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Are science and Christianity compatible?

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely not. The bible is not of evidence of anything at all. Religions are just trying to claim that it is compatible with science or they all die.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a christian and I studied Science / Industrial Engineering, currently working at a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant dealing with computer science issues. I see no compatibility issues between christianity and science. Science continues the search for answers to questions (and make new questions as it progress) eventually science will face the answer, God is Truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Science doesn't disprove God (in spite of popular un-educated ramblings) Science observes and gives us information about the what MOST LIKELY happened based on what we have now, we have no footage and we were not their at the beginning so we do not know for sure if the 'theories' are right, in fact, science has been known to change it's mind on these things with new evidence, evolution may be proven un-plausible in the next 100 years. Bottom line, Science can be used to support Christianity, it can be used to support atheism, but it can not prove Christianity, and it cannot prove atheism

  • 8 years ago

    Dude, if you're looking for a particular answer (the results was an overwhelming yes) than don't ask stupid questions. Science and Atheism are definitely not compatible; if everything is by chance than there are no theories or scientific laws.

    Seriously, man. Don't be so biased.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Certainly. They cover almost entirely separate domains of knowledge.

    Science... with what it can see, feel, hear, taste, touch, measure or otherwise perceive and model. Experiment and hypothesis.... it is a sound approach.

    Religion... with what can not be perceived physically. The realm of the spirit, of psychology of the human heart. God extends throughout both realms but it is only in the spiritual can we begin to understand.

    John 4:24

    God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

    How can science qualify anything that they cannot measure? Cannot perceive? It cannot and remain intellectually honest. Scientific speculation is fine, but it is only the opinion of scientists. Back that up with the scientific method and repeatable experience, the "opinion" goes away and fact enters the picture.

    Everyone has to play nice in the sandbox and we'll all get along. :)

    Source(s): Orthodox Christian
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Science originated from Christianity...

    trust me!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hell NO

    Does Any God exist? Hypotheses


    Understanding: Anything that can be asserted with little or no evidence can be dismissed just as easily, so the extraordinary claims made by deist would require extraordinary evidences for which religion cannot supply. Therefore, evidence for the existence of god is dismissed with any simple test such as the one that follows.

    Remember: Some religious books will state that the believers can not or should not test their god or the devil for that mater. So, if someone believes in god then he or she would be forbidden from testing god. Since (Atheist, Non-Believers or believers from other religions) do not believe in your god then they of course are free to test said god and show statistical truth behind blind belief in said god.

    1. Important Note: There is nothing that states anywhere in the world that we can not test the devil, which is generally categorized as having similar omnipotence as god.

    2. God and devil are two dependent deities, if we show one does not exist then the other does not exist.

    Hypothesis: Does any God Exist? Data Collection and Test:

    This test will show either the gods/devils are not as powerful as claimed or they do not exist at all, in either case they do not deserve anyones worship.

    Here is a simple god/devil test

    1. God you will post on every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category on the Internet in exactly 30 seconds (GMT) after this post has been made. You will post worldwide and your post will state the following:

    "I am god, I exist"

    A) In every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category must have the same exact time stamp based on human time (GMT).

    2. Devil you will post on every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category on the Internet in exactly 30 seconds (GMT) after this post has been made. You will post world wide and your post will state the following:

    "I am devil, I exist"

    A) In every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category must have the same exact time stamp based on human time (GMT).

    We now have a working theory known as the God does not exist theory.

    **We have shown that no God of any kind exists!

    **We have shown that no Devil of any kind exists and established that God and Devils are mutually inclusive, so if one does not exist then the other does not exist.

    Now happier times are a head for all people, because we don’t have to waste our lives on useless endeavors that will yield no results?

    Thanks for asking such a wonderful question that we all can learn from and even get a little science in too, but the answer seems to be no

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think science and religion are compatible. I'm a Jew and I believe in evolution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course they are. It's just going to take some time for science to catch up and learn what God has been saying all along.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, but evolution is NOT "real" science. Evolution is deception, circular reasoning, speculation and "poor" science.

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