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My good friend ended his life recently because?

A friend whom i know for 17yrs ended his life recently because his wife of 8yrs decided to file for a divorce.The reason,his wife claimed she was earning more than him.My friend was doing well before he was retrenched in 2006.From my understanding, he tried very hard & finally got a job which pays less.He wasted no time and took on another job,( a Cab driver by nite) He was down & depressed and we did our best cheer & helped him as Much as we could.He did told us abt his wife who started to pick on trivial matters.) Quarrels over trivial matters were inevitable.We knew how desperate he wanted to salvage the marriage. He told us he doesn't wanted a divorce.

Things took for the worst and I received a call from his worrying mother that he committed suicide by ending his own life. A Note wrote how much he loves his wife,he will work hard to provide her and his daughter. He has a beautiful daughter, age 10.

What puzzled me was is MONEY really so important that.Its been over 2 months now and I still failed to find any reasonable explanations that is marriage measured by money? Shouldn't both husband and wife be supportive and encouraging specially in bad times?

(*Note:There was no "3rd party","domestic violence","Owes loanshark" etc.

So if anyone who wish to comment & share. Pls do so but kindly do not make fun of my friend's death)

**Peter,we will miss u.dearly..." From yr buddies, Hans,Wei Chiang,Casey & Gavins


Thanks for all whom wish to share ,advice or comment..Thank u form the bottom of our hearts

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    RIP dude. You can't blame a stormy sea for sinking a ship. The faulty falls squarely on the seaworthiness of the vessel.

  • 1 decade ago


    In my case the woman I was with thought all she had to do in life was bare children and leave everything else up to the man. AND I MEAN EVERYTHING !!@! I got hurt after we had 2 children & I was on the job working tons of OT. But that wasn't enough. And when it came time for her to just get a part time job so we could buy cigarettes, diapers, and other somewhat necessaries she decided she would bolt. And mind you, she was heavily influenced by women fro Alanon & AA as they were also part of HER problem.

    I never once thouyght of suicide, yet I can understand where this man was thinking. Women have become evil due to radical feminisum and the VAWA Act of 2000. It is littered with being unconstitutional among other things.


    Source(s): Personal experiences.
  • Ken
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If your friend's wife divorced him because she was making more money, I strongly suggest he was a victim of domestic violence only the abuse shelters will not call it that, instead they will abuse your friend even more by telling us how weak he was and in fact, how weak males are in general for doing things like this. Yet these same people have the expectation that men are the providers of their families and we see this with child support awards where men are accessed far more than are women with the same income. Often men are told to pay support on what they could be making, not on what they are making. Back to your friend however, if she left him because she made more money, there is a good chance she also belittled him because he did not make as much as her. I wonder what other ways she was demasulating him?

    I am amazed at the number of double standards in the domestic violence industry, so much that it seems only men can abuse women because whatever women do to men is not considered abuse.

    I am very sorry for what happened to your friend but in reality, there is an epidemic of men doing this but most do it because in the divorce they know they are also losing their kids too and often are told they will never see them again. I also feel strongly that many of the men who kill their family do so because they know the kids will be left in the hands of their abuser and they are not willing to stand by and not be able to do anything about that.

  • Tan D
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Marriage is not just about money, and who earn more or less. If a wife chosen to divorce her husband of 8 years with a beautiful daughter of 10? Frankly, the reason may not be as simple as because "she is earning more than him". We are all outsiders, can never understand the problems in a marriage the couple are facing.

    But, personally, I feel that it's definitely not wise to end one life over a failure marriage.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend's passing.

    That his wife would say that he committed suicide becuase she made more than him is the height of callousness and stupidity. If she would say something that stupid and ignorant, my guess is that the real reason for his suicide is that she was about to make his life a living hell in divorce court (and afterwords) -- and somebody that heartless would do just that without blinking an eye.

    Becuase our public health system is obsessed with the welfare of women, and comparatively uncaring with respect to men, they will not tell the truth about men and suicide: that men commit suicide 4 times more often than women do; that white men account for 75% of all suicides; and that divorce statistically doubles a man's odds of committing suicide.

  • 1 decade ago

    I´m very sorry for your loss.

    As important as money is, to me it sounds as if ur friend had some other issues. I mean, if they weren´t in a big debt, Why would he do this? Probably he never felt appreciated and loved by her, so he hit bottom rock. I´m sorry for the girl, I think that the most immediate concern here is her. U guys have to make sure that she gets counseling and lots of love. It would be good for the wife to get some counseling and perhaps some love, seems like she puts money before people, and u guys dont´want that to happen again ( the dauter ).

  • 1 decade ago

    The threat of divorce courts in male minds can trigger many events as the statistics are appalling, It could be he feared the loss of his child, the loss of his house, the loss of everything he worked for and believed in. The threat of attorneys and wives getting together is a pretty scary thought for many men I know, who walk on eggshells and give their wives what they want with a silent knowledge that if they don't she can walk down to court and have him removed in ten minutes from everything he owns forever. We unfortunately will never fully know what the relationship was like and why it deteriorated. I am particularly sorry for the child if any of this marriage, but life goes on and she can move on to greener pastures.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Unfortunately he married someone that wasn't worth his time, and he kept using his time to focus on someone that wasn't worth one second of his attention. I'm deeply sorry for your loss, and the only thing I can hope for is that this ordeal opened the eyes of his ex-wife, so that she can become a better person and realize what is important in life.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm very sorry to hear that. A man I knew killed himself, his wife and their two children last year...over money. Except it isn't Really over money. I believe it was about him not being able to feel like a man who could provide for his family. Your friend...I bet he felt that way too, the economy got bad, money got tight, which likely lead to problems in the marriage and him not feeling like man, not feeling good enough, not able to provide, insecure about himself and the future. Men are very strange and sensitive when it comes to feeling inadequate financially, it can really affect them and cause them to not feel like a real man anymore. Again, I am very sorry to hear about your friend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is a major problem in this Mancession. Dr. Laura did a piece on it.

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