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Loves ALL kinds of music especially the Blues and Rock. Likes Swimming ,Watersports, Soccer and Travelling. Collects Coke Cola items (from all over the world)currently hv close to 2000 pcs of collectables.

  • X FACTOR USA ..worst TV reality show?

    LA Reid and Nicole played dirty when during one eposide sent Rachael Crow and let this guy whatever his name is...stayed. Nicole isnt qulified to be a judge.Pls sent her home

    11 AnswersReality Television10 years ago
  • Is it true that jockeys secretly give signals to others if he is going to win on that Horse?

    Is is true or rumour that the jockeys give "secret"signals like the way he holds the whip,hand signals to let those "bookies" if he/she is going all way out to win? And vise verse .If yes ,is there a way to see the signals? Curious to know.

    5 AnswersHorse Racing10 years ago
  • How to deal with a BAD Supervisor.?Pls Advice..URGENT HELP NEEDED?

    I am writing coz of desperation .Our supervisor has been picking on one of my fellow colleague almost everyday. But eversince this supervisor joined in and took charge of our dept. four months ago, our morales are extremely down. The whole team was down. He starts picking on one of my fellow colleague almost everyday.He would makes bad remarks(calling him names) in front of customers.HE was constantly scoulded in front of customers for small trival matters.Once, he claims he's doing this to him is for his own good.(But, he is a gd worker) Our supervisor has the habit of saying he's useless, numskull, idiot and no "brainer" Yes, he did made a mistake one time but our supervisor just like picking on him. Currently, our morales are extremely low and we felt bad abt our colleague cos apart from the past mistake,he did ok in his job. We have had brought up the matter to our manageress but apparently nothing has been done. Last month, he wrote a memo that whenever we sees him walks by, he expected to be greeted. Just last week, we were so busy attending to our customers and he waked passed us. later that day, all of us were summoned to his office. all four of us were scoulded and interrogated on why he wasnt being greetd when he walked by.He DEMANDED an apology from each one of us. One of my colleague tried to reason out with him and he was fired on the spot. Now only three of us left in our dept. We did checked with our manageress but she said reason given to her was my colleague was rude to him which was totally untrue. He lost his rice bowl (he is the only sole bread winner of his family) and now everyone of us feared the same will happen to us. Our supervsior has no respect for us,calling us "bunch of idiots". He is still picking on him on daily basis and we felt so HELPLESS. We are really lost and pls advice and help us what is the best thing to do without losing our rice bowls....Can anyone be kind enough to advise ..Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Should I lend her the money?

    My ex girlfriend approached me few days back that she was broke and needed money to pay rent and buy new clothes.We were a couple for abt 6yrs and just 3 months ago, she claimed if we were to get married, she wants to get a condo instead of HDB flat.I tried explaining to her HDB flats design nowadays are just as good cos we need to be practical.(4 room unit)She told me later she wanted to break off citing reasons that many of her friends, colleagues lives in condos.I tried talking into some sense but just doesnt want to listen. Yes, I was devastated. Four months later after the break off, i received her call saying she wanted to start anew.She also requested for a loan of SSG 6K to pay off her debts.

    I need advice as to see should i help her or reject her? pls kindly advice. some of my friends said she's faking and should just ignore her..What should I do ?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Is Mdeiacorp artiste Michelle Chia's marriage "Game Over"?

    Rumours started before Singapore's very own "Star Awards".Sadly, rumours has it that Sean was cheating on her.(This is one side of the breakup) They even invited and let media corp televise "LIVE" at her wedding dinner. Barely less than 3 yrs, its game over.Sean is really a moron ! He has one of the most gorgeous girl as his wife & he wasn't satisfied.Michelle is a talented lady and has joined Mark Lee into other businesses.Yet, she is never proud.her hubby (not as popular as her) maybe jealous over issues.Does anyone knows the true reasons?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My fellow colleagues needed yr advice on how to deal with a bad supervisor?

    I ve been working in this company for the past 6yrs and I do enjoyed my work,So do my fellow colleagues.(my department has 6 ppl)

    Everyone of us knows each other for many yrs and has became good friends.However,the company employed a supervisor abt 8 months ago and things turned for the worst.He loves "ordering" us around.He has no respect for others.He was indeed "backstabbing" us and made very clear he is totally in charge. & And should anyone who do what he said, his annual appraisal WILL BE AFFECTED!

    During one incident, a senior colleague had sprained his leg but didn't consult a Doctor or Physician.We later learnt that he was scared that he will be scolded by him (Supervisor)

    This Supervisor loves to use our Annual Performance Appraisal to intimidate us.He can easily fault us if he was in a bad mood.Since the day he joined, he had never interested to show any care.Instead he loves telling us stories abt his previous job and how he hire and fire someone if he doent like the person.It left us puzzled & speechless.We aren't exaggerating and all of us are extremely worried that he will find fault wif us and we will be at the losing end as well as our rice bowl..Please can anyone help to advice

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • My good friend ended his life recently because?

    A friend whom i know for 17yrs ended his life recently because his wife of 8yrs decided to file for a divorce.The reason,his wife claimed she was earning more than him.My friend was doing well before he was retrenched in 2006.From my understanding, he tried very hard & finally got a job which pays less.He wasted no time and took on another job,( a Cab driver by nite) He was down & depressed and we did our best cheer & helped him as Much as we could.He did told us abt his wife who started to pick on trivial matters.) Quarrels over trivial matters were inevitable.We knew how desperate he wanted to salvage the marriage. He told us he doesn't wanted a divorce.

    Things took for the worst and I received a call from his worrying mother that he committed suicide by ending his own life. A Note wrote how much he loves his wife,he will work hard to provide her and his daughter. He has a beautiful daughter, age 10.

    What puzzled me was is MONEY really so important that.Its been over 2 months now and I still failed to find any reasonable explanations that is marriage measured by money? Shouldn't both husband and wife be supportive and encouraging specially in bad times?

    (*Note:There was no "3rd party","domestic violence","Owes loanshark" etc.

    So if anyone who wish to comment & share. Pls do so but kindly do not make fun of my friend's death)

    **Peter,we will miss u.dearly..." From yr buddies, Hans,Wei Chiang,Casey & Gavins

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Did Singapore do enough to help the Japanese victims after the 9.0 mega quake?

    We all know how badly Japan was hit by the "311" earthquake & Tsunami. I saw Taiwanese celebrities all gathered together to raise funds to help Japan.They(the celebrities,ppl) went all out and managed to raise quite a staggering amount.They worked, performed all for the good cause to help Japan.HongKong did quite well too. But what puzzled me was Mediacorp didn't really come up with a fund raising 'live'show to raise money to help Japan.Instead I mainly saw artistes and newscasters appearing in front of the camera saying comforting remarks.."Japan, our hearts are with u." Japan"Jia yu" dont lose hope u can overcome this' etc.

    Yes, many other groups have had made donations But in my opinion,Mediacorp should have did more than just that..Nevertheless, I wish Japan and their ppl well

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is there a limited playtime for Netherland Dwarfs ND bunnies...? Please kindly advise?

    I ve got a pair of Pure Bred ND (Netherland Dwarfs).Currently both of them are abt 8 weeks old.Despite keeping them in a cage at nite for them to sleep,I normally let them out to play in their big space (Area is abt 6ft by 6ft).They loves going thru holes which i made from boxes and they loves running and hopping from one place to another in seconds.I do find hard to catch up when I am trying to film them with my camera. They loves licking my hands and sometime even my feets! I loves my rabbits but can anyone tell me more abt these behavoirs? What are their most active time and resting time? And What kind of fruits are best for ND breds? Thank You :-)

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Where can I go to if I wishes to purchase a Bunny or Rabbit ?

    Besides going to the shelters, can anyone knows and kindly advise if there are reliable and fair pet shops selling Rabbits and Bunnies.... Would appreciate if u can furnish me the name and telephone numbers of the shops (THANKS A MILLION)

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • How often should I bathe my 5months old ND rabbit?

    Can anyone advise me.

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • I adopted an Netherland Dwarf . Its abt 7weeks old. She refused to eat the first two days.Why?

    She's was a abandoned and had a scar on her ear.She is doing fine and her coat of fur was much healthier .But I ve heard that do not feed lettuce to rabbits.IS it true?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • VOTING for SIngapore Idol or taking us for a ride?

    All along we know we need to vote for any good singers to continue their dreams.But what puzzles me is that everyweek 3 contestants called are "decided by Singapore voters.But the other 3 were decided by the judges!!! Itsreally ridiculous ! then they should tell us to vote for only 3 INSTEADOF ALL 12.!!! Then the stupid twist,add in another one contestantto make it the top 13 INSTEAD! Dont change as u like,itsour money to vote ,not the judges .........dont take singaporeans like fools.Pls Tell HARDY MIRZA(So called Big Brother) to come up wif something fresh and new to advice should he still hv the cheek to continue giving advices...he really sucks ...cut an ablumor do some community work instead

    5 AnswersSingapore1 decade ago
  • Hi everyone,pls help to recommend a reliable yet affordable dog farms or dog breeders.i m getting one puppy ?

    Pls can anyone dog lovers advice n recommend me a reliable n affordable pet farm or dog breeders.I m getting one puppy for my 14yo daugther who has luekemia.She's has gone thru treatment and the doc says sheis coping well.She has always wanted a puppy and she really loves animals.I have a bugdet of $500.Pls kindly recommend me to a shop or farm who can accomodate my bugdet.Yr kind replies are very very much appreciated.Hoping for yr favorable replies.Thank u so much to all of u.Do drop me an email if u can help

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Very Nasty Manager ..HI Can Anyone Help ...Yr Advices are important ... Pls?

    WE all know its stressful at times especially in working any company.Office polishing etc.Worst of all we hv a very demanding manager who kept bullying the new comers,passing very rude remarks on them(we I am one of the victim too).He gets all the credits while we slogged and did the work for him.When things didnt goes well or he's in a bad mood, he scolds us for apparent no reason(he does that when only the boss isnt 'around) 4 of our olleagues left cos they couldnt stand him anymore.Besides, he did warned us not to tell anyone if we want to keep our "ricebowl".Jobs are diiffcult to find.But besides leaving, are there any other ways to deal with him.He knows we need this job to feed our family but things are getting out of hand.He is constantly finding ways to intimidates us. We got backstabbed by him constantly for appparent no reasons.PLEASE CAN ANY KIND SOULS give us some good advices.WE all thank u from the bottom of our hearts

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • If World WAR 3 comes, who do u think is the likely culprit ...?

    If there is going to be a 3rd World War, who do u think will be the likely culprit to start the war ?

    13 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • How Many Of You thinks the Girls(Edison Chen's Photo Scandal) are victims?

    We all heard and seen pics of Edison Chen and his girls featured in the photos/videos.But honestly did the girls especially Twins' Gillian Chung the rest deserved to be called "Victims".They are a bunch of real ***** ! They should know they were enjoying so much that they didnt mind being photograped and taped by the Man Edison Chen.These girls are just as sick as Edison.Some says Gillian Chung,Bobo Chan photos were really gross !

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Pleading For Help and Advice on marriage..?

    Both my wife and have been married for 6yrs.All went well till last year when our marriage went downhill.We know the fact that its nothing to do with affairs,abuse or unfathfulness.We did tried to talk things over but to no avail.Both of us will argue over trivial matters.Her mood swings were constantly hurting our marriage.I sugguested to go for marriage counselling as the last resort to salvage the marriage.Unfortuntely, its didnt work .But it did help to identify one of the problems. She was constantly worrying abt her job(pharmcist).I m really at a loss.My gut feeling tells me a divorce will be inevitable if we still unable to sort the problems out fast.We still loves each other.It'll be a really sad to end up in a divorce. Can Anyone pls kindly advice .... I thank u from the bottom of my heart.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to invest 980k.I'm 36 yo n want to be a millionaire before i reach 40?

    I won the money(S980K) in a recent Toto draw.I;m 36yo and very excited and hope to be a millionaire ,hv a early retirement when I reach 40.Any one has the experience on what is the best to make the best investment.,any advices.thanks

    9 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago