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Do you believe that most Americans agree with Pastor Terry Jones burning the Koran?

A little over a week ago, Pastor Terry Jones and congregation burned a Koran. Their actions resulted in several riots in the Middle East, in particular Afghanistan. There was a loss of life. It has been said that the vast majority of Muslims are not religious fanatics or extremists. In fact, they condemn the actions of such extremists who commit acts of terrorism. In the same vein, do most Americans condemn the actions of Terry Jones?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    as a US citizen i don't think that WE all agree with him...I was raised to respect all faiths because when it's all said and done, who knows they may be right.......I wouldn't to see my book of faith burned so why would I agree with the burning of someone else ....beside the burning of books is, to me, the stupidest thing to do....we were appalled when hitler did so why should we think that this nut case is right?

  • 1 decade ago

    Where are all these Muslims that condemn extremists because I have not met any, the ones I know just say you got to understand why they do what they do. Must be just the ones I know then! I can not speak for anyone else but personally I do not agree with him burning the Koran I think he was well within his right and thats is up to him but I just do not agree because of the mayhem it would cause and has caused. Terry Jones is no worse or no better than Muslims that burn bibles, flags etc but the bottom line is innocent people are not killed because of some idiot Muslims actions. The same can not be said for the Muslims that beheaded, rioted and killed innocent people because lets face it a man had burnt a book. I know I would place the blame at the door of the murderers

  • 5 years ago

    Baptists usually are actually not Christians. I actual have been to many of their church homes and a variety of of alternative the pastors are a team of jerks. on an identical time as I loathe Islam, burning the Koran serves no purpose. Christians could be placing an occasion with the help of their sturdy habit and graciousness, and to no longer torment individuals. This counterfeit "Christian" is assisting to empower Islam with the help of burning the Koran. Pastor Jones is placing the occasion of coming up Christians appear as if idiots. in my opinion, Baptists and Islam are on an identical area. This pastor is inflicting chaos with the help of his strikes. it rather is strictly the purpose as the two religions are satanic. in case you twist somebody's nostril, you will get blood out of it. Geez, i'm so uninterested in Muslims, phoney Christians, and all the different non secular people who act like complete jerks.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't condemn it because to me it's a book. if he wants to waste his time and money burning paper he can have it. Also if he's responsible for the deaths, , the media should be held responsible also for covering Jones. Here is food for thought, why were they so upset about some guy burning a book an ocean way, but they weren't upset by the US Army kill teams who were murdering civilians and collecting parts. It would have made more sense to riot over that then Jones.

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  • Pascha
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't know what most Americans believe.

    But I think that there could certainly be more respect for other people in this world and their religious beliefs, cultures, etc.

    I remember a sermon in a small Christian church years ago that a minister delivered on the subject of Islam. She was trying to show that Christianity was better than Islam. I wondered why she was giving such a sermon. That was a small country church with mostly ordinary working people who were not likely to have much contact with Muslims, so there wasn't much chance any were about to convert. I was confused about this and looked around at other people. I didn't see any reaction at all. They just went on then singing the hymns, doing the collection, etc.

    Frankly, I was shocked. I had just come back to that area, and I did not remember the old minister who had died ever having attitudes like that.

    Most Americans, I think, just go along with what people around them think. It is easy to condemn a whole group of people if they are all strangers. But Americans who know American Muslims personally, through work or otherwise, would probably not be so quick to have negative opinions about them.

    I don't think that most Americans condemn the actions of Terry Jones, but they should. He knew what resulted from the Danish cartoon episode, so he wasn't ignorant of the likely results of his actions. He knew he was providing extremists an excuse for violence.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off I want to say your question is worded badly, so please read the replies you get carefully. Your top "question" asks if we believe most agree with Terry Jones, and then at the end of your followup text you ask "Do most condemn Terry Jones?" If I say yes, which am I answering yes to?

    But, to get back on topic, I know of no Americans (myself included) that don't think the guy is a nut job and is surely getting himself a place in hell for his foolish and cruel actions. You can believe that Muslims are the "bad guys" all you want (its your right to be an idiot), but something like this is only done by either mad people or morally deprived attention seeking whores. Even if you're stupid enough to think that attacking a religion is correct response to terrorism (and it isn't) the blood of the people killed and injured is on this man's hands. (Not just his, because the people that rioted are also to blame for their actions, but still, he is responsible as well.)

    The man is deranged but honestly, the Muslims that blame America for his actions are no better than the Americans that blame Muslims for the acts terrorists. It's still one large (and mostly good) group of people being blamed and hated for the actions of a random group of wack jobs.

  • 1 decade ago

    There may be Americans now who agree with him because of the reaction of Islamic fanatics who cannot understand a book is a book and can be bought again.The theology of the Koran may put its believers into a strange corner,where they feel the need to kill because they over react to paper burning.

    In the U.K, Muslims insulted the symbol of the loss in war by those represented by the Poppy flower,they burn it and shouting abuse dishonoured those who where remembering their fallen comrades,how many Muslims died as a result of this outrage,none,time to get with the real world because the days of the bye ball are over.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think I can speak for "most Americans". It's really based on a few different factors. Personal religion, political views, etc.

    I feel it was extremely disrespectful. I would not want my Bible or other holy texts to be treated so. If this man is truly Christian, he would know that loving his fellow man is more important than shock value acts like this.

    That being said, what Jones did is protected by Free Speech. Even if it was in extraordinarily bad taste. I think he will be held responsible for the deaths of others and for the act in general-- just probably not in this life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Terry Jones is a provocative and deluded fuuckwit. I'm not American, but those are my 2 cents.

    P.S. Extra fuuckwit points to the morons who rioted and killed people entirely unconnected with the book burning. I hope there is a hell, because they can join Terry Jones there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe most Americans are unwilling to research anything that isn't going to potentially make them money. Unless your chosen profession happens to involve practicing law, it is likely that you are even sure about your own rights.

    To all the people answering this question: When was the last time you read the Constitution? Be honest, it was high school wasn't it? Guess what? You shouldn't be allowed to vote, or have even an opinion on political matters involving other people if you aren't willing to stand up for yourself first. Terry Whoever can do whatever he wants, because you don't even know if there is anything that could be done to stop him.

    Please try to read more than just what sensationalist media made the front page. His actions are in direct opposition to the fact that we allow freedom of religion in this country. You don't have a right to burn anything you want. It's called arson. Yes, it is illegal. Apparently, this book burner doesn't believe in my right to worship as I choose either, and never read Fahrenheit 451 (the original, not that Michael Moore crap.) Burning books just makes people value them more.

    He shouldn't be a citizen here. Unfortunately, the rest of the world doesn't want him either.

  • 1 decade ago

    I suspect that like on most other things in the modern world, Americans are split down the middle on this issue.

    Progressives will condemn him for the self serving egotist that he is, whilst conservatives will defend his right to say what he likes, when he likes, ignoring the consequences.

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