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Is it true that religion is in decline all over the world? Or is it only christianity?

today in the news I read a short article by an Australian man. He indicated that

religion is disappearing down there. Got any facts to back your assertions?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Christianity is in decline in Western countries, but it is growing in the missionary fields.

    I am an Australian and religion is alive and well. It is growing in pockets and declining in other areas. One of the reasons being that the priests and ministers are lazy. Where the priest or minister is a goer, then the Church grows.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion is losing ground in the developed world where standards of living are high.

    In the developing world religion isn't really moving though it is changing form (traditional religions are being replaced by Christianity and Islam).

    As the developing world develops and gets a higher standard of living religion can be expected to disappear from there as well (the evidence does indicate that high standards of living and religion are incompatible, the US is the exception largely because of the high level of income inequality and lack of a social safety net).

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, the decline of religion is only a phenomenon in industrialized countries of the first world.

    As long as people are poor, uneducated and suffering, they cling desperately to some deity that promises them hope and salvation because hey - it makes living and accepting your lot in life, a whole lot easier.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have facts and I am still very amused.

    I just minutes ago asked a related question. I very clearly stated that I doubled the highest number of estimated Atheists in the world I could find and then took the lowest estimated number of Baha'is I could find, yet some noncomprehending Atheists objected. Even though I doubled the number of estimated Atheists and ran the average annual percentage of growth for both Baha'is and Atheists using those figures, the Baha'i Faith's annual percentage growth rate is over 272 times the growth rate of Atheists. If that is not clear, then using actual figures, percentage-wise, the Baha'i Faith is growing at about 550 times as fast as atheism, and close to fifty times the rate of world population growth.

    From the cover of The Baha’is magazine, a publication of the International Baha’i Community:

    In just over 150 years, the Baha’i Faith has grown from an obscure movement in the Middle East to the second-most widespread of the independent world religions. Embracing people from more than 2,100 ethnic, racial and tribal groups, it is quite likely the most diverse organized body of people on the planet. Its unity challenges prevailing theories about human nature and the prospects for our common future.

    For a good YouTube video:

    Some people claim all faith is blind, but my faith is a carefully considered, carefully reasoned and very reasonable, rational and defensible faith. Were atheist Stephen Roberts (1901-1971) standing in front of me this moment, I would say back to him, “I contend that we are both men of faith. I just have faith in one more thing than you do, and for very good reason. When you fully understand why I disdain all the devisers of superstitions and dismiss the gods of vain imaginings, you will understand why I believe in my God, and you will believe also." -- B. Knott Wildered (Not my real name, but the quote is mine.)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Christianity is not a religion. It is a way of life laid out for us by Jesus himself. And it is on the rise.

  • 1 decade ago

    all religion is on the downturn want proof, walk into a temple during services.

  • 1 decade ago

    If anything people are starting to have more faith and get more into religion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, Islam is growing. I would say it is mostly just Christianity.

    Source(s): Obvious Troll!
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