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  • Is this normal with a trust?

    My husband's grandmother passed almost 9 months ago and left a trust with him, his two sisters, and his uncle as beneficiaries. We are getting nowhere with his uncle who is also the trustee in finding out information. We just received a letter in the mail asking us to sign a waiver of notice of hearing on inventory. The list of the assets on this form only showed 2 bank accounts. There is also land, a house, and investments that are also a part of the trust as we received a copy of the assets a couple of months ago and that was all listed. The letter stated that by signing the paper he approves the listing of the assets, but he does not. So if he signs this is he forfeiting all rights to the rest of the trust? His uncle told us that the reason for only the bank accounts being listed was that was the only two things still in her name when she died and the rest of the assets were in the name of the trust. We are in Tennessee and he is in Ohio, so it is difficult communicating and getting straight answers.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Could this be autism in my 18 month old?

    My daughter is 18 months old and had her checkup and autism screening yesterday. The dr wants to re screen her in 6 months due to her walking on her toes quite often (but not always), and she wanders around quite often with no purpose. Couldit be that she has autism? I am absolutely a wreck over this!

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • My 18 month old has a persistent cough?

    She started coughing about December 4th. It started out just during the night or naps, but now occurring more frequently during the day also. She seems fine otherwise. Nothing is coming up, just a dry cough. And when she has these spells, they sound horrible, like they would hurt in her chest. I called the doctor and they said since she has no fever there is no need in bringing her in. I am using the baby rub on her, as well as a humidifier. Anything else? What can I do to help her??

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Do we need a beneficiary?

    My husband is one of the beneficiaries to his grandmother's trust. She passed away on June 28 this year. We received a copy of the trust on august 12. It stated he is to get quarterly payments of the interest on the trust for 21 years and at the end of 21 years, the trust will be distributed. His uncle is the trustee as well as a beneficiary. Things seemed to be ok for a bit. He was semi communicating with us and then once they told us the house had been emptied, all communication stopped! We still do not even have a copy of the assets of the trust. She lived in Ohio and we live in Tennessee and we just do not know what to do. We have tried several times to communicate with him and have not received a response since September 29th. We even sent a certified letter to the lawyer requesting a copy of the assets, and have not received a response from that either. We do not know what to do!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • What to do about fever in 15 month old?

    My daughter had a fever last night of 102. I gave her Tylenol and it came down to 100.6 two hours later. Her fever broke during the night but all day today she has not wanted to hardly eat anything and has not played any. All she has wanted to do is sleep and she is very cranky. This evening she got a fever again of 101.6. Gave her more Tylenol and it came down to 99.1. Any ideas on what this can be? Any advice is appreciated!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Eye surgery for a 15 month old?

    My daughter is 15 months old and had to go see a specialist for her eyes on Tuesday due to them going cross. After she finished the exam, she said that my daughter's eyes were not responding the way they should be if glasses were going to work. She also has a lazy eye. She has to wear a patch for 4 hours a day to correct that. The doctor said she wanted to at least try glasses for 2 months in case they do end up helping her. But she said it is not likely that they are going to work and she is probably going to need surgery to correct the crossed eyes.has anyone had experience with this? My nerves are completely shot just thinking about her having surgery!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • When should trust distribution begin?

    My husband is the beneficiary of a trust from his Grandmother. The trust states that it will be distributed quarterly for 21 years after her death. She passed on June 28th. When should the distributions begin? It does not specify in the trust.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • What are our beneficiary rights?

    My husband's grandmother passed away a little over a month ago and she left behind a living trust. My husband, his two sisters, and his uncle are all beneficiaries of the trust. His uncle is the trustee and we requested a copy of the trust over 2 weeks ago. We have still yet to receive anything. He said the lawyer was sending the paperwork to us, and that was on the 14th of July. I again contacted him on the 22nd of July and he said the lawyer doesn't have the paperwork together to send yet but he would contact him again on the 25th and let us know when the lawyer said he would have it sent out to us. We still have not heard anything back from that. I have tried to email him and have received no response. We did find out that him and his wife have been emptying the house out and we knew nothing of it. We have no clue if my husband has any "beneficiary rights" or if his uncle is the one that makes all the decisions when it comes to the assets of the trust. There are quite a bit of assets and it is getting so complicated. We just don't know what to do, or if there is anything that we can do. His uncle also told us that she left my husband all of his grandfather's medals but have yet to receive them. They live 500 miles away so its not like we can just drive over to their house to get them, so we again don't know what we are supposed to do. Thanks in advance for your advice!!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • How do i get a copy of a living trust?

    My husband's grandmother passed away about a week and a half ago and his uincle has not given him a copy of the living trust. My husband is a beneficiary of the trust and has been trying to get ahold of his uncle (who is 500 miles away) with no luck. How can we get a copy of the trust and find out his rights?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Beneficiary of a living trust?

    My husband's grandmother passed away a little over a week ago and she had a living trust that had her oldest son as the beneficiary of 50% of it and my husband and his two sisters as the beneficiaries of the other 50% (their dad passed away 6 years ago, so this is his half). We are still waiting to hear anything back on the trust and don't know what we are supposed to do. Are we supposed to just sit and wait until we hear from his uncle? She lived over 500 miles away so it is difficult to find much out. We do know that part of the trust is the house and they have been going through the house and dividing stuff out but shouldn't they be doing that with the consent of my husband and his sisters?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Tips for travelling by car with a 10 month old?

    My husband and I are going tomorrow on a 4 hour car trip to see his dying grandmother. We are taking our 10 month old with us. Any advice/tips to make it as easy as possible on her and us? This is the first time that she will be away from home overnight and leaving her behind with anyone is not an option

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How long do people normally live with pancreatic cancer?

    My husband's grandmother was put into the hospital yesterday and today they told us that she has pancreatic cancer and it has spread through her entire body. They said that it is so bad that there is no treatment. How long do people usually live when diagnosed at this late stage? She is 76 years old and her stomach is so bloated that she looks about 9 months pregnant if that helps. She lives 4 hours away so my husband and I are driving up tomorrow to spend time with her.

    5 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • What else can I do for a diaper rash besides desitin?

    My daughter is almost 10 months old and she has a diaper rash and when I put Desitin on her, she immediately screams in pain until I wipe it off! Is there anything else I can do for her to help the diaper rash go away? Does anyone know of any reason why the Desitin could be hurting her? Thank you so much!

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Question about Congestive Heart Failure?

    My husband's grandmother is 85 years old and we living in a nursing home due to severe confusion and dementia. We live in TN and she lives in OH so we aren't there to talk to the doctors. Her son sends us emails very frequently to update us on her condition and we just recently found out that she has fluid around her heart and lungs and is in the later stages of congestive heart failure. Her son has called hospice in along with her care at the nursing home. He said she is currently on medication for the fluid but it will eventually quit working and there will be nothing that they can do for her! We are very close to her and my husband and I are beside ourselves worrying how long she has left but we do not have the heart to ask his uncle how long they think she has left. Does anyone have any experience with this? Or how long she may have left? Thank you so much!!!

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Coupld this be a growth spurt?

    My daughter has just turned 9 months old and for the past 2 or 3 days, she has had extreme hunger. She normally eats about 24-28oz of formula plus 3 solid meals a day. The past couple of days she has ate anywhere from 30-45oz of formula plus 3 pretty good sized meals a day. I have no issues with her being so hungry, if she is hungry I feed her. But, I just was wondering if I should bring this up to her doctor or if it could just be a growth spurt she is going through.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is there a test for lactose intolerance?

    My 9 month old baby has been sick now since last Saturday! She started out by throwing everything up, and then she went to just occasionally throwing up a couple of times a day. I have had her at her doctor office numerous times and at 2 different ERs. They have all said she just needs time to get over it, but 9 days seems way too long to me! The second ER told me to put her on half strength soy formula for a couple of days and then put her back on her regular milk so that is what I did. That was Thursday night. So, from Friday morning to Sunday morning she was on soy and did great, she didn't throw up once! But by Sunday afternoon, when she was back on her regular formula, she was throwing up again!! So, is there an actual test for lactose intolerance? I don't want to just assume that is what she has and it turn into something worse that is just being shielded by the soy formula! I don't know if that is possible or not, I am just at the end of my rope with ideas of what to do and how to get her better and her doctor office is absolutely no help at all! They keep telling me to do the same thing over and over again, and when she throws back up, they just have me start from the beginning! Also, in 5 days, she lost 2 pounds and they don't seem to be worried about that in the least! I just don't want her to continue being sick and losing weight! Thank you in advance!!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What can I do for my 9 month old?

    My daughter has been throwing up since saturday evening. We took her to the ER saturday night and they gave her zofran and said if she wasn't better in 3 days take her to the doctor. She was still throwing up on Tuesday, so we took her to the doctor and they did some bloodwork and said her viral cell count ws at 88% and should be at 20-30% this far into the stomach bug. Also, she had lost a pound in just 3 days! They told me if she wasn't better by the next day (wednesday) to bring her back in and she would probably need to go into the hospital. So, wednesday came and she was still throwing up. Took her back to the doctor and she had lost another 2oz, but they just sent us home and said they didn't know how long it would take for her to get better! My husband and I are at a loss! What can we do for our baby to make her feel better?? Any advice/suggestions!!!!!!!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 8 month old will not drink pedialyte?

    I have an 8 1/2 month old daughter that has been vomiting for almost 12 hours now. she can't keep anything down. now, before you tell me to take her to the er, i have already done that. we just got back from er about 7 hours ago. they gave her some zofran for the nausea and had her drink some pedialyte. she would only take about a half oz and screamed if i tried to give her more. they sent her home with a prescription for more zofran but the pharamacy was closed when we were released. she went to sleep and slept for 4 hours then woke up and started dry heaving. i still can't get her to take any pedialyte. is there anything else that i can do? the dr said she had a stomach bug so i don't think i need to take her back to the er for that since there is nothing else they can do, i just don't want her to get dehydrated!! any tips/advice for giving pedialyte would be greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on Luvs diapers?

    I have been an avid Huggies user since my daughter was in size 1 diapers, but they are getting really expensive! I wanted to switch her to Luvs since they are quite a bit cheaper. I just wanted to get opinions from other moms that use them, or that don't use them. So, what are your opinions?

    17 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 8 month old constipated?

    My daughter was not had a bowel movement in 2 days (normal for her is 2-3 a day). And the last one was very hard (normal for her is pretty soft). This morning, she strained so hard that her face turned beet red and drool started running out of her mouth! She then started screaming and I could not console her! She is formula fed and she is on solids. I talked to the pharmacist and he said to call the dr since there is nothing over the counter that she can have and since s has been so long. I am waiting on the dr to call me back I just wanted ti hear from other moms about what I could do for her!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago