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Are there really any atheists or agnostics out there who would actually say...?

"I would like to know this God the christians talk about...if He was real."

Is there anyone who really watches and listens, hoping that IF God is there, He will let me know.

I ask because after looking at all the questions today, it kind of looks like (sometimes) that you do want an answer you can grab hold of, if there is one. That is, you would definitely want God to change you and make you one of His own forever....if you could just be sure. Or is it just passing time and really don't care if God is there or not.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure there are some.

    I was like that for a few years. After years of no "god changing me," and no evidence of any kind there is any god, I realized how silly it was to think that way, so I stopped doing so.

    If somebody now presented evidence some god was real, I'd accept it. But I'm not looking for it, because my 51 years of experience have shown me there's no such thing, and what convinces "believers" is complete nonsense.


  • 1 decade ago

    I couldn't help but notice posters like this "Brenda02" how cowardly they post their rhetoric and ilk and then run so they cannot be challenged...I can't help but think that these are the same kinds of people who would wreck or bump your car when it's parked and leave the scene, even though they have insurance....

    Brenda02 has the gall to post videos here and still leave no avenues to rebut what she claims. I did note one sentence I wanted to address...The one where she sites Exodus 27: where God tells Moses' men to go out into the streets and kill those who disobeyed his commands...Remember, these were the very ones who were originally sinners of the worst kind (as if it can't get any worse), who disobeyed God even though he gave them a chance in the first place...Then they disobey him again.

    Talk about non believers who "can't see the nose despite their faces". Here's another one for them that even Christians haven't thought of. What Non Christians don't realize that even while their screaming about the "Unfair" and "immoral" God of the Bible, and so they continue to deny his very existence, they fail to realize that in as many chances as they have to repent and acknowledge his existence with each breath they take, many will still deem themselves in the eternal fires and not have the opt to be with God in Heaven...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    From my experience these last few days on the boards, there are at least two types here. The first is the occasional drifter who actually has a spiritual question. The second are those who are here basically fighting a huge debate, mainly through trolling, with one another, neither being convinced or swayed at all by either of the other's arguments, nor even open to them as represented by the high level of slander as opposed to actual discussion. Good luck finding the drifters!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Sure I'll say it but you must product said god, however the god must be a MORAL ONE and the god dilemma proves that ALL GODS tested so far are IMMORAL

    The GOD Morality Dilemma

    1. Can your god change the rules for his followers to follow at any time? (Yes/No)

    2. Do you believe your gods word absolute? (Yes/No)

    3. When god orders you to kill your own child, will you? (Yes/No)

    As proof that god will, does and can force his followers to murder Brothers, Family and Friends is in Exodus 32:26-29 is just one of many instances of evidence that god in the past has ordered people to kill family members, friends and neighbors and praised them for doing so.

    ~~~ R. Ries 1987 The GMD

    This dilemma is proven for a fact by this video

    Nov. 11 2009 here

    This also shows the immorality of all gods

    What this morality dilemma shows is that atheists have higher sense of morality than any deist or person of “Faith” because “Faith” forces it’s believers to place their sense of morality in the hands of authority, i.e. church, bible, religion, god or pastor/preacher.

    An Atheist gain their sense of “Morality“ from their humanity and not an authority!

    No REAL god would force someone to put their own species above him/her/it's self i.e. God therefore the christian and muslim gods are known not to exist and even if they do exist

    I still would not worship them because of their immoral behaviors

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Agnostic. And yes id say that. If your God does exist i absolutely hope that he would come down and save every person on earth. And take us all to this Heaven where all of our loved ones are, give us all mansions with 4 car garages, jacuzzi tubs, and Ferraris for everyone. There'd be no crime, no murders, no illness, no death, no worries, and we could all live a perfect existance. But to me.... thats sounds like a big fairytale... if i ever heard one.

  • 1 decade ago

    If the Christian god were real then yes I would like to know about it.

    Fortunately, there's no evidence that he is real. I say "fortunately" because if the descriptions are accurate, he's kind of a jerk.

  • No to be honest I don't care either way, what's important to me is what appears to be true.

    Also I don't think it's that we don't want "an answer we can grab hold of" rather that we don't get such answers from theists or theism (in fact those things appear to specialise in obfuscation.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. Most atheists and agnostics do that. I do.

    One thing about is though is we can't just force ourselves to beleive/have a paradigm shift that we interpret reality to completely by willpower.

    We recognize it's extremely ignorant to think that the way you think completely by choice without evidence is the way it is for everyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    It all comes down to probability. Among all of the possible origins for our universe, your mythology offers just one among billions and billions of other possibilities. The odds of it actually being your god are so astoundingly low that I do not want to waste my time with belief.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm more interested in the mythos behind religions rather than any idea that they might be real, after all by there very nature deities are unprovable.

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