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Lv 4
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · 1 decade ago

Is there a test for lactose intolerance?

My 9 month old baby has been sick now since last Saturday! She started out by throwing everything up, and then she went to just occasionally throwing up a couple of times a day. I have had her at her doctor office numerous times and at 2 different ERs. They have all said she just needs time to get over it, but 9 days seems way too long to me! The second ER told me to put her on half strength soy formula for a couple of days and then put her back on her regular milk so that is what I did. That was Thursday night. So, from Friday morning to Sunday morning she was on soy and did great, she didn't throw up once! But by Sunday afternoon, when she was back on her regular formula, she was throwing up again!! So, is there an actual test for lactose intolerance? I don't want to just assume that is what she has and it turn into something worse that is just being shielded by the soy formula! I don't know if that is possible or not, I am just at the end of my rope with ideas of what to do and how to get her better and her doctor office is absolutely no help at all! They keep telling me to do the same thing over and over again, and when she throws back up, they just have me start from the beginning! Also, in 5 days, she lost 2 pounds and they don't seem to be worried about that in the least! I just don't want her to continue being sick and losing weight! Thank you in advance!!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree, if she is sick and losing weight on milk based formula, but doing okay on soy, keep with the soy!! Sometimes when a person has a bad stomach virus, they can become temporarily lactoseand/or milk protein intolerent,because the normal flora and fauna of the belly is out of balance from all the diarrhea or vomiting, and a stint on soy formula is needed for sometime for the gut to recover. This is actually not uncommon. I would just keep doing what works and revisit going back to milk products when she is one and ready to go to whole milk. If there was something sinister going on the soy formula wouldn't mask the issue.

    Good Luck-I know its so scary to have your baby that sick when they are that tiny!

  • 1 decade ago

    All four of my kids were lactose intolherent. There isnt a test that i have heard of but the "proof is in the pudding." If your child is better with soy formula, STAY on it. Soy would not be able to "mask" a greater issue. Although i am surprised it is just now starting to bother her at 9 months. Anyway soy is a good formula to use, if you find that soy makes her constipated alimentum is the best, also very pricey. It is neither soy nor lactose, it is already broken down. However at 9 months she should be eating baby food so i would also look at what she's eating, that may be the real food allergy. (paramedic)

  • 1 decade ago

    could she have a stomach bug? my son has reflux and is very prone to vomiting when he gets sick. i have to admit, the one thing he can't keep down is his formula, if we switch to soy or use pedialyte or give him juice, he's okay, but something about his formula sets him off. he's on alimentum. as for potential lactose intolerance, my nephew was diagnosed as a toddler and the warning signs were 1) stomach cramps (he would curl into a fetal position, hold his stomach, bend over, that type of thing), 2) change in his stools (foul smelling, color was off, somewhat runny but not diarrhea), 3) constant bloating, 4) fatigue (i think that was more from him sleeping poorly because of the stomach pain). if there's any potential that's she's sick, the doctor won't make a call either way. you'll have to wait for whatever this is to subside, keep her on soy for now. after that, a quick and dirty way to test your theory is put her back on formula, give her yogurt, cheese, etc. if she starts having problems again after 24-48 hours, then i say it's lactose intolerance. one thing i've noticed with my family, lactose intolerance seems to start earlier with each generation. my grandmother not till her 40s, my mom in her 20s, i was in my early teens, my nephew as a toddler.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am an adult and had a breath test for lactose intolerance. The test correctly showed that I have it

    Source(s): Personal experience.
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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They can tell through a blood test.

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