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peeling lips. nothing i do helps and i don't know what to do. help!?

so i have a problem with dry, cracked, peeling lips. recently, i stopped licking them. i also stopped using blistex thinking it might be causing irritation. i put on chapstick at night before bed so it can sit there for 8 hours straight and i use it once or twice during the day. this seemed to work for about a week, and then today my lips are peeling again! what can i do about this?


i already drink a ton of water (80+ oz.)

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    make a srub using brown sugar and a touch of olive oil. massage on your lips for 30-60 seconds then rinse. then apply a good chapstick, like nivea or burts bees

  • sin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i feel your pain. i have been dealing with this my whole life. i am starting to think the best thing to do is not use ANYTHING on your lips, try and use nothing and let them heal. i read an article once saying after a while the lips dont make their own moisture. also drink lots of water. hope this helps

  • 1 decade ago

    This happens to me from time to time. What I do is I apply carmax to my lips, then rub it off so the dead skin can come off my lips then I re-apply the carmax and leave it on my lips until I need some more. Only rub off the carmax if lips are peeling badly if they are not just apply a generous amount.

    Edit: Licking your lips makes it worse so refrain from doing that!

  • 1 decade ago

    drink lots of water, try a different chapstick. You also might be allergic to something.

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