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What do you find the most effective way of writing a novel?

Do you plan out every step of your novel before you start? Do you just jump straight in and figure out the problems later? How do you write a novel most effectively?

Just curious :)


Haha I'm not asking how I should write a novel, I'm just curious to the different ways people do it :)

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I personally make sure I have the skeleton of the plot figured out:

    Beforehand, I determine WHAT needs to happen.

    As I write, I figure out HOW those things happen.

    I don't know how my characters will get from point A to point B, but I have to know that point B is the goal. Some writers are different, but this way is my way :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I am very much like Wanderer. An organic writer. Once a character or plot takes root in my head I have to begin writing the story. I can formulate details and backstory around what is written. Then when I hit a block or a break I go back and smooth the outline and do some research and perhaps fill in the character profiles.

    I once plotted a story from beginning to end and it was a disaster for me. I isn't that I can't still write the story but it isn't exciting for me knowing the end before finishing the bulk of the work. One of the pleasures of writing, for me, is not knowing what is going to come next. As if I were reading a novel. Seeing the words and ideas flow from me and into a fully formed concept is exciting as the story begins to come alive in my hands. Knowing the end ahead of time takes the steam out of me. I move too slow and then get bored attempting to write to a particular destination.

  • pj m
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Live Life,

    I get an idea of what I want and begin with a prologue. I give the readers something that happens or happened in the novel somewhere. This way they look forward to finding out where it takes the character(s) involved. Then I start the chapters by setting myself up as every character, that way I know what “ I “ would do in each situation and it doesn’t bog me down with any writers block or lack of imagination.

    PJ M

    Source(s): Published author.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For a first draft, it's best to just write, write, write. . . Then when the first draft is completed, stash it away for about a year and then come back and rewrite the _whole thing over_ again. Pay closer attention to MC building, plot, chapter endings, order of sentences, extra words, "telling" instead of "showing," etc. It's a stronger story afterward.

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  • Javik
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Whatever way works best for you. There is no magic-bullet method to writing a novel successfully--it's however you can do it the best.

    Me? I think up a premise, characters, a bit of the storyline, then I go nuts.

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I plan extensively first. I didn't always, and when I didn't the stories turned out sh*t and I ended up getting 'stuck' in places and creating Mary Sue characters.

    Facing the problems later is pointless in my opinion. Sort 'em out before you start.

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