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Why did Germany abstain from the recent UN resolution re Libya?

Russia and China are at least predictable in ducking out of difficult decisions that might be seen by some as 'Western-driven' resolutions, but why the heck did Germany abstain? Don't they remember what happened when a madman leader killed many of its citizens before and during WWII?


Thanks to all the contributors so far. Interesting feedback. Looks like lots of people think a no-fly zone resolution = war. Who said anything about war? Look at the no-fly zone to protect the Kurds (who now have some automomy and were previously being slaughtered by their own 'government' in Iraq). I understand the historical reasons for Germany abstaining from any confontation, but my personal view is that it is cowardice not to help fellow human beings defend their human right to liberty, security and democracy, whether it's an internal matter or not. Maybe if the German people had rebelled against Hitler more readily, we'd not have had WWII. Obviously Germany thinks that it's ok to avoid all responsibility for upholding international laws on human rights and let the rest of us deal with it. It's a bit like deciding to let the school bully carry on picking on other kids in the playground without speaking up and doing something about it. It's cowardly of the German governmen

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Germany, possibly under their Constitution, but generally more of their foreign policy, is simply that they aren't particularly interested in spending millions funding a war, just after an economic depression. Wars cost lives, and vast amounts of money, and Germany, possibly to their advantage, can't see the point of spending so much money for an uncertain future. It's also that Germany has few connections in Libya - With no nuclear threat, they have little to gain/lose from the fate of Libya. Whilst I've no doubt they would like democracy in Libya, they can do without well enough.

    The UK and France are the more aggressive and violent "gatekeepers" of peace in this side of the world. Someone has to arm themselves, and so France and the UK maintain massive armies in order to protect Europe.

    Source(s): Life
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Being a German myself I can tell you that the German government just doesn´t want to rush into a war... we aren´t like for example the Americans. No offence.

    Whether this is the right decision or not can only time tell. Many people don´t even really care about the people "down there", and why should they?

    The normal citizen cannot influence what the German government is going to do anyway. They cannot help no matter what is going to happen.

    By the way: Yes, we have an army and a navy and even an air force and they are damn good... who would have thought.

    @ Mr Anonymous

    It´s not my fault what happened here more than 60 years ago, I had nothing to do with this. In my opinion (although it was OF COURSE wrong what happened) it was, historically speaking, just bad luck that all those terrible things could happen. After WW 1 the Germans were just ready to follow a man like Hitler... you may want to read up about the reasons why. I am convinced that this could have happend in every other country, as well, if it had had the past of Germany.

    Anyway, Germans are hated all over the world? lol

    I have a lot of friends from different countries, even Americans and they don´t seem to hate me...

    Another thing: Just think about the terrible war crimes that have happened all over the world. And read up about the terrible things you Americans have done. You aren´t an better than any other country. There are good and bad people everywhere, there ist not only black and white!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that Germany does not want to become involved in what could become another war, the Afghan war is not exactly popular in Germany. Sure Gadhafi has called a ceasefire however, he is still in control of most of the country, at what point will the international community announce victory? When Gadhafi is killed? When he renounces power? What exactly is the objective in Libya?

    As for the no-fly zone resolution = war, it is quite possible that Gadhafi could view the intervention as an act of war, any intrusion by a foreign military force into a sovereign country can be seen as an act of war. Just because the UN has authorized the action does not mean it isn't an act of war, all the UN has done is give the action legitimate authority, this doesn't make it any less warlike.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with most people here, and I would also like to add that Germany might be worried about the terror threat that this imposes on countries that do support the no-fly zone. They are hosting the Eurovision Song contest in May, which would be a perfect terror-goal due to it being the most watched tv-show on earth, people from all over Europe present etc.

    I guess the financial factor also plays a big part, but I do find it surprizing that Germany wouldn't get involved. I don't think WWII really has that much to do with it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why should Germany spend their money to get involved in a North African conflict? Why should anyone else for that matter? I commend Germany for not hopping on the interventionist bandwagon and having some common sense about them. This is a civil war, a revolution that is none of their business. All the U.S., Britain, and France are going to do is remove Gadhafi and set up a nifty puppet government to cater to their imperial wills. This is more opportunistic than anything, as it always is with these things. And they never do this with dictators they like either, just ones they don't get along with, if of course they have occaision to remove them. The UN is a comic tragedy, a tremendous farce.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think its about long run politics. germanys political focus is shifting more and more to asia and south america and theur also building up a special relationship with russia. due to its growing independence from western institutions and economies germany is leaning more towards the growing economies in the east and south.

    also will the arab world honor the fact that germany did not participate in the actions to come.

    its futhermore a move to show the international comunity that germany wants to become a totaly independent power that is not bond to any old and tyes in decay.

    germany will be one of the dominating powers in the 21 century and this was the first move to consolidaty its position with other major powers of the 21. century

  • hog b
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Maybe they think it's hypocrisy.

    The US and NATO have killed thousands more innocent civilians throughout the world than are allegedly under threat from Gaddafi,

    and what about Bahrain,

    -how come the Bahrain government can attack its citizens, and remain our friend?

    But many people will fall for the demonetization of whichever particular leader it suits best to depose.

    Source(s): Truth is the first casualty of war.
  • 1 decade ago

    Germany's ambassador Peter Wittig predicted "great risks" and "the danger of being drawn into a protracted military conflict that would affect the wider part of the region."

  • 1 decade ago

    All 5 countries that abstained did so because they believe that meddling in another countries affairs can lead to disaster.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not politically feasible for the Germans to promote war on any level, given their not so recent history.

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