age 39.
The government is not above lying. We now know that the oral polio vaccines we were given in the 50s in schools were designed to shed to the general population via the kids & thus immunize the parents etc but that they were contaminated with the sv40 virus. This is thought to be in part responsible for the increase in cancers later. This virus is present in most of the cancers.
Also the US government has tested depleted uranium in our country & it has been said to be found 500 miles or more from the testing sites in populated cities, so they have no concern for their citizens.
They also dropped depleted uranium in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan & Kosevo They dropped both depleted & non-depleted uranium in gulf war 2 that was the equivalent of 1/4 million Nagasaki bombs. Knowing every place
Source(s): they used it had gulf war type syndromes, skyrocketing cancer & multiple cancers/the most horrific birth defects-they dropped it anyway. They did not care that it harmed/killed/deformed innocent civilians,15 neighboring countries including our allies in Europe, future generations till the end of time, our own troops. With our connecting air &water ways, I would not be surprised if this was not a far bigger threat to the health of the planet/people than Japan. Government proved they can't be trusted already.Unfortunately, who know how much damage is already done to our environment. If I knew I was exposed in these countries to depleted/non depleted uranium, I would go all raw vegan whole foods w/lots of juicing, several full body cleanses a year, Dr Christopher's heavy metal cleanse baths & cilantro tincture, fresh juices esp. carrot & carrot spinach,other health practices like sunshine, good air,clean water, exercise, positive affirmations/stress reduction. - ?Lv 61 decade ago
watch this video. It explains what the possibilities are of radiation being spread into the US. At this time, people are coming back into the US with TRACES of radiation, however, they are not infected nor infectious to other human beings because the amount of radiation is extremely low. BUT if the radiation issue continues, they will have to take extra precautions to keep anyone exposed to radiation for long periods of time contained and treated before being able to have contact with other people. I doubt that will happen, first we must found out how serious the melting issue is.
- 1 decade ago
No, there is little if any chance of it even affecting people on the west coast. Don't buy iodine pills. there are several types of radiation and the iodine pills have an effect on one of the types. plus if you don't pay attention you'll get sick off them. a lot of poison control hotlines have been getting calls about sickness associated with those pills
- 1 decade ago
You should really buy a radiation suit. Don't worry about looking dorky in them, because they make designer ones now. I hear they're all the rage in Russia.
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- xjoizeyLv 71 decade ago
No, it will never happen. It won't even reach the west coast. Even if it did it would be harmless.
Iodine pills are a waste of money.
- 1 decade ago
if it reaches NY it will most likely be in other parts of the US and by that time we will all be panicking and fighting for the same answer to that question so just dont worry about it
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Honestly it wont do anything to you, just relax but apparently iodine pills are supposed to help.