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Who was the person who tried to get the Title of King of the Jews before it was given to Jesus?

From my readings the person went to Egypt and appealed for it but was given another title. Will tell all the people who it was if they allow emails to themselves.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Every single Jewish King was "King of the Jews." It is not a special title.

    Heck, every single Jewish King was also called messiah (as were some Non-Jewish Kings).

    The Jewish conception of these terms different from the Pauline Christian one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Saul was the first king of Israel. His line ended with him.

    David was the next king and started the Davidic dynasty.

    There were many kings after that.

    At some point, Israel split into two kingdoms - with completing kings

    If you are talking about the time of Roman occupation -

    Before the Romans, the Hashmonaim, a priestly family, were able to repel the Greeks and took the kingship over Israel. I believe Judah Maccabbee was the first Hashmonaic king.

    The Romans interfered into Israeli politics and put Herod onto the throne.

    At the time of Jesus, the Herodian family ruled as puppet kings by Roman license.

    All of them were called some variation of "Herod" - I don't remember which particular one was in charge at the particular time.

    Jesus was never king - not by Roman authority or Jewish acclaim.

    When he was executed some jokers put a plaque over the cross "this is the king of the Jews" - it was supposed to be ironic.

    After the Herodians,

    Simon Bar Kohba, a descendant of the Davidic line, was able to repel the Romans and ruled as king of an independent Israel for a short time (until the Romans took it back)

  • 1 decade ago

    Herod the Great was given the title King of the Jews by the Roman Senate around 40BC for his father's support of Julius Caesar

  • 1 decade ago

    The Romans *appointed* the king -- those trying to usurp the power of the appointed king were crucified. Maybe *that's* why the Romans crucified the Christian god.... Hundreds of Jews hung from crosses lining the streets of Jerusalem at the time. Many were crucified for simply creating a disturbance!

    Jesus' crucifixion was most certainly pre-ordained. Otherwise, we would have no Christianity today and no one would be condemned to eternal torment vs. eternal bliss.


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  • 4 years ago

    In heaven , the Lord on earth my family contributors the guy i like ,acquaintances, and you, you all are my existence, and that i could not have made it without you, thank you for protecting me so motivate and for been there whilst i mandatory you, men such as you makes the international a greater efficient place to stay, i visit bear in suggestions you all as long as i stay.

  • Adam Sandler.

  • 1 decade ago

    Larry King. It was in his young, wilder years. He was so disappointed he changed his last name and everything. He figured if he couldn't be "Larry, King of the Jews" he would settle for "Larry King". True story or just coincidence? Hmmm.........

  • 1 decade ago

    pst: king of the Jews = Law (Allegory), and

    no man is justified by the law, not even Jesus: Gal 3,

    so we find "forsaken" in the midst of 7 last utterances.

    In comparison and contrast to the Law, says

    I will utterly forget you, and I will forsake you: Enmity

    we have God's Grace, says

    I will never leave you, nor ever forsake you: Friend

    John 15:15 says let's all be Friend k-now,

    for a servant (prophet: law) is a k-now not.

    Luke 16:16 says the law and prophets (servants: enmity) were,

    but since that time Kingdom of God (friend k-now) is preached.

    So the Bible ends with only Grace, no mention of Law:

    The GRACE of our Lord Jesus-->Christ with you all. Amen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    Coulda been - King Herod?

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