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Okay, to all the people that tried to tell me the bible doesn't say how old the earth is..?

Beginning with the archeological landmark event of the fall of Jerusalem (which has now been corrected to 588 B.C., instead of 586-587 B.C.) and counting backwards the prophesied number of years between this event and the division of Solomon's kingdom (390 yrs. + 40 yrs., according to Ezekiel 4:4-7), brings us to 1018 B.C.

From the end of Solomon's 40-year reign to the start of the Temple in the 4th year of his reign takes us back another 37 years to 1055 B.C.

From the start of Solomon's Temple "in the 480th year" (1 Kings 6:1) back to the Exodus from Egypt (hence 479 years previous) brings us to near 1534 B.C.

From the Exodus out of Egypt to Abraham's entering Canaan from Haran was exactly 430 years to the day (Gen 12:10/ Exodus 12:40/ Gal 3:17), thus around 1964 B.C.

Since Abraham entered Canaan at age 75 (Gen 12:4), he was born approximately 2039 B.C.

From Abraham's birth to Noah's grandson (Shem's son), Arpachshad's birth, 2 years after the Flood started, was 290 years (Gen 11:11-26), this places the onset of the Flood at around 2331 B.C. [definitely 4,300-4,400 years ago].

The genealogy of Genesis 5:3-32 precludes any gaps due to its tight chronological structure and gives us 1,656 years between Creation and the Flood, thus bringing Creation Week back to near 3987 B.C. or approximately 4000 B.C.

Therefore, the biblical age of the Earth (using Scripture itself as a guide) is 6,000 years !! Mankind did not evolve 4 million years ago on an Earth which is 4.5 billion years old in a universe which was "big-banged" into existence 18-20 billion years in the distant past. Jesus Christ, the Creator Incarnate, said He made mankind male and female in the beginning (Mark 10:6), and that when the heavens and the earth were commanded into being (Gen 1:1), they "stood up together" (Isa 48:13) not billions of years apart !!

And you call yourself christians.


Camzy, i wouldnt expect you to read it, your obviously not very smart, because you can't listen to a paragraph that is typed.

Secondly, i just put it up to prove that the bible does indeed say how old the earth is, as i was told by christians it does not.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    And how do you explain there being morning and evening before the fourth day when the sun was created?

  • Dawn C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Ah, you are obviously a young earther. You have forgotten something though. We have no idea how long Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden. As long as they were in a sinless state, they would not have aged. They could have lived in that garden for thousands of years, for all we know. Their children weren't born until after they were thrown out of the garden.

    Another factor- when Genesis talks of the 6 days of creation, the word 'yom' in the Bible, the word for "day" does not necessarily denote a 24 hour period. Day can mean 24 hours, or a period of time, as "In my day", or it can mean an era, or a millenia.

    Also, there is a movie out now called the "Genesis Code". I suggest you watch it. They give an explanation of how the earth can be created in 6 days, and yet be billions of years old. It deals with the perspective theory. From God's point of view, it very well could have been one day- but He lives at the speed of light, where time does not exist. As you get farther away from the source, time slows down. What could take God 24 hours to do, can actually take billions of years to happen, as we get away from the speed of light and enter linear time. So, the Bible is right- and science is right as well.

  • jen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Since God's day seven continues, Gen.2:1-4, Heb.4:1-12; and at its

    end after the 1000 year reign of Jesus, Rev.20:1-6, all of God's days,

    Psm.90:4; 2Pet.3:8, will be one day[ Example 7 daysx 7,000 =

    49,000 years].

    Gen.1:1,2, Job 38:4-7,30-32, has no age or time, it appears that from

    Gen.1:3-26, and foward, ages old angels in ages old universesee the

    whole thing. Time begans after Adam, Gen.5:3, he ia age 130 to age

    930, Gen.5:5.

    So now at year 6077 in God's day 7 at 2011, 48,000 years is near.

    Source(s): Bible.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    per chance i am going to't grant you with a passable answer to all the questions you've about your faith yet i am going to objective to respond to 3 of them. a million. devil become a fallen angel, no longer a guy. He not in any respect lived in the international because he become not in any respect human. in accordance to the Bible, he become once a serious angel yet then he went antagonistic to God and become forged into Hell for that. 2. All i am going to allow you to recognize about "the starting up" is that Genesis a million:2 describes it thusly: "And the earth become without variety, and void; and darkness become upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." it type of feels to point in basic terms about that the "earth" become already present yet become in basic terms an huge empty area, type of a sea of darkness. 3. The Bible isn't very certain on the position the better halves of Cain and Seth. that is observed though that Cain's spouse got here from a "land to the east of Eden". Genesis 5 is really a lot a itemizing of the descendants of Seth. That likely in basic terms made more suitable questions for you yet now you recognize a minimum of they'd little ones.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Bible is a book about God's interactions with man. It is not a guide to the age of the earth. If you choose to reject the truths of the Bible based on your (and Science's) assertion that the age of the earth disproves scripture, that is certainly your option.

    Those of us that are Christians are not necessarily ignorant of that fact, we just don't let the be the single determining factor in our faith.

    I believe Jesus Christ walked the earth, that he was dragged before men, falsely accused and convicted, tortured, crucified and died and on the 3rd day rose again. That is the basis of our faith, not the age of the earth.

    It isn't as if science has never been proven wrong - it has. Research "vestigial organs" to see which organs science used to believe were "evolutionary leftovers" that have now proven to be necessary for health. Science often proves scriptural accounts as accurate, but we rarely hear of those.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, I do not call myself a Christian: I call myself a believer in Jesus and His teachings.

    Second, while I don't subscribe to evolution as cold hard fact (the "missing link" hasn't been found), there is very good supporting evidence that the Earth is a tad older than 6,000 years old. Worse, for you to use Isiah to back up your argument for standing up together makes a claim that you know time through God's eyes, and I find that hard to fathom; man can not fathom God's ways, nor His concept of time, for He is eternal, and we can not put our mind into His ways.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are measuring from the time of Adam.. Not the creation of the earth. From Adam to present is near 6000 years.. the age of the earth is not stated. I definitely call myself Christian, therefore I don't jump to these false conclusions but actually study God's word.

  • 1 decade ago

    God could have created the earth out of something that had already existed for a few billion years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And of course the bible is far more accurate than radiometric dating. Or in fact all of science.

    Thank you for making a bullet-proof, scientific, evidence based argument AGAINST biblical christianity. You have certainly made my job a lot easier.

    Keep up the good work!

    Source(s): B.S. degree in biology
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Blah... Blah ... blah....

    Stop wasting your time.

    Hahaha, think were going to listen to your pathetic little paragraphs. Even if we did, we wouldn't care less.

    I'm Christian and Proud.

    Shouldn't concern you.

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