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  • What colour foal can I get from a tobiano mare?

    My mum and I are thinking of getting my tobiano mare pregnant. My mare's dam is tobiano also. nothing else is known about her genes. I was wondering if anyone could give suggestions on what colours a foal could be. For example: Sire colour : possible foal colours. and if you please tell me what colour sire would be required to produce another tobiano.

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What do you think Albus Dumbledore saw in the Mirror of Erised?

    Do you think he really saw himself holding a pair of socks, or after finishing the series, decided he was lying to Harry all those years ago? If so, what do you think he saw? I'm not sure if JK Rowling has said anything about it so whatever, I'm just interested in your opinion. Explain your decision too, if that's alright.


    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What do you find the most effective way of writing a novel?

    Do you plan out every step of your novel before you start? Do you just jump straight in and figure out the problems later? How do you write a novel most effectively?

    Just curious :)

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • And good sites/books to teach me how to draw?

    So I want to learn how to draw realistic people. Do you know of any websites or books that are good. Rather than websites or books that are quite shallow in their detail and drawings. Like a book that is dedicated to drawing the features of the face, and body. Something that could assist a beginner and a 'professional'

    Thank you :D

    5 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Criticize my writing please :)?

    Please, I'll give you 2 points hehe. Would you read the rest of my story? yes, no, why? How could I make it better? Thanks guys :D

    Noah woke to the sharp whine of the fire alarm. He jumped out of his low lying bed already fully clothed and moved to the door. Smoke was seeping through the gap between the floor and the wood and an orange light glowed behind it. An envelope sat on the floor with his name smudged in black ink on the front. He picked it up and jammed it in his pocket, then grabbing a blanket, he tested the door knob. It turned and Noah was confronted with a wall of noxious smoke and heat, screaming reaching his ears from down the hallway, the fire extinguishing sprinklers not sending out enough water to calm the flames licking up the walls. He slammed the door closed and pushed the blanket up under the door.

    His eyes stinging he crouched low and made his way to the window on the other side of the room. Once opened, the smoke cleared the room quickly, with only a small amount making it's way back in past the blanket. He moved quickly to collect his belongings, shoving them into his old rucksack. He swung his rucksack onto his shoulder and moved back to the open window. Looking out, Noah's head spun. His room was two floors up and 5 windows away from the fire escape. Realising his only way out was a bad one, he readjusted his bag, took a breath and climbed out onto the window sill. Noah edged his way across the sill making it to the end quickly. Careful not to lose his grip on the wall he reached out with his foot for the next sill, finding the 2 inch wide space he swung the rest of his body over to meet it.

    Noah continued at a steady pace until he reached the fire escape. It was further away than he had expected, meaning he couldn't just reach over and grab it. He repositioned his feet and jumped towards the fire escape with his arms outstretched. His fingers contacted with the top bar and gripped it as hard as he could. His head and chest slammed into the bars jarring his arm and his legs swung out below the 2nd level floor. Noah pulled himself up with his arms and rolled onto the metal grate. He quickly got his breath back and climbed safely down to the ground. Emergency crews were scattered around the base of the building. Paramedics were attending to the wounded and firemen pulling people out of the building. It seemed like that most of the crowd standing around were unhurt, some were screaming and crying about their ordeal, some were on the phone to loved ones, but nothing too serious.

    Noah weaved his way through the crowd towards the parking lot. No one stopped him for medical attention or even seemed to care. There were obviously people more injured than having a jarred shoulder. Noah didn't mind, he needed to get out of the town as quickly as possible. Pulling his keys out of his pocket, he looked around to make sure no one had eyes on him. No one did, so he unlocked his ute and slid into the seat, dumping his rucksack on the passenger side. He glanced at the rear view mirror, catching a look at his rugged face. He had dark circles around his eyes from lack of sleep, the thin scar across his cheek was hidden with soot from the fire. His dark hair sticking in odd directions from how he was resting. He looked down at the pocket containing the mysterious envelope. He pulled it out and reached up to flick on the roof light. The name Noah Garcia was scrawled in black ink, smudged by the left hand as it had passed over. Opening the envelope he found small note and half a dozen photos. The note said in the same smudged writing, guess who this is. Noah quickly studied the photos, the reoccurring girl in them he didn't know, she would have been about 17, with long dark hair and brown skin, she was of athletic build and seemed to be completely unaware of the camera. He had a sick feeling in his gut as he looked at the final photo, in it was the girl with a woman he did recognise. An old friend of his. Noah dropped the photos and scavenged for his mobile in his rucksack. He pulled it out and called a number, impatiently waiting for an answer. He didn't get one.

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Please criticize my writing :)?

    Please read this and comment on my writing style, things I need to work on etc. This is the start of my 1st chapter, so is it a good way to start, what do you think about the little you read about the characters? Anything else? Please write what you think, thanks in advance :)

    The summer sun shone brightly through the red dust, causing an eerie light to fall upon the crowd. As the dust slowly fell and settled on the ground, three lonesome barrels sat in the dirt. Beckoning for me to compete with them. Beneath me he stood agitated, raring to bound out and throw the dust back into the air. I gave him the signal. Five hundred kilos of muscle pounded into the ring, thundering towards the barrel on the left. As I sat atop him everything around me seemed to move in slow motion. The moment I wanted to last forever. We converged on the barrel, the power below me ebbing slightly to make the turn. Not even having to signal what to do as we had performed the course countless times. I heard music in the background, forcing it's way in louder and louder. I was torn from my dream and felt it disappear from my mind, gone within a second.

    I rolled over and slapped my hand down on my alarm clock. 5:45 it read, just another day in paradise. I sighed and slid out of bed, going to ready for the day. I left for breakfast in gumboots and overalls. The morning sun was already warm and the trek from the shearer's quarters to the main house felt like it took 10 minutes. When I walked through the door two people were already seated. Finn, the owner's son and my Mum.

    The farm I lived on was big, and there were 2 families living there plus my Mum and me. I put bacon and eggs on my plate and moved to the other end of the table than Mum, ignoring her, sitting opposite Finn. All the girls at school said Finn was cute, and I suppose he was. Tall, muscled, dirty blonde hair and freckles. Though I had never seen him in that way. He'd always just been a brother to me. Finn knew the other girls liked him, and he would play on it too. He would flirt with them and lead the girls on then put his arm around me when they were looking. He thought it was hilarious.

    "Morning," I said as I picked up my fork.

    He glanced at me, "morning," he grumbled going straight back to his eggs.

    "A smile wouldn't hurt you know."

    "It does on a Monday morning and you haven't studied for your maths test," he said.

    "True." I said, and we ate in silence for a minute.

    "Hey Brooke," He said starting to suck up to me, "want to do it for me?"

    "Maths? Not a chance," I laughed, "but I'll give you my cheat sheet if you do my chores."

    "Deal, what do you have this morning?"

    "The pigs."

    "Deal's off, I'll wing it." He said quickly.

    I checked my watch, 6:10. "Fine" I said. I scoffed down the rest of the bacon and put my dishes away, "I'll see you at the bus?"

    "Sure thing, don't be late, I haven't got a sexy story to tell the bus driver again."

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Help with character names?

    I know, go to a baby name website, but I have and I'm still not too sure about names for a couple of my characters in a story I'm writing. So just throw at me what you think, and hey, 2 points right? I just need some names to get the creative juices flowing :)


    17yo girl. 5'4". long blonde hair held in a ponytail. tan skin with freckles and hazel eyes. To people who don't know her she is very innocent, fragile and nerdy. She wears glasses and reads lots of books. Meditates. She has a high voice and only has a couple of friends, and to them she is funny and lots of fun. Willing to try new things and can give very good advice. When she graduates from High school she wants to go to Uni and become a teacher. The 'Popular' kids at school try to pick on her but her friends help her out, she refuses to be violent towards people. She is my main characters best friend.


    17yo guy. 5'10" Olive skin, muscled, dirty blonde hair longish but can't be tied back. light brown eyes. He is very protective of his friends and family. Nice and friendly, though he is picky with who has hangs out with. He is the guy that all the girls want but he just turns them away. Class clown. He is not one of the popular kids, he just sorta floats around in between. Doesn't like change. He lives on a family farm which shares with my main. They are like siblings. He has no ambitions, just to pass his year 12 and continue working on the farm.

    Thanks in advance guys :D

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • An easy 2 points for your opinion :)?

    So I have an idea for a novel and I just want your opinion on if you would read it or not. All you need to write is a yes, no or maybe so :) but if you have the time or are just a nice person write me some detail :D

    The basic plot line is:

    A 15/16 yo girl lives with her mum on a cattle station with another family and helps run it. Her dad left when she was 3 and she hadn't seen him since. He leaves to protect his family because he hunts demons and he tried to lead them away (the main doesn't know this). She has lots of friends and is very smart.The annual rodeo in the local town is on one weekend and she competes like usual. blah blah blah Her dad shows up and tells her and her mum that they are in great danger, her mum tells him that he lead them there and leaves with daughter. that night her mum is killed and her dad takes her away and teaches her how to defend herself and stuff. Its pretty much going to be about her dealing with her mums death and meeting her father as someone she never expected to be. and then she fights have a normal life. She is always the new kid and is different to other students and finds it hard to make friends. She's always having to lie, even the friends she makes don't know her real name. She finally meets a guy at another school and they start dating even though she is only going to be there for a few weeks. when it is time for her and her dad to move on she refuses and runs away with the guy. her dad finds them and takes her back. a couple of months pass and she gets a message saying that the guy she had been with has been kidnapped by a demon to get to her and her father. and then they try to bust him out. and happily ever after.

    Please take the time to read this, you cannot fathom how much it would mean to me to comment your opinion even if you say it absolutely sucks.


    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Should Australia change the National Flag?

    Should the Australian Flag be changed? Why, why not? If you think it should be changed, what do you think needs changing?


    7 AnswersGeneral - Australia1 decade ago
  • What are some good beaches in the Melbourne area?

    any answers appreciated :D

    2 AnswersGeneral - Australia1 decade ago
  • I need help coming up with a catchy saying.?

    A short and sweet saying about how farmers are important to us so we need to help them. No more than a few words. I realise this is fairly difficult but please any ideas will help.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Australia, the most dangerous country in the world?

    So Australia has some of the most deadly and scariest creatures in the world and is known for it. The spiders, the snakes, the jellies and sharks. And then we have the weather. Australia was tormented by floods all last year and has bumped it up to a deadly level this year in Queensland. Plus bushfires that are annual occurrences in several states, and the cyclones in the northern parts of the country.

    So is this one of the most dangerous countries in the world to live in?

    21 AnswersGeneral - Australia1 decade ago
  • Stuck on a last name for a country boy?

    I need some help with a last name for a guy in my book.

    He lives on a farm in outback Australia. He has short chocolate brown hair, with brown eyes. freckles. He is 19 and his first name is Kai. He has an english and aboriginal background and is good friends with my other 2 characters Finn McCallister and Samantha West. He is a rough as guts kind of guy. I cant find any name that really suits him. Any suggestions are appreciated.

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is there a way on VISTA to make your pages come out as a booklet?

    In word. So like its landscape and one 'page' is on the left and the other on the right but all on the same peice of paper. Does that make sense? haha im not very good with computers

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • What is the 'senior trip'?

    an american wants to come visit me on her senior trip. obviously its a trip they go on as seniors but why do they have it? whats its purpose? are there requirements on where they are supposed to go?

    Please help im so confused haha :)

    4 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Will I have to pick up my luggage at any time during my trip?

    Will i have to collect my luggage and recheck it in at any stage of my trip?

    I'm going from Saint Louis MO to Melbourne Australia via LAX and Auckland NZ.

    From STL to LAX I'm flying American Airlines. From then on I'm with QANTAS


    3 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Websites or Ideas that could help with my Art Project?

    the art projest that i am working on needs to have a kind of pattern in the background, one that is simple enough to draw and involves straight lines. Do you know of any websites or have any ideas yourself?

    Any help is appreciated :)

    Cheers x

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Is Myspace dying? (POLL)?

    Facebook or Myspace??

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I am so excited about a book WBU?

    Yay after waiting 2 years 5GW is coming out tomorrow!! Im getting it as an early bday prezzie whoot whoot

    Are you excited for me?? lol


    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago